2020-07-14 End User Training Strategy Discussion

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2020-07-14 End User Training Strategy Discussion


Jul 14, 2020


  • @Jules Levin

  • @alexia nicholson (Unlicensed)

  • @Rachel Forbes

  • @Adriana Sung

  • @Lisa Kilgariff (Unlicensed)

  • @apirami.kumaradevan (cc)

  • @lachlan.cahill (Unlicensed) (CC)

  • Rebecca Wood (CC)


The timeline and proposed approach to cutover from Advance to AQ, is as follows:

  • User Acceptance Testing – Nov/Dec 2020

  • Final data migration and cutover to AQ – Early Jan 2021

  • End user training – When users come back from year end holidays through January

 The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Training strategy – Champions to be selected across the Portfolio. Champions will need to be trained in using the system and conduct UAT. The champions will then be responsible for training end users through January.

 The training strategy will need to be documented to obtain approval for the approach, champions selected and training material prepared. AQ will provide material relating to their product, but training will also need to include aspects of privacy and handling data and also expectations with the new system such as capturing all constituent interactions.


  • Champions network to be created who will get early access to AQ, conduct UAT and train end users in their teams.

  • Rachel suggested that Champions network consist of two people from each team, one who is good with technology and one who is not.

  • The Champions network needs to include all Teams within the Advancement Portfolio including those that will be regular uses of AQ and those that will not.

  • Alexia mentioned that there is a list of teams that have access to Advance and what they use Advance for, which can be used as a starting point to creating the Champions network.

  • When initial pulse survey of Phoenix was conducted, many respondents said they would be willing to be involved in the project. This list will be used as a starting point to create a Champions network.

  • Adriana provided this list which includes the following people:


Alex Baxter

Jo Pinnegar


Isabella Jean Andrews


Dev Subramanian


Babette - always happy to help!



Realistic turnaround for jobs logged

Jo Paunot



Narina Janian



Mark Alcorn

Ciara Timlin



  • It was suggested that Directors should also be given AQ access so that they can be supporters of the systems use and test dashboards.

  • The list of proposed champions may need to be reduced depending on how many SF user licences can be made available.

  • A Training Strategy will be developed for tabling with the Steering Committee.

  • Training will need to include; using the product, business processes, data privacy and highlight expectations with the new system such as capturing all contact interactions.

Action items

@Lisa Kilgariff (Unlicensed)to create training strategy https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-941
@lachlan.cahill (Unlicensed)to convene a Champions Network https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-942


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