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Data Quality Management
By June 2023 - KPI: Every residential & business address will be correct / accurate - this person lives here. Every title of each contact. Every prospect with a cap rating & influential alumni will have a live correct contactable contact detail (phone, email, address)
Handover Video 30/03/2023:
DQM Strategic Initiatives Roadmap:
Status 31/03/2023
6.1 Address Management, Email & Phone Rules of Engagement
Area | Comments | % | Status |
Business Rules Capture | Business Rules capture meetings revived as from 15/03/2023 to complete.
| 90% | ON TRACK With Revival of Weekly Meetings, also need to set up additional internal team meetings. |
Data Quality Rules and Dashboard | Data Quality rules captured, analysed, refined and next steps articulated.
| 90% | ON TRACK |
PowerBI Dashboards | Scheduled start for Apr 3, 2023 | 0% | NOT STARTED |
DQ Software | (a) Informatica POC underway , (b) Then Decision and Procurement and lastly (c) Implementation | 75% | ON TRACK |
DQ Cleaning | Dashboards and rules created, but no cleaning ownership, so that is slipping | 50% | BEHIND SCHEDULE |
Integration Fixes | Tickets raised, but not getting actioned timely by developers + marked as “Improvements”, so very low on the Dev priority list. | 50% | BEHIND SCHEDULE |
BAU Handover | BAU Model defined, Next steps defined, Needs to get buy-in from the various areas, and then roll out | 80% | ON TRACK |
DQM Strategic Initiatives 2023:
The strategic aim is to future proof the data quality of the Advancement Portfolio
1. Business Rules Capture
1. Business Rules Meetings Minutes
Jarvis Data Dictionary / Business Rules
Capture key business rules on a field by field basis. (Data Dictionary)
Roll out to other business units / training.
The Business Rules then drives the Data Quality Rules.
2. Data Quality Rules & DQ Dashboard / PowerBI Reporting Capability
2(a) Data Quality Rules & DQ Dashboard
2. Data Quality Rules and DQ Dashboards
Workshops to define Business Rules;
Business rules gives rise to DQ Rules;
Analysis of what causes it and how to fix it and who is responsible
Create Dashboards to make easily accessible and track.
2(b) PowerBI Reporting Capability
Ability to report over time
Drill down to individual records for DS Fixing
3. DQ Software / Capability: Aperture vs New
3. DQ Software: Requirements, Procurement and Implementation
Workshops to determine key outcomes to achieve
Catch up with vendors to understand their offering and do a gap analysis
Decision + Procurement
Implementation and training
4. Backlog Cleaning
DQ Cleaning
Track Backlog Cleaning Stats
5. Integration Fixes
5.1 SITS-Jarvis Integration BAU Production Defects
5.2 SWIFT-Jarvis Integration BAU Production Defects
Fix integration issues to prevent future data corruption
System | Process | Additional Info |
SWIFT | ||
SITS | ||
Documentation | |
6. BAU Transition
6. DQ BAU Operating Model (Post 30-Jun)
Create Data Quality Management Framework
Create process documents for each task that the Data Stewards needs to perform on a monthly basis, measure task estimates, define frequency.
Meeting Minutes / Actions:
No | Date | Description | Responsible | When | Status | Comments |
DQ-0026 | Mar 2, 2023 | Weekly Data Cleaning Status Report Spreadsheet, @albie.roets Feb 24, 2023 . (To be provided to @AlainGasquet @Polina Nikulina on a Monday morning with results as at COB on the previous Friday,) | @albie.roets | Feb 24, 2023 | DONE | Actioned and placed here on a weekly basis: |
DQ-0027 | Feb 27, 2023 | BAU Operating Model: Full List of DQ Reports with: what is causing the issue, how to fix, responsible, next steps, etc, @albie.roets with @Manpreet Sidhu , Mar 3, 2023 | @albie.roets | Mar 3, 2023 | IN PROGRESS | Rules, causes, fixing, RACI, freq + next steps captured: 2. Data Quality Rules and DQ Dashboards plus the summary in 6. DQ BAU Operating Model (Post 30-Jun) |
DQ Task Report: