2020-08-19 Stand-up notes

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2020-08-19 Stand-up notes


Aug 19, 2020



  • @Jules Levin

  • @Brad Fernandes (Unlicensed)

  • @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) (Apologies)

  • @Griffin Homan (Deactivated)

  • @apirami.kumaradevan

Standing Agenda

  • Progress against plan

  • Outstanding actions

  • Blockers

  • Focus for next week

  • Focus for following week

  • General


Progress against plan

  1. Griffin completed counts comparisons for data conversion. Some entities do not match exactly. @Griffin Homan (Deactivated) will send the results and explanations

  2. Monica and Rachel will finish Gift/pledge data validation testing by Friday. @Jules Levin to schedule a meeting for next Wednesday morning for AQ to present outcome of 1st data conversion including defects, items not considered defects and data mapping proposed changes

  3. @apirami.kumaradevan raised concern that configuration sprint planning has been completed and the start of the configs sprints in less than 3 weeks away, 2nd data conversion testing needs to occur and team is under pressure to be ready to commence the configurations. @Jules Levin to raise with @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) for AQ to review the proposed approach and finalise by next meeting on Friday

Outstanding Actions

See above



Focus for next week

  1. Start planning for parallel testing.

  2. Config planning

  3. Gift and pledge data testing

Focus for following week

  1. Parallel use case testing.

  2. Notification configurations

Action items


https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-765- @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)
Up to 34 custom fields excluding the 8 custom fields have been consumed with the business processes. @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)to provide an update next week@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) to confirm when receipting will be available.
@Jules Levin to talk to @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) about Byron access. and walk through @Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to complete record count validations by next Tuesday. Jules to talk to Byron about what he is trying to do.
@Jules Levin to confirm when gift data testing can be completed
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) to provide Monica and Rachel security permissions of gift officers for testing scenarios
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) will finishing reviewing comments on the process documents next week
@Jules Levinto schedule a meeting for next Wednesday morning for AQ to present outcome of 1st data conversion including defects, items not considered defects and data mapping proposed change.
@Jules Levin to raise with @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) concern that AQ is not supporting USYD to prepare for the configurations sprints and thatAQ must review the proposed configuration approach and finalise by next meeting on Friday
@Griffin Homan (Deactivated) will send the results and explanations of counts comparison of first data conversion

Outstanding Actions



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