2020-07-22 Stand-up notes

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2020-07-22 Stand-up notes


Jul 22, 2020



  • @Jules Levin

  • @Brad Fernandes (Unlicensed)

  • @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)

  • @Griffin Homan (Deactivated)

  • @apirami.kumaradevan

Standing Agenda

  • Progress against plan

  • Outstanding actions

  • Blockers

  • Focus for next week

  • Focus for following week

  • General


Progress against plan

  1. First Data Conversion - AQ fixing accounts - contacts relationship defect before loading remaining data. Some of the raised defects will go away. @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) will advise extent of defect fixes so that relevant raised defects can be retested.

  2. Advance export for second conversion scheduled for next Monday - Will go ahead until @Yeng Sembrano and team has significant fixes outstanding. @Jules Levin to confirm with @Yeng Sembrano

  3. Processes and documenting future state (MVI and phase n) and agreements
    No repeat workshops to be scheduled for the moment. Complete remain workshops. AQ to consider future state based on inputs from all workshops.

  4. AQ will build new flow documents. Some may require further discussions

  5. Once review of process workshop inputs completed the following needs to addressed:
    - Pipeline (Is a further workshop required for crowdfunding and approvals)

    Gift processing - (What Apsona licences are required)

  6. Alumni and Events -nothing outstanding. - May need a calc field. still to be determined. If Calc field needed, AQ will provide training and USYD configure rather than use a custom field

  7. Annual Fund - Potentially further discussion on opt outs and receipting for special occasions.

Outstanding Actions



Errors with loading conversion data

Focus for next week

  1. Finish data conversion testing

  2. Annual fund Process workshop

  3. @Lori Stirling (Deactivated) to advise what workshops to schedule for next week

  4. Advance export for 2nd round of conversion testing

Focus for following week

  1. TBC.

Action items


https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-764- @Jules Levin
https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-765- @Lori Stirling (Deactivated)
https://sydneyuni.atlassian.net/browse/PP-766- @Griffin Homan (Deactivated)
@Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to look at dependent pick lists so that set correctly in prd


  1. Proceed with Advance datadump next week for 2nd data conversion

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