Ways of Working/Framework Placeholder

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Ways of Working/Framework Placeholder

Objectives of the Workshop:

  • Agree ways of Working

  • Agree key is to simplify complexity


  • Values and Culture

    • What sort of team are we trying to build?

    • How are we going to get there?


TAP Product Team Meeting Types, Cadence and Participants

  • Quarterly Planning and Review

  • Sprint Planning

  • Business Leads Update ( 2 per week)

  • ICT Daily Stand up

  • ICT Focused Area (e.g. Integration, Testing) on demand

  • Backlog Refinement

  • Retrospectives


Demand Management

  • Incident Management - we have 30% of capacity allocated for day to day support, such as

    • xx

    • xx

    • xx

  • New requirement/product enhancement management

    • Is Bug?

    • Is Request?

    • Is Valid?

      • Is Aligned? (Priority? etc)

      • Is fit for purpose/solvable?

    • Is Vendor Responsible?






Five Dysfunctions of a team





Empathy Triangle (Love/Power/Truth)

Short videos


Summary on empathy


Tools for Off Site




Trust/Vulnerability Paradox

How to build trust in a team?

If I don’t trust you enough to be vulnerable in your presence then we can’t build a good team.


Examples Of Complexity








The number of active flows in Jarvis Org



The number of flows on the contact object Jarvis Org



The number of validation rules on the Opportunity Object Jarvis Org



The number of Permission Sets in Jarvis Org



Number of Issues in the Jarvis Backlog Backlog



Number of API’s from SITS



Number of Q4 Priorities



Sharing Rules for EE



Profiles and Roles



Tickets in Sprint 30 that should not be there. 11 GA Tickets



Overarching Principles

  • Stabilise: The platform to reduce technical debt

  • Simplify and Standardise: The Processes and Technology

  • Scale: Build capability to enable growth and value

Principles of Design Simplicity (to reduce complexity)

Famous Quote:
“When you start looking at a problem and it seems really simple,  you don’t really understand the complexity of the problem.  Then you get into the problem,  and you see that it’s really complicated,  and you come up with all these convoluted solutions.  That’s sort of the middle,  and that’s where most people stop... But the really great person will keep on going and find the key, the underlying principle of the problem — and come up with an elegant,  really beautiful solution that works”

  • Adopt over Adapt - Structure business processes around “out of the box” functionality (bend the process to the system not the other way around)

  • Clicks over Code - Exhaust declarative configuration options before attempting programmatic customisation

  • Reuse and Simplify - Think of the system as a whole and understand where repeated functionality can be avoided

  • Optimise data - Establish the right database structure and relationships using standard objects before custom

  • Integrate efficiently - Transform and orchestrate in the integration layer

  • Code well - Design with efficiency, minimisation and reuse in mind; robustly test and deploy. Ensure good practices such as abstraction and avoidance of tight-coupling components.

  • Don’t over-engineer -Don’t ask the platform to perform beyond its capabilities by building complex processes using tools and features not designed for it.





  • Example of a record with the same phone number in seven different fields

  • Lightning Utilities

Laila Thoughts/Handover Process

  • Triage process

  • Tracking of ‘stops and starts on projects’ i.e timesheets impact efficiency and dollar value

  • Who is are contact point if something has changed and how will communicate changes e.g. Tina’s personal folders in Jarvis (the ones that Pat set up when you started)

  • Etiquette around escalations (The ticket owner should be aware - transparency and visibility)

  • When there is agreement on work e.g. q4 needs to receive a ‘report’ that shows the division of work. Whether this is extracted from Jira or elsewhere I need to show the business where the tickets are coming from. e.g opps definition but which tickets went through that quarter under what classification. Not broad specific. Did the CS have the most tickets for example?

  • risk assessment in order to provide the business a full picture in decision making etc

  • Impact to business - backed and recorded

  • lessons learned and debriefing post go lives (not necessary for BAU work)

  • Creating a parking lot (this could link to triage process) and track


Example Stories




Team Exercise - Feedback

The first question: "What is the single most important behavioral characteristic or quality demonstrated by this person that contributes to the strength of our team?"

The second: "What is the single most important behavioral characteristic or quality demonstrated by this person that can sometimes derail the team?"

Team Exercise - Trust

At a staff meeting or off-site, go around the room and have every member of the team explain three things: where they grew up, how many kids were in their family, and what was the most difficult or important challenge of their childhood


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