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Object: AQB__InterestAccount__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Account Interests | AUTO NUMBER |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
AQB__AccountId__c | Account | LOOKUP | The account for this Interest (Accounts). |
AQB__Comment__c | Comment | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | Additional information about this interest. |
AQB__InterestGroup__c | Interest Group | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__LLInterestType__c | Interest Type | LOOKUP | The name of the group or general interest being tracked in this record. |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__Position__c | Position | TEXT(50) | Position held during participation in this activity. |
AQB__Source__c | Source | TEXT(100) |
AQB__StartDay__c | Start Day | PICKLIST | The day within the Start Month when participation in this Interest began. |
AQB__StartMonth__c | Start Month | PICKLIST | The month within the Start Year when participation in this Interest began. |
AQB__StartYear__c | Start Year | TEXT(4) | The year when participation in this Interest began. |
AQB__StopDay__c | Stop Day | PICKLIST | The day within the Stop Month when participation in this Interest ended. |
AQB__StopMonth__c | Stop Month | PICKLIST | The month within the Stop Year when participation in this Interest ended. |
AQB__StopYear__c | Stop Year | TEXT(4) | The year when participation in this Interest ended. |
aqcv_conversionid__c | aqcv conversionid | TEXT(255) | Unique id |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Start_Year | Start_Year |
Stop_Year | Stop_Year |
Name | Label |
InterestAccountTrigger | AQB.InterestAccountTrigger |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Account Interests |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | AQB__AccountId__c |
Label | Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The account for this Interest (Accounts). |
Description | The account for this Interest (Accounts). |
Name | AQB__Comment__c |
Label | Comment |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Additional information about this interest. |
Description | Additional information about this interest. |
Name | AQB__InterestGroup__c |
Label | Interest Group |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__LLInterestType__c |
Label | Interest Type |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The name of the group or general interest being tracked in this record. |
Description | The name of the group or general interest being tracked in this record. |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__Position__c |
Label | Position |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Position held during participation in this activity. |
Description | Position held during participation in this activity. |
Name | AQB__Source__c |
Label | Source |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | AQB__StartDay__c |
Label | Start Day |
Help Text | The day within the Start Month when participation in this Interest began. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | The day within the Start Month when participation in this Interest began. |
Name | AQB__StartMonth__c |
Label | Start Month |
Help Text | The month within the Start Year when participation in this Interest began. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | The month within the Start Year when participation in this Interest began. |
Name | AQB__StartYear__c |
Label | Start Year |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | The year when participation in this Interest began. |
Description | The year when participation in this Interest began. |
Name | AQB__StopDay__c |
Label | Stop Day |
Help Text | The day within the Stop Month when participation in this Interest ended. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | The day within the Stop Month when participation in this Interest ended. |
Name | AQB__StopMonth__c |
Label | Stop Month |
Help Text | The month within the Stop Year when participation in this Interest ended. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | The month within the Stop Year when participation in this Interest ended. |
Name | AQB__StopYear__c |
Label | Stop Year |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | The year when participation in this Interest ended. |
Description | The year when participation in this Interest ended. |
Name | aqcv_conversionid__c |
Label | aqcv conversionid |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Unique | Yes |
Description | Unique id |