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Object: AQB__Education__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Education | AUTO NUMBER |
RecordTypeId | Record Type ID | LOOKUP |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
AQB__AreasofStudy__c | Areas of Study | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) | The discipline(s) that the Contact studied. |
AQB__Campus__c | Campus | PICKLIST |
AQB__CertificationDescription__c | Certification Description | TEXT AREA(255) |
AQB__Certification__c | Certification | TEXT(80) |
AQB__ConferringEntity__c | Conferring Entity | TEXT(80) |
AQB__ContactId__c | Contact | LOOKUP | The contact for this Education. |
AQB__DateIssued__c | Date Issued | DATE |
AQB__DegreeDiploma__c | Degree/Diploma | PICKLIST | The type of Degree or Diploma associated with this Education record. |
AQB__DegreeLevel__c | Degree Level | PICKLIST |
AQB__Department__c | Department | PICKLIST |
AQB__EntryClassYear__c | Entry Class Year | TEXT(4) |
AQB__ExpirationDate__c | Expiration Date | DATE |
AQB__FirstYearofAttendance__c | First Year of Attendance | TEXT(4) | The year in which the Contact began to attend the Institution indicated in this record. |
AQB__GraduationYear__c | Graduation Year | TEXT(4) | The year that the Degree or Diploma was actually awarded. |
AQB__Graduation_Month__c | Graduation Month | PICKLIST |
AQB__Granting_School__c | Granting School | PICKLIST |
AQB__HonoraryDegree__c | Honorary Degree? | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Institution__c | Institution | LOOKUP | The school or institution associated with this Education record. |
AQB__InstitutionalUnit__c | Institutional Unit | LOOKUP | The Institutional Unit associated with this record. |
AQB__IsPrimaryDegree__c | Is Primary Degree | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__LastYearofAttendance__c | Last Year of Attendance | TEXT(4) | The year in which the Contact concluded their attendance at the Institution indicated in this record. |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__PreferredYear__c | Preferred Year | TEXT(4) | The class year with which the Contact prefers to be identified. Sometimes referred to as the Social Year. |
AQB__School__c | School | PICKLIST |
AQB__Source__c | Source | TEXT(100) |
AQB__Specialty__c | Specialty | PICKLIST |
AQB__Status__c | Status | PICKLIST |
AQB__SubSpecialtyCategory__c | Sub-Specialty Category | PICKLIST |
AQB__SubSpecialty__c | Sub-Specialty | PICKLIST |
AQB__Type__c | Type | PICKLIST |
Degree_Diploma__c | Degree/Diploma | TEXT(100) | AQ_Custom |
LL_Area_of_Study__c | Major | LOOKUP | AQ_Custom |
SITS_Award_Code__c | SITS Award Code | TEXT(10) | AQ_Custom |
aqcv_conversionid__c | aqcv conversionid | TEXT(255) | Unique id |
usyd_student_edu_id__c | USYD student edu id | TEXT(30) |
AQC_Financial_Aid_Code__c | Financial Aid Code | PICKLIST | AQ_Custom |
AQB__StudentStatus__c | Student Status | PICKLIST | Student Status at Institution |
Flag__c | Flag | TEXT(1) |
USYD_graduation_year__c | USYD_graduation_year | FORMULA (DATE) |
AQB__EngagementScoreCategory__c | Engagement Score Category | PICKLIST | Identifies the category group the engagement score will be totaled in to. |
AQB__EngagementScoreOverride__c | Engagement Score Override | CHECKBOX | This field will be used to change the value of the score manually to a value that does not meet the criteria of the defined rule within the Engagement Score parameter. |
AQB__EngagementScore__c | Engagement Score | NUMBER(4,0) | This field holds the score value associated with an override. |
Usyd_Award_Short_Desc__c | Award Short Desc | TEXT(100) | Award abbreviation |
USYD_Abbreviated_Grad_Year__c | Abbreviated Grad Year | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Abbreviated year for Event Brief Template |
Education_ID_18_Digits__c | Education ID (18 Digits) | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
USYD_Course_Group__c | Course Group | TEXT(100) |
USYD_Course_Name__c | Course Name | TEXT(100) |
USYD_Degree_Type__c | Degree Type | TEXT(100) |
USYD_Department__c | Department | LOOKUP |
USYD_Faculty_Alias__c | Faculty Alias | TEXT(80) |
USYD_Faculty__c | Faculty | TEXT(80) |
USYD_School__c | School | LOOKUP |
USYD_University_school__c | University School | LOOKUP |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Degree_Year_Check | Degree_Year_Check |
Entry_Class_Must_be_Numeric | Entry_Class_Must_be_Numeric |
First_Year_Check | First_Year_Check |
Last_Year_of_Attendance | Last_Year_of_Attendance |
Preferred_Year | Preferred_Year |
Name | Label |
Education | AQB.Education |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Education |
Required | Yes |
Name | RecordTypeId |
Label | Record Type ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | AQB__AreasofStudy__c |
Label | Areas of Study |
Help Text | The discipline(s) that the Contact studied. |
Picklist values | Accounting |
Description | The discipline(s) that the Contact studied. |
Name | AQB__Campus__c |
Label | Campus |
Help Text | If the institution has multiple locations, this indicates with which this record is associated. |
Picklist values | AGSM |
Name | AQB__CertificationDescription__c |
Label | Certification Description |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | A description of the certification. |
Name | AQB__Certification__c |
Label | Certification |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The actual certification awarded. |
Name | AQB__ConferringEntity__c |
Label | Conferring Entity |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The entity conferring this certificate. |
Name | AQB__ContactId__c |
Label | Contact |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The contact for this Education. |
Description | The contact for this Education. |
Name | AQB__DateIssued__c |
Label | Date Issued |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date this certification was issued. |
Name | AQB__DegreeDiploma__c |
Label | Degree/Diploma |
Help Text | The type of Degree or Diploma associated with this Education record. |
Picklist values | BA |
Description | The type of Degree or Diploma associated with this Education record. |
Name | AQB__DegreeLevel__c |
Label | Degree Level |
Help Text | Indicates the level of degree for which the contact was matriculated. |
Picklist values | Graduate Certificate |
Name | AQB__Department__c |
Label | Department |
Help Text | The Department within the Institution or within the School that awarded the Degree or Diploma. |
Picklist values | Aboriginal Performing Arts |
Name | AQB__EntryClassYear__c |
Label | Entry Class Year |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | The class with which this contact first matriculated. |
Name | AQB__ExpirationDate__c |
Label | Expiration Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date this certificate expires. |
Name | AQB__FirstYearofAttendance__c |
Label | First Year of Attendance |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | The year in which the Contact began to attend the Institution indicated in this record. |
Description | The year in which the Contact began to attend the Institution indicated in this record. |
Name | AQB__GraduationYear__c |
Label | Graduation Year |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | The year that the Degree or Diploma was actually awarded. |
Description | The year that the Degree or Diploma was actually awarded. |
Name | AQB__Graduation_Month__c |
Label | Graduation Month |
Help Text | Month in which this degree was awarded. |
Picklist values | Jan |
Name | AQB__Granting_School__c |
Label | Granting School |
Help Text | The name of the school as it was known at the time the degree was granted. |
Picklist values | Old School of Law |
Name | AQB__HonoraryDegree__c |
Label | Honorary Degree? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Checked if this is an honorary degree. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Institution__c |
Label | Institution |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The school or institution associated with this Education record. |
Description | The school or institution associated with this Education record. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalUnit__c |
Label | Institutional Unit |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The Institutional Unit associated with this record. |
Description | The Institutional Unit associated with this record. |
Name | AQB__IsPrimaryDegree__c |
Label | Is Primary Degree |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Indicates if this Education record is set as the Primary Degree data on the Contact record. |
Name | AQB__LastYearofAttendance__c |
Label | Last Year of Attendance |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | The year in which the Contact concluded their attendance at the Institution indicated in this record. |
Description | The year in which the Contact concluded their attendance at the Institution indicated in this record. |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__PreferredYear__c |
Label | Preferred Year |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | The class year with which the Contact prefers to be identified. Sometimes referred to as the Social Year. |
Description | The class year with which the Contact prefers to be identified. Sometimes referred to as the Social Year. |
Name | AQB__School__c |
Label | School |
Help Text | The School within the Institution with which this record is associated. It is equivalent to Faculty and is controlling field for Department. |
Picklist values | Arts and Social Sciences |
Name | AQB__Source__c |
Label | Source |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | AQB__Specialty__c |
Label | Specialty |
Help Text | Professional speciality studied. |
Picklist values | Pediatrics |
Name | AQB__Status__c |
Label | Status |
Help Text | The status of this certificate. |
Picklist values | Active |
Name | AQB__SubSpecialtyCategory__c |
Label | Sub-Specialty Category |
Help Text | Category within the Sub-Specialty. |
Picklist values | Reconstructive |
Name | AQB__SubSpecialty__c |
Label | Sub-Specialty |
Help Text | Sub-speciality within speciality. |
Picklist values | Adolescent Medicine |
Name | AQB__Type__c |
Label | Type |
Help Text | The type of certificate. |
Picklist values | Certificate |
Name | Degree_Diploma__c |
Label | Degree/Diploma |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | LL_Area_of_Study__c |
Label | Major |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | SITS_Award_Code__c |
Label | SITS Award Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | aqcv_conversionid__c |
Label | aqcv conversionid |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Unique | Yes |
Description | Unique id |
Name | usyd_student_edu_id__c |
Label | USYD student edu id |
Type | TEXT(30) |
Name | AQC_Financial_Aid_Code__c |
Label | Financial Aid Code |
Help Text | This field contains the Financial Aid Code for the student. |
Picklist values | International Fee Paying |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | AQB__StudentStatus__c |
Label | Student Status |
Help Text | Student Status |
Picklist values | Active |
Description | Student Status at Institution |
Name | Flag__c |
Label | Flag |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Name | USYD_graduation_year__c |
Label | USYD_graduation_year |
Name | AQB__EngagementScoreCategory__c |
Label | Engagement Score Category |
Help Text | If using the override option, the appropriate engagement score category will be stored in this field. |
Picklist values | Communications |
Description | Identifies the category group the engagement score will be totaled in to. |
Name | AQB__EngagementScoreOverride__c |
Label | Engagement Score Override |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If a manual update is needed for the Engagement Score value that is outside the parameters of the rule defined, the Engagement Score Override can be used. Marking the override checkbox, selecting the corresponding category will allow the user to manually override the "Engagement Score" field. |
Default value | false |
Description | This field will be used to change the value of the score manually to a value that does not meet the criteria of the defined rule within the Engagement Score parameter. |
Name | AQB__EngagementScore__c |
Label | Engagement Score |
Type | NUMBER(4,0) |
Help Text | When completing an Engagement Score override users will select the category, check the override box, and fill the engagement score field value to the desired score value. All three fields will need to be placed on the desired object. |
Description | This field holds the score value associated with an override. |
Name | Usyd_Award_Short_Desc__c |
Label | Award Short Desc |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Award abbreviation |
Description | Award abbreviation |
Name | USYD_Abbreviated_Grad_Year__c |
Label | Abbreviated Grad Year |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Abbreviated year for Event Brief Template |
Description | Abbreviated year for Event Brief Template |
Name | Education_ID_18_Digits__c |
Label | Education ID (18 Digits) |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | USYD_Course_Group__c |
Label | Course Group |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | USYD_Course_Name__c |
Label | Course Name |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | USYD_Degree_Type__c |
Label | Degree Type |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | USYD_Department__c |
Label | Department |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | USYD_Faculty_Alias__c |
Label | Faculty Alias |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | USYD_Faculty__c |
Label | Faculty |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | USYD_School__c |
Label | School |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | USYD_University_school__c |
Label | University School |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |