2020-07-24 Stand-up notes

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2020-07-24 Stand-up notes


Jul 24, 2020



  • @Jules Levin

  • @Brad Fernandes (Unlicensed)

  • @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)

  • @Griffin Homan (Deactivated)

  • @apirami.kumaradevan

Standing Agenda

  • Progress against plan

  • Outstanding actions

  • Blockers

  • Focus for next week

  • Focus for following week

  • General


Progress against plan

  1. How much should users be able to do with reports - users create their own, provide templates, or team creates for users. Could allow users to run reports and not export. Don’t want people to be able to export as need to be aware of privacy at least initially

  2. Could allow people to do drag and drop to create reports but need to ensure users are trained first

  3. Need to think about reporting strategy (may need interim phase post go-live and then hand over to future state). Ask Yeng say 3-5 reports that everyone wants and embed those reports. Campaign and appeals. What are three components that they want to engage so embed the data and free up time so that the users can go to system to get the info.

  4. Ask DOs and support teams what are the 3 thing that you wish you see in the system without having to ask for reports.

  5. Lori loading glossary of terms into PRD org for reference.

Outstanding Actions



Errors with loading conversion data

Focus for next week

  1. Finish data conversion testing

  2. Annual fund Process workshop

  3. Blue sky process workshop

  4. Advance export for 2nd round of conversion testing

Focus for following week

  1. TBC.

Action items


https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-764- @Jules Levin
https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-765- @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)
https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-766- @Griffin Homan (Deactivated)
@Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to look at dependent pick lists so that set correctly in prd


  1. Proceed with Advance datadump next week for 2nd data conversion

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