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Object: AQB__BatchItemTransaction__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Batch Item Transaction ID | AUTO NUMBER |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
AQB__BatchItemID__c | Batch Item ID | MASTER-DETAIL |
AQB__Acknowledgement__c | Acknowledgement Type | LOOKUP |
AQB__Amount__c | Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) |
AQB__Anonymous__c | Anonymous | CHECKBOX |
AQB__BatchItemReferenceId__c | Batch Item Reference Id | TEXT(50) | This links the record to a unique record in Batch Items. |
AQB__CampaignAppeal__c | Campaign Appeal | LOOKUP |
AQB__CheckNumber__c | Check Number | TEXT(50) |
AQB__ConditionalPledge__c | Conditional Pledge | CHECKBOX |
AQB__CorrectingTransaction__c | Correcting Transaction | CHECKBOX |
AQB__CreditedYearOverrideDate__c | Credited Year Override Date | DATE | If a date exists in this field, it will be utilized to determine the year for which credit should be awarded for this transaction for the purpose of total years giving and consecutive years giving. |
AQB__CurrencyExchangeRate__c | Currency Exchange Rate | NUMBER(14,4) |
AQB__CurrencyUnits__c | Currency Units | NUMBER(14,4) |
AQB__DateDue__c | Date Due | DATE |
AQB__Date__c | Date | DATE |
AQB__Description__c | Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) |
AQB__Designation__c | Designation | LOOKUP |
AQB__DoNotPushToAccounting__c | Do Not Push to Accounting | CHECKBOX | Check if this transaction is already in the accounting system. |
AQB__DonorFacingDescription__c | Donor Facing Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) | Any free text information for the donor that you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
AQB__LinkToBatchItemTransaction__c | Link to Batch Item Transaction | LOOKUP |
AQB__LinkToDuesPledge__c | Link to Dues Pledge | LOOKUP |
AQB__LinkToDuesTransaction__c | Deprecated Link to Dues Transaction | LOOKUP |
AQB__LinkToDuesTransactions__c | Link to Dues Transaction | LOOKUP |
AQB__LinkToOpportunity__c | Link To Opportunity | LOOKUP |
AQB__LinkToPledge__c | Link To Pledge | LOOKUP |
AQB__LinkToTransaction__c | Link to Transaction | LOOKUP |
AQB__Method__c | Method | PICKLIST |
AQB__NumberOfShares__c | Number of Shares | NUMBER(13,4) |
AQB__PaymentNumber__c | Payment Number | NUMBER(4,0) |
AQB__PledgePayment__c | Payment on New Pledge | CHECKBOX | Indicates this transaction is a pledge payment on a pledge in this batch. |
AQB__PledgeStipulation__c | Pledge Type | PICKLIST |
AQB__PropertyCategory__c | Property Category | PICKLIST |
AQB__RecurringGiftExternalReferenceNumber__c | Recurring Gift External Reference Number | TEXT(40) | This links the transaction to the recurring gift via the recurring gifts External Reference Number. |
AQB__RecurringGift__c | Recurring Gift | LOOKUP | This links the transaction to an existing Recurring Gift. |
AQB__Reference__c | Reference | TEXT(255) |
AQB__SendPledgeReminder__c | Send Pledge Reminder | CHECKBOX |
AQB__SolicitationCreditContact__c | Solicitation Credit Contact | LOOKUP |
AQB__SolicitationCreditUser__c | Solicitation Credit User | LOOKUP |
AQB__ThirdPartyPayment__c | Third Party Payment | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | Indicates this hard credit payment pays off a pledge with a soft credit. |
AQB__ThirdPartyPayoff__c | Third Party Payoff | CHECKBOX | Indicated this transaction was paid by a third party. |
AQB__Transaction_Type__c | Transaction Type | PICKLIST |
AQB__Transfer__c | Transfer | CHECKBOX | Indicates that this that this transaction is a transfer. |
AQB__Void__c | Void? | CHECKBOX |
AQB__DailyHigh__c | Daily High | CURRENCY(9,4) |
AQB__DailyLow__c | Daily Low | CURRENCY(9,4) |
AQB__DateOfTransfer__c | Date of Transfer | DATE |
AQB__Fee1Exception__c | Fee 1 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee1ExemptReason__c | Fee 1 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee1Exempt__c | Fee 1 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee1SourceAccount__c | Fee 1 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee1__c | Fee 1 | PERCENT(3,2) | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
AQB__Fee2Exception__c | Fee 2 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee2ExemptReason__c | Fee 2 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee2Exempt__c | Fee 2 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee2SourceAccount__c | Fee 2 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee2__c | Fee 2 | PERCENT(3,2) | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
AQB__IRADistribution__c | IRA Distribution | CHECKBOX | Identifies this transaction as an IRA distribution. |
AQB__TickerSymbol__c | Ticker Symbol | TEXT(10) |
USYD_Designation_Account_Number__c | Designation Account Number | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | A formula to surface the account string (class code RC PC Analysis code from the field in the Chart of Accounts to incorporate it into the transaction to review for the batch proof report |
AQB__VoidNotation__c | Void Notation | PICKLIST | The reason for the void. |
AQB__Account__c | Account | LOOKUP |
AQB__AnonymityLevel__c | Anonymity Level | PICKLIST |
UsydBatch__c | Batch | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__LinkToNewGift__c | Link to New Gift | LOOKUP |
AQB__LinkedGift__c | Linked Gift | CHECKBOX | Indicates this transaction is a new gift on pledge overpayment. |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Designation_Must_be_Active | Designation_Must_be_Active |
Usyd_Batch_close_read_only_access_field | Usyd_Batch_close_read_only_access_field |
Name | Label |
BatchItemTransaction | AQB.BatchItemTransaction |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Batch Item Transaction ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | AQB__BatchItemID__c |
Label | Batch Item ID |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | AQB__Acknowledgement__c |
Label | Acknowledgement Type |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__Amount__c |
Label | Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Name | AQB__Anonymous__c |
Label | Anonymous |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__BatchItemReferenceId__c |
Label | Batch Item Reference Id |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | This links the record to a unique record in Batch Items. |
Description | This links the record to a unique record in Batch Items. |
Name | AQB__CampaignAppeal__c |
Label | Campaign Appeal |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__CheckNumber__c |
Label | Check Number |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Name | AQB__ConditionalPledge__c |
Label | Conditional Pledge |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__CorrectingTransaction__c |
Label | Correcting Transaction |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__CreditedYearOverrideDate__c |
Label | Credited Year Override Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | If a date exists in this field, it will be utilized to determine the year for which credit should be awarded for this transaction for the purpose of total years giving and consecutive years giving. |
Description | If a date exists in this field, it will be utilized to determine the year for which credit should be awarded for this transaction for the purpose of total years giving and consecutive years giving. |
Name | AQB__CurrencyExchangeRate__c |
Label | Currency Exchange Rate |
Type | NUMBER(14,4) |
Name | AQB__CurrencyUnits__c |
Label | Currency Units |
Type | NUMBER(14,4) |
Name | AQB__DateDue__c |
Label | Date Due |
Type | DATE |
Name | AQB__Date__c |
Label | Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | AQB__Description__c |
Label | Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) |
Name | AQB__Designation__c |
Label | Designation |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__DoNotPushToAccounting__c |
Label | Do Not Push to Accounting |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Check if this transaction is already in the accounting system. |
Default value | false |
Description | Check if this transaction is already in the accounting system. |
Name | AQB__DonorFacingDescription__c |
Label | Donor Facing Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) |
Help Text | Any free text information for the donor that you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
Description | Any free text information for the donor that you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__LinkToBatchItemTransaction__c |
Label | Link to Batch Item Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__LinkToDuesPledge__c |
Label | Link to Dues Pledge |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__LinkToDuesTransaction__c |
Label | Deprecated Link to Dues Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__LinkToDuesTransactions__c |
Label | Link to Dues Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__LinkToOpportunity__c |
Label | Link To Opportunity |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__LinkToPledge__c |
Label | Link To Pledge |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__LinkToTransaction__c |
Label | Link to Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__Method__c |
Label | Method |
Picklist values | Check |
Name | AQB__NumberOfShares__c |
Label | Number of Shares |
Type | NUMBER(13,4) |
Name | AQB__PaymentNumber__c |
Label | Payment Number |
Type | NUMBER(4,0) |
Name | AQB__PledgePayment__c |
Label | Payment on New Pledge |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates this transaction is a pledge payment on a pledge in this batch. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates this transaction is a pledge payment on a pledge in this batch. |
Name | AQB__PledgeStipulation__c |
Label | Pledge Type |
Picklist values | Conditional |
Name | AQB__PropertyCategory__c |
Label | Property Category |
Picklist values | Art Work |
Name | AQB__RecurringGiftExternalReferenceNumber__c |
Label | Recurring Gift External Reference Number |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | This links the transaction to the recurring gift via the recurring gifts External Reference Number. |
Description | This links the transaction to the recurring gift via the recurring gifts External Reference Number. |
Name | AQB__RecurringGift__c |
Label | Recurring Gift |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | This links the transaction to an existing Recurring Gift. |
Description | This links the transaction to an existing Recurring Gift. |
Name | AQB__Reference__c |
Label | Reference |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__SendPledgeReminder__c |
Label | Send Pledge Reminder |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__SolicitationCreditContact__c |
Label | Solicitation Credit Contact |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__SolicitationCreditUser__c |
Label | Solicitation Credit User |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__ThirdPartyPayment__c |
Label | Third Party Payment |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates this hard credit payment pays off a pledge with a soft credit. |
Description | Indicates this hard credit payment pays off a pledge with a soft credit. |
Name | AQB__ThirdPartyPayoff__c |
Label | Third Party Payoff |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicated this transaction was paid by a third party. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicated this transaction was paid by a third party. |
Name | AQB__Transaction_Type__c |
Label | Transaction Type |
Picklist values | Payment |
Name | AQB__Transfer__c |
Label | Transfer |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that this that this transaction is a transfer. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that this that this transaction is a transfer. |
Name | AQB__Void__c |
Label | Void? |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__DailyHigh__c |
Label | Daily High |
Type | CURRENCY(9,4) |
Name | AQB__DailyLow__c |
Label | Daily Low |
Type | CURRENCY(9,4) |
Name | AQB__DateOfTransfer__c |
Label | Date of Transfer |
Type | DATE |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exception__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee1ExemptReason__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exempt__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee1SourceAccount__c |
Label | Fee 1 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee1__c |
Label | Fee 1 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Description | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exception__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee2ExemptReason__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exempt__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee2SourceAccount__c |
Label | Fee 2 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee2__c |
Label | Fee 2 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Description | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Name | AQB__IRADistribution__c |
Label | IRA Distribution |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Identifies this transaction as an IRA distribution. |
Default value | false |
Description | Identifies this transaction as an IRA distribution. |
Name | AQB__TickerSymbol__c |
Label | Ticker Symbol |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Name | USYD_Designation_Account_Number__c |
Label | Designation Account Number |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | A formula to surface the account string (class code RC PC Analysis code from the field in the Chart of Accounts to incorporate it into the transaction to review for the batch proof report |
Name | AQB__VoidNotation__c |
Label | Void Notation |
Help Text | The reason for the void. |
Picklist values | Cheque dishonoured |
Description | The reason for the void. |
Name | AQB__Account__c |
Label | Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__AnonymityLevel__c |
Label | Anonymity Level |
Picklist values | Totally Anonymous |
Name | UsydBatch__c |
Label | Batch |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__LinkToNewGift__c |
Label | Link to New Gift |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__LinkedGift__c |
Label | Linked Gift |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates this transaction is a new gift on pledge overpayment. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates this transaction is a new gift on pledge overpayment. |