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2020-06-26 Catch-up notes
Jun 26, 2020
@Jules Levin
@Brad Fernandes (Unlicensed)
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated)
@Griffin Homan (Deactivated)
@apirami.kumaradevan (apologies)
Standing Agenda
Progress against plan
Outstanding actions
Focus for next week
Focus for following week
Progress against plan
About 2 weeks behind schedule due to contract signing and data conversion complexities
About 100k entity rows missing with initial conversion. About 25k due to dups.
Duplicate check turned off. Have Dups been purged in Advance? - Lori will ask Yeng about dups and purge rules.
Schedule not a yet a concern as exploring what can be brought forward.
After first data conversion and testing will get into UX - layouts and surfacing page layouts and oage design and demonstrating how to create different profiles
Datadump for next conversion will be scheduled for 26 July
Outstanding Actions
Focus for next week
Data conversion testing (will ramp up through the week)
AQ wont be available Friday, due to 4th of July holiday
Focus for following week
Continue data conversion testing
Walk through page design and page layouts.
17, 20 July are university holidays
Jules away week of 13 July
Action items