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Configuration Sprint Planning
Configuration Teams
Group 1: The Ho, Dev
Group 2: Manpreet, Sidra
Group 3: Yeng
Each group works in its own Dev Pro Sandbox
When configurations are “done” they are promoted to full Sandbox for QA and functional testing –
- Who should be responsible for QA?
Defects re-assigned to developers
Changes placed on backlog for consideration – reconfig for MVP or future phase
Work (JIRA tickets) assigned to developer teams for completion in 4 x 2 weeks sprints
Sprints commence on Tuesdays (Monday evening US)
Sprint planning meeting at the commencement of each sprint (Tuesday morning/Monday evening) to assign tasks to each development team to be worked on during the sprint. Lori/Griffin attend sprint planning meeting.
Daily stand-ups 9am-9:15am, Sydney time; Lori/ Griffin attend on Wednesdays and Fridays
Lori/griffin available 9am - midday, Tuesday - Friday to support developers
If developers have blockers, raise with Lori/Griffin through Jira ticket associated with item
Teams channel will be created and used for communications between development team and can also be used for communications with Lori/Griffin
Commencement of configuration sprints will be undertaken together with Lori/Griffin guiding developers
Integration development use partial sandbox
When each integration built and tested, its promoted to full sandbox
Prerequisites for Configuration Commencement
All object and field mappings documented
2nd conversion testing successfully completed
Process flows and instructions documented in sufficient detail to be used for configuration specification
Integration data identified during configurations that cannot be made available
Advance data/custom fields identified during configurations not included conversion
MVP requirements cannot be configured in the time frame
Configuration Sequence
Major Gift Prospect Experience
Identify required toolkit for each component {Workflow rule (cases, chatter, email) process builder, flow}
Prospect Development
Gift Implementation
Donor Relations
TAP - other
Permission set requirements for each persona (to be done by CSMs not developers)
Gift Processing
Identify required toolkit for each component {Workflow rule (cases, chatter, email) process builder, flow}
Matching Rules
Gift Administration
Donor Relations
Finance (Integration)
Permission set requirements for each persona (to be done by CSMs not developers)
Planned Giving Experience
Identify required toolkit for each component {Workflow rule (cases, chatter, email) process builder, flow}
Planned Giving
Prospect Development
Gift Implementation
Donor Relations
TAP - other
Permission set requirements for each persona (to be done by CSMs not developers)
Annual Fund Campaign Experience
Identify required toolkit for each component {Workflow rule (cases, chatter, email) process builder, flow}
Annual Fund Officers
Prospect Development
Gift Implementation
TAP - other
Permission set requirements for each persona (to be done by CSMs not developers)
Reports and Dashboards (all TAP persona)
Permission sets for all TAP persona
Permission set groups (all TAP persona)
Pages layout