2020-08-14 Stand-up notes

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2020-08-14 Stand-up notes


Aug 12, 2020



  • @Jules Levin

  • @Brad Fernandes (Unlicensed)

  • @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)

  • @Griffin Homan (Deactivated)

  • @apirami.kumaradevan

Standing Agenda

  • Progress against plan

  • Outstanding actions

  • Blockers

  • Focus for next week

  • Focus for following week

  • General


Progress against plan

  1. Raised defects from 1st data conversion has been reviewed by AQ

  2. Some are issues and some relate to the way AQ functions

  3. Names on households need to be addressed

  4. All issues minus gifts have been handled

  5. @Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to complete record count validations by next Tuesday. Gift and pledges counts are different to Advance due to the way they are addressed in. Also some others are slightly different

  6. Monica and Rachel to first focus on gift related data conversion testing before completing the process testing

  7. @Jules Levin to confirm when testing can be completed

  8. @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) to provide Monica and Rachel security permissions of gift officers for testing scenarios

  9. Dev Team can start building notifications next week..

  10. Conversation if Monica and Rachel next week

  11. Parallel testing (Contact reports, deceasing an entity, adding an opportunity can commence once Joining, Separation and Deceased tool training has been done. @Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to provide the training

  12. @Jules Levin schedule the above training for next Wednesday

  13. Capture use case. Entering contact reports, deceasing and entity, adding an opportunity - Similar to Monica and Rachel.

  14. Integrations build to be done in partial sandbox, when full set of data then repoint to full sandbox. - Benefit is that bit more time to work with data. Yeng and her team work in a dev or dev pro for individual development and promote to full sandbox. One person receiving in production. sign off and testing. Config in dev pro, partial for integration. AQ will create a box for yeng,

  15. @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) will finishing reviewing comments on the process documents next week

  16. @Jules Levin to schedule Integration meeting for next Thursday

  17. Lori doesnt see an issue with staging table approach for SITS integration

Outstanding Actions

See above



Focus for next week

  1. Start planning for parallel testing.

  2. Config planning

  3. Gift and pledge data testing

Focus for following week

  1. Parallel use case testing.

  2. Notification configurations

Action items


https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-765- @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)
Up to 34 custom fields excluding the 8 custom fields have been consumed with the business processes. @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)to provide an update next week
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) -when is feedback required on business processes > Feedback required by end of the week.
@Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to check with Lori when testing of user stories ready for test can commence and in which environment and if AQ has test cases that can be used.> Testing can be done in UAT (full Sandbox)
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) to confirm when receipting will be available.
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) - Apsona licence requirements > License for the members of Yeng’s team who will develop the reports and for the members of the team who generate receipts. 
@Jules Levin to talk to @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) about Byron access. and walkthrough
@Jules Levin - Draft approach for configuration sprints for review > Draft for review
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) - Consider environments to be used for development, integration and testing > See attachment below
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated)@Griffin Homan (Deactivated) - Consider options for supporting development team including re-use of previous developments > Unfortunately, the AQ development team doesn’t have down time and hasn’t been able to work on this.  I’m looking at schedules for the next few weeks to see if we could build one or two and ‘push’ them into your org.  It doesn’t seem like the timelines are going to align so that this could be useful for Sydney.
@Jules Levin - Advise Monica to use the process guides to create batches and add transactions before git processing review workshop > Monica and Rachel tested some scenarios and provided feedback at workshop yesterday
@Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to complete record count validations by next Tuesday.
@Jules Levin to confirm when gift data testing can be completed
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) to provide Monica and Rachel security permissions of gift officers for testing scenarios
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated) will finishing reviewing comments on the process documents next week
@Jules Levin to schedule Joining, Separation and Deceased training for next Wednesday
@Jules Levinto schedule Integration meeting for next Thursday


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