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2021-01-20 Launch Comms
Jan 20, 2021
@Jules Levin
@alexia nicholson (Unlicensed)
@Rachel Forbes
@lachlan.cahill (Unlicensed)
@lisa kilgariff
Discussion topics
Api, Locky to prepare comms to which will be sent to TAP at around 10am on 21 January, once confirmed that people who have not completed mandatory training are deactivated. Include in the comms that access has not been activated for people who haven't done training. Also include that mobile is not part of the launch but will follow.
There will be follow up comms on Friday, 22 January to specific teams with information relevant to those teams (Alumni and Supporter Relations, Development and Planned Giving, Community Giving)
Comms to External users next Friday about launch and advising that they will be provided with training and access in the coming weeks
Locky will send the emails and cc this group.
Weekly comms will be sent out over several weeks with reminders and links to information on G drive
A session will be held with Advancement Services to ensure processes are understood and associated cases
A drop in session will be arrange for first week of February
New profiles need to be created for external users. They will need to be provided with training before given access. @Monica Kluegel will train the trust office
Mobile setup and Outlook integration to be included in Sprint 11 backlog refinement