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TAP GA AQ Training Wrap Up
Priscila Tello-Vela (AQ Consultant)
Api Kumaradevan
Josh Teichman
Adriana Sung
Sankar Murugan
Monica Kluegel
Demelza Birtchnell
Yeng Sembrano
Rizwan Dilawar
Alain Gasquet
Laila Valterio
Rommel Ngo
Jessica Wood
Kate May
Meeting Notes
Shout outs to Monica, Priscila, Adriana, and Rommel for organising the sessions.
Why did we have AQ Training?
After 2 years of working with AQ TAP sought out AQ expertise in their process and practices
How did the training go?
There were 12 focus topics that TAP selected for the sessions. This focused around 18 Jira tickets.
What are the outcomes?
50% of the 12 topics that were covered were on AQ products that aren't currently in use to solve present and future business needs
There were 40 scenarios that were reviewed throughout the sessions that focused on best practices and reviewing enhancement requests
Summary of the sessions provided by Priscila
Topics for improvement
Apsona and receipting
Support tickets
Flow and automation limits
Giving summaries
Covering accounts
Unuse4d Features
Pledge write-off utility
HEP integration and matching gifts
Data consumption, use of fields and page layouts for easier end-user use
Action items for USYD
Technical improvements
Removing deprecated fields from page layouts
Using Chatter and notifications
Review unneeded flows from SmartBatch 2.0 upgrade
Payment number field
Parent Account use
Activate consolidated gift entry type
Anonymity picklist
Business improvements
Business processes around the receipting utility. Possibly need options outside of the existing utility
Processing matching gifts
Report on Gift/Pledge for Amount Pledge or Rollup Field
Any new business processes that need to be explored if the write off utility is rolled out
AQ Roadmap by Priscila
Smartbatch 2.0 Part 1 - custom fields and ability to transfer data from batch item to Transaction
Defect Fixes as part of Release 25 and 26
Contact Utilities - toggle triggers component error
Receipting Utility data fixed to work with Australian timezone
Smartbatch 2.0 Part 2
Added entry types
Priscila recommended upgrading to Version 25 first while standardising business processes and adopt more best practices around flows and page layouts. After stabilising on version 25 then USYD should consider upgrading to Version 26 as it contains many bug fixes.
Api confirmed that we're currently on Version 24 and that most of the GA bugs are resolved in Version 25 and 26. Api asked the team how much work is required in upgrading to Release 25 and 26. Priscila claimed that switching to SmartBatch 2.0 is a smaller change. Yeng flagged that the majority of the work comes from reviewing existing flows and determining which can be turned off due to enhancements with SmartBatch 2.0.
Monica said that there needs to be some data that needs to be fixed in order to maximise the benefits of moving to SmartBatch 2.0
Demelza asked what the plan was around staying up to date with the latest AQ versions. Josh confirmed that the position is to be at least N -1 eg N being the current release. This comes down to prioritisation about what needs to slow down or stop so that we can prioritise the upgrades.
Priscila is going to share a lot of documentation about best practices for gift processing processes.
Next steps
Api asked the group to come back internally and consolidate their learnings