Attention: Confluence is not suitable for the storage of highly confidential data. Please ensure that any data classified as Highly Protected is stored using a more secure platform.
If you have any questions, please refer to the University's data classification guide or contact
Object: AQB__AQAddress__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Channel Number | AUTO NUMBER |
RecordTypeId | Record Type ID | LOOKUP |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
AQB__AccountExternalIDLinkField__c | Account ExternalID Link Field | TEXT(20) | Use this field during a conversion by inserting the Account External ID value from the Account in order to link this address to that Account. |
AQB__AccountExternalID__c | Deprecated Account External ID | TEXT(20) | Do not use this field. |
AQB__AccountPrefAddLink__c | Account Pref Add Link | LOOKUP | Internally links an address to the account to designate it as a copy of the account's preferred address. |
AQB__Account__c | Account | LOOKUP | An internal field used to link this address info to an Account. |
AQB__AddressChangeFlags__c | Address Change Flags | TEXT(100) | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
AQB__Address__c | Address | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | System-generated, using individual pieces of the address record. This field contains the formatted address, which can be used for mailing purposes. |
AQB__CarrierRoute__c | Carrier Route | TEXT(50) | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
AQB__CensusTract__c | Deprecate Census Tract | TEXT(10) | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
AQB__CertifiedCityName__c | Certified City Name | TEXT(255) | The certified city name of this address. |
AQB__CertifiedStateAbbreviation__c | Certified State Abbreviation | TEXT(100) | The certified state abbreviation of this address. |
AQB__CertifiedStreetName__c | Certified Street Name | TEXT(255) | The certified street name of this address. |
AQB__CertifiedZipCode__c | Certified Zip Code | TEXT(20) | The certified zip code of this address. |
AQB__ChangeSource__c | Change Source | TEXT(100) | The reason the record is updated. |
AQB__ChannelAddress__c | Channel Address | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__City__c | City | TEXT(255) | The city name related to the address. This name can be the preferred city name or an acceptable city name. Free text of up to 50 characters. |
AQB__CongressionalDistrict__c | Congressional District | TEXT(50) | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
AQB__ContactExternalIDLinkField__c | Contact External ID Link Field | TEXT(20) | Use this field during a conversion by inserting the Account External ID value from the Contact in order to link this address to that Contact. |
AQB__ContactExternalID__c | Deprecated Contact External ID | TEXT(20) | Do not use this field. |
AQB__ContactPrefAddLink__c | Contact Pref Add Link | LOOKUP | Internally links an address to the contact to designate it as a copy of the contact's preferred address. |
AQB__Contact__c | Contact | LOOKUP | A system field used to link the Address to a Contact. |
AQB__CountryId__c | Country ID | TEXT(5) | The country id of the address. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__Country__c | Country | TEXT(100) |
AQB__CountyNumber__c | County Number | TEXT(10) | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
AQB__County__c | County | TEXT(255) | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
AQB__DPCheckDigit__c | Deprecate DP Check Digit | NUMBER(1,0) | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
AQB__DPV__c | Deprecate DPV | TEXT(1) | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
AQB__DeliveryPoint1__c | Delivery Point Code | TEXT(10) | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
AQB__DeliveryPointCheckDigit__c | Delivery Point Check Digit | TEXT(10) | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
AQB__DeliveryPointValidationFlag__c | Delivery Point Validation Flag | TEXT(10) | The delivery point validation flag of this address. |
AQB__DeliveryPointValidation__c | Delivery Point Validation | TEXT(10) | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
AQB__DeliveryPoint__c | Deprecated Delivery Point Code | NUMBER(2,0) | Deprecated. Use Delivery Point Code (AQB__DeliveryPoint1__c) instead. |
AQB__District__c | District | PICKLIST | Districts are defined by the institution as ways to establish groups of constituents, based on address information, such as the postal codes. |
AQB__DoNotArchive__c | Do Not Archive | CHECKBOX | Indicates this address, phone or email should not be archived. |
AQB__Email__c |
| ||
AQB__EmploymentExternalID__c | Employment External ID Link Field | TEXT(20) |
AQB__EmploymentLink__c | Employment Link | LOOKUP |
AQB__FIPSStateCode__c | FIPS State Code | TEXT(10) | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code for this address. |
AQB__Facebook__c | URL | The Facebook address of the Account or Contact. | |
AQB__Fax__c | Fax | PHONE | Fax number for alternate address. |
AQB__First_Use__c | First Use | DATE |
AQB__Flag__c | Flag | TEXT(10) | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
AQB__Instagram__c | URL | The Instagram address of the Account or Contact. | |
AQB__InternalStreetLineOne__c | Internal Street Line One | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__InternalStreetLineTwo__c | Internal Street Line Two | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__InternetAddress__c | Internet Address | URL | The Internet Address for this Account or Contact. |
AQB__IsActiveAddress__c | Is Active Address: | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__IsActive__c | Is Active | CHECKBOX | Checks if this address is being used as account address. |
AQB__IsCurrentActiveAddress__c | Is Current Active Address: | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__Last_Use__c | Last Use | DATE |
AQB__Latitude__c | Latitude | TEXT(50) | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
AQB__LinkedInURL__c | URL |
| |
AQB__Linkedto__c | Linked to: | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__Locality__c | Locality | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | City, State/Province, Postal Code and Country (if not USA) combined onto one line for use in reports, screen display, and mail merges. This field, along with the Street field, is for use in mail merges. |
AQB__Longitude__c | Longitude | TEXT(50) | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
AQB__MailingLists__c | Lists | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
AQB__Note__c | Note | TEXT AREA(255) | May be used to describe special characteristics of, or information about this address. For example, special directions may be needed to locate the location for a personal visit. It might also describe restrictions on the use of this address. Up to 255 characters. |
AQB__OriginType__c | Origin Type | PICKLIST | On an archived record this indicates where the data originated. |
AQB__OriginalSource__c | Original Source | TEXT(100) | This is the original source of the archived record. |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__Phone__c | Phone | PHONE | The Phone Number at this specific address. You need only enter the numbers, the system will add the formatting. Enter an 'x' followed by the extension number. |
AQB__PostalCode__c | Postal Code | TEXT(20) | The postal code for the address. Free text of up to 20 characters. |
AQB__PostcodeCountry__c | Postcode Country | TEXT(100) |
AQB__PostcodeStateOrProvince__c | Postcode State/Province | TEXT(100) |
AQB__PrefAddrLinkError__c | Pref Addr Link Error | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | Validation field to verify that the Account ID specified in the Account Pref Add Link is equal to the Account ID of the Contact. This is true when the ID's do not match, this is an error. This field should not be displayed on a page layout. |
AQB__PreferredStartDay__c | Seasonal Start Day | PICKLIST | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the day within the Start Month when this address will be activated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
AQB__PreferredStartMonth__c | Seasonal Start Month | PICKLIST | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the month during the year when this address will be activated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
AQB__Region__c | Region | PICKLIST | Regions are defined by the institution as ways to establish groups of constituents, based on address information, such as the postal codes. |
AQB__ResidentialDeliveryIndicator__c | Residential Delivery Indicator | TEXT(1) | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
AQB__SMS__c | SMS | PHONE | The SMS number of the Account or Contact. |
AQB__SeasonalStartYear__c | Seasonal Start Year | PICKLIST | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the year when this address will be activated according to its Type. If seasonal month and seasonal date fields have a non null values a blank value in year would mean a recurring address change. |
AQB__SeasonalStopDate__c | Seasonal Stop Date | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Concatenation of Seasonal Stop Month,Seasonal Stop Day and Seasonal Stop Year for display purposes. |
AQB__SeasonalStopDay__c | Seasonal Stop Day | PICKLIST | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the day within the Sop Month when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
AQB__SeasonalStopMonth__c | Seasonal Stop Month | PICKLIST | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the month during the year when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
AQB__SeasonalStopYear__c | Seasonal Stop Year | PICKLIST | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the year when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. |
AQB__Skype__c | Skype | TEXT(40) | The Skype Name for this channel. |
AQB__Snapchat__c | Snapchat | TEXT(40) |
AQB__Source__c | Source | TEXT(100) |
AQB__StartDate__c | Seasonal Start Date | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__StateId__c | State Id | TEXT(2) | The state id of the address. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__StateProvince__c | State/Province | TEXT(100) | The State or Province for the address. Free text of up to 80 characters. |
AQB__Status__c | Status | PICKLIST | The Status is used to indicate whether this address is currently thought to be valid for use in mailings. |
AQB__StreetLineFour__c | Deprecate Street Line Fourth | TEXT(255) |
AQB__StreetLineOne__c | Deprecate Street Line One | TEXT(255) |
AQB__StreetLineOnex__c | Street Line One | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__StreetLineThree__c | Deprecate Street Line Three | TEXT(255) |
AQB__StreetLineThreex__c | Street Line Three | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__StreetLineTwo__c | Deprecate Street Line Two | TEXT(255) |
AQB__StreetLineTwox__c | Street Line Two | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__Street__c | Street | TEXT AREA(255) | Multiple street lines can be entered by simply hitting enter after each line. A total of 255 characters can be entered. This field, along with the Locality field, is for use in mail merges. |
AQB__TimeZone__c | Deprecate Time Zone | PICKLIST | The time zone in which this address is located. |
AQB__Twitch__c | Twitch | TEXT(80) |
AQB__Twitter__c | URL | The Twitter address of the Account or Contact. | |
AQB__Type__c | Type | PICKLIST |
AQB__Unlisted__c | Unlisted | CHECKBOX | Indicates the phone number is unlisted. |
AQB__UseAsAccountMailingAddress__c | Use As Account Mailing Address | CHECKBOX |
AQB__UseAsContactBusinessAddress__c | Use As Contact Business Address | CHECKBOX |
AQB__UseAsContactMailingAddress__c | Use as Contact Mailing Address | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Uses__c | Uses | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This address is used for the purpose(s) and mailing lists shown here. |
AQB__ValidationDate__c | Validated On | DATETIME | The date the address was validated. |
AQB__VerificationDate__c | Verification Date | DATE | The Date that this address was last verified via independent electronic sources. |
AQB__VerificationFlag__c | Verification Flag | TEXT(10) | The verification flag for this address. |
AQB__We_Chat__c | We Chat | TEXT(40) |
AQB__YouTubeChannel__c | YouTube Channel | TEXT(80) |
AQCV_Conversionid__c | AQCV Conversionid | TEXT(255) | External Id |
usyd_student_ac_id__c | USYD student Alternate channel id | TEXT(40) | Combination of student id and contact type for integrations to uniquely identify record. |
AQB__EngagementScoreCategory__c | Engagement Score Category | PICKLIST | Identifies the category group the engagement score will be totaled in to. |
Student_id__c | Student_id | TEXT(255) |
USYD_Alternate_ID__c | Alternate ID | LOOKUP |
USYD_Student_ID__c | USYD Student ID | TEXT(255) | This is the student ID from the alternate ID record. |
USYD_contact_ID__c | contact ID | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
USYD_special__c | special | TEXT(100) |
usyd_stu_id_plus_type__c | usyd_stu_id_plus_type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__CbsaId__c | CBSA ID | TEXT(50) | A 5 digit number that identifies a core based statistical area (CBSA). |
AQB__CbsaName__c | CBSA Name | TEXT(255) | The name for the core based statistical area (CBSA). |
AQB__CbsaType__c | CBSA Indicator | TEXT(255) | Identifies a core based statistical area (CBSA) as either metropolitan or micropolitan. |
AQB__CertifiedCityStateZip__c | Standardized City State Zipcode | TEXT(255) | Standardized city, state and zipcode information. |
AQB__CertifiedCountry__c | Standardized Country | TEXT(100) | Standardized country. |
AQB__CertifiedStreet2Name__c | Standardized Street 2 | TEXT(255) | Standardized line 2 information. |
AQB__CertifiedStreet3Name__c | Standardized Street 3 | TEXT(255) | Standardized street line 3 information. |
AQB__CertifiedStreet4Name__c | Standardized Street 4 | TEXT(255) | Standardized street line 4 information. |
AQB__CertifiedStreet5Name__c | Standardized Street 5 | TEXT(255) | Standardized street line 5 information. |
AQB__CertifiedUrbanizationName__c | Urbanization Name | TEXT(255) | Standardized urbanization name. |
AQB__CongressionalDistrictName__c | US Congressional District Name | TEXT(255) | The name for the United States congressional district, including the name of the state. |
AQB__CountryISO2__c | 2 Character ISO Country Code | TEXT(10) | 2 character alpha country code as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
AQB__CountryISO3__c | 3 Character ISO Country Code | TEXT(10) | 3 character numeric country code as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
AQB__CsaId__c | CSA ID | TEXT(50) | A 3 digit number that identifies a combined statistical area (CSA). |
AQB__CsaName__c | CSA Name | TEXT(255) | The name of a given combined statistical area (CSA). |
AQB__DPVVacantIndicator__c | Vacant Delivery Point Indicator | TEXT(10) | Vacant delivery point indicator. |
AQB__DeveloperCode__c | Developer Code | TEXT(10) | A code returned from Instant Address that an integration developer can use to interpret the response. |
AQB__GeolocationMatchType__c | Geolocation Precision | TEXT(50) | Identifies whether the geo coordinates assigned to an address were matched to a rooftop, interpolated or centered using the street, centered using a ZIP Code, or were not available. |
AQB__StateLegislatureLowerByZipId__c | State Legislature ID Lower | TEXT(255) | A numeric value indicating the state legislature district for the lower chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
AQB__StateLegislatureLowerByZipName__c | State Legislature Name Lower | TEXT(255) | The name of the state legislature district for the lower chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
AQB__StateLegislatureUpperByZipId__c | State Legislature ID Upper | TEXT(255) | A numeric value indicating the state legislature district for the upper chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
AQB__StateLegislatureUpperByZipName__c | State Legislature Name Upper | TEXT(255) | The name of the state legislature district for the upper chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
AQB__StreetLineFive__c | Formatted Street 5 | TEXT(255) | Formatted street line 5 information. |
AQB__SummaryFlags__c | Summary Flags | TEXT(150) | This is a concatenated field that contains the timestamp and response flags from the Instant Address service. |
AQB__UIMessage__c | UI Message | TEXT AREA (LONG)(500) | A long text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to be used at the user interface level. |
AQB__UISummaryMessage__c | UI Summary Message | TEXT(100) | A short text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to be used at the user interface level. |
AQB__UITooltip__c | UI Tooltip | TEXT(200) | A succinct text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to serve as a tooltip or help text. |
AQB__EngagementScoreOverride__c | Engagement Score Override | CHECKBOX | This field will be used to change the value of the score manually to a value that does not meet the criteria of the defined rule within the Engagement Score parameter. |
AQB__EngagementScore__c | Engagement Score | NUMBER(4,0) | This field holds the score value associated with an override. |
Usyd_RTS_Reason__c | RTS Reason | PICKLIST | RTS Reason. Other will be tracked in the mailing address note field |
AQB__PrimaryChannelLocation__c | Primary Channel Location | PICKLIST |
USyd_Type__c | Type | PICKLIST | The Type describes the nature of the address/email/phone e.g.For Address, it captures Home, Business, Vacation, Other, etc. |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Candian_Postal_Codes_in_Address | Candian_Postal_Codes_in_Address |
Too_Many_Street_Lines | Too_Many_Street_Lines |
US_Postal_Codes_In_Address | US_Postal_Codes_In_Address |
Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Address_Abbrev | Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Address_Abbrev |
Valid_Canadian_Provinces_in_Address | Valid_Canadian_Provinces_in_Address |
Valid_US_State_in_Address | Valid_US_State_in_Address |
Valid_US_State_in_Address_Abbrev | Valid_US_State_in_Address_Abbrev |
Usyd_Alternate_Channel_Phone_Validation | Usyd_Alternate_Channel_Phone_Validation |
Syncing_of_Status_and_IsActive | Syncing_of_Status_and_IsActive |
Valid_Primary_Channel_Location_Account | Valid_Primary_Channel_Location_Account |
Valid_Primary_Channel_Location_Contact | Valid_Primary_Channel_Location_Contact |
Valid_Primary_Channel_Location_Former | Valid_Primary_Channel_Location_Former |
Name | Label |
Address | AQB.Address |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Channel Number |
Required | Yes |
Name | RecordTypeId |
Label | Record Type ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | AQB__AccountExternalIDLinkField__c |
Label | Account ExternalID Link Field |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | Use this field during a conversion by inserting the Account External ID value from the Account in order to link this address to that Account. |
Description | Use this field during a conversion by inserting the Account External ID value from the Account in order to link this address to that Account. |
Name | AQB__AccountExternalID__c |
Label | Deprecated Account External ID |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | Do not use this field. |
Description | Do not use this field. |
Name | AQB__AccountPrefAddLink__c |
Label | Account Pref Add Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Internally links an address to the account to designate it as a copy of the account's preferred address. |
Description | Internally links an address to the account to designate it as a copy of the account's preferred address. |
Name | AQB__Account__c |
Label | Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | An internal field used to link this address info to an Account. |
Description | An internal field used to link this address info to an Account. |
Name | AQB__AddressChangeFlags__c |
Label | Address Change Flags |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Description | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Name | AQB__Address__c |
Label | Address |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | System-generated, using individual pieces of the address record. This field contains the formatted address, which can be used for mailing purposes. |
Description | System-generated, using individual pieces of the address record. This field contains the formatted address, which can be used for mailing purposes. |
Name | AQB__CarrierRoute__c |
Label | Carrier Route |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
Description | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
Name | AQB__CensusTract__c |
Label | Deprecate Census Tract |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Description | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedCityName__c |
Label | Certified City Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The certified city name of this address. |
Description | The certified city name of this address. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedStateAbbreviation__c |
Label | Certified State Abbreviation |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The certified state abbreviation of this address. |
Description | The certified state abbreviation of this address. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedStreetName__c |
Label | Certified Street Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The certified street name of this address. |
Description | The certified street name of this address. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedZipCode__c |
Label | Certified Zip Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Description | The certified zip code of this address. |
Name | AQB__ChangeSource__c |
Label | Change Source |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The reason the record is updated. |
Description | The reason the record is updated. |
Name | AQB__ChannelAddress__c |
Label | Channel Address |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__City__c |
Label | City |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The city name related to the address. This name can be the preferred city name or an acceptable city name. Free text of up to 50 characters. |
Description | The city name related to the address. This name can be the preferred city name or an acceptable city name. Free text of up to 50 characters. |
Name | AQB__CongressionalDistrict__c |
Label | Congressional District |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Description | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Name | AQB__ContactExternalIDLinkField__c |
Label | Contact External ID Link Field |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | Use this field during a conversion by inserting the Account External ID value from the Contact in order to link this address to that Contact. |
Description | Use this field during a conversion by inserting the Account External ID value from the Contact in order to link this address to that Contact. |
Name | AQB__ContactExternalID__c |
Label | Deprecated Contact External ID |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | Do not use this field. |
Description | Do not use this field. |
Name | AQB__ContactPrefAddLink__c |
Label | Contact Pref Add Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Internally links an address to the contact to designate it as a copy of the contact's preferred address. |
Description | Internally links an address to the contact to designate it as a copy of the contact's preferred address. |
Name | AQB__Contact__c |
Label | Contact |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | A system field used to link the Address to a Contact. |
Description | A system field used to link the Address to a Contact. |
Name | AQB__CountryId__c |
Label | Country ID |
Type | TEXT(5) |
Help Text | The country id of the address. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The country id of the address. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__Country__c |
Label | Country |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | If left blank or "US", "USA" or "United States"is entered, US formatting rules are applied to postal code and state names. If "Canada", or "CN" is entered, then Canadian rules are applied. Any other country name allows any data in those fields. |
Name | AQB__CountyNumber__c |
Label | County Number |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The county id of the address. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Name | AQB__County__c |
Label | County |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Description | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Name | AQB__DPCheckDigit__c |
Label | Deprecate DP Check Digit |
Type | NUMBER(1,0) |
Help Text | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Description | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Name | AQB__DPV__c |
Label | Deprecate DPV |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Help Text | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Description | This field can be automatically populated by various address matching services. |
Name | AQB__DeliveryPoint1__c |
Label | Delivery Point Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Description | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__DeliveryPointCheckDigit__c |
Label | Delivery Point Check Digit |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Description | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__DeliveryPointValidationFlag__c |
Label | Delivery Point Validation Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The delivery point validation flag of this address. |
Description | The delivery point validation flag of this address. |
Name | AQB__DeliveryPointValidation__c |
Label | Delivery Point Validation |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Description | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Name | AQB__DeliveryPoint__c |
Label | Deprecated Delivery Point Code |
Type | NUMBER(2,0) |
Help Text | Deprecated. Use Delivery Point Code (AQB__DeliveryPoint1__c) instead. |
Description | Deprecated. Use Delivery Point Code (AQB__DeliveryPoint1__c) instead. |
Name | AQB__District__c |
Label | District |
Help Text | Districts are defined by the institution as ways to establish groups of constituents, based on address information, such as the postal codes. Districts lie inside Regions. |
Picklist values | Coastal |
Description | Districts are defined by the institution as ways to establish groups of constituents, based on address information, such as the postal codes. |
Name | AQB__DoNotArchive__c |
Label | Do Not Archive |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates this address, phone or email should not be archived. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates this address, phone or email should not be archived. |
Name | AQB__Email__c |
Label | |
Type | |
Help Text | Email address for this channel. |
Name | AQB__EmploymentExternalID__c |
Label | Employment External ID Link Field |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | If this is an business address, this field is used during import to link this address to the Employment row. |
Name | AQB__EmploymentLink__c |
Label | Employment Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The Employment record to which this address is linked. |
Name | AQB__FIPSStateCode__c |
Label | FIPS State Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code for this address. |
Description | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code for this address. |
Name | AQB__Facebook__c |
Label | |
Type | URL |
Help Text | The Facebook address of the Account or Contact. |
Description | The Facebook address of the Account or Contact. |
Name | AQB__Fax__c |
Label | Fax |
Type | PHONE |
Help Text | Fax number for alternate address. |
Description | Fax number for alternate address. |
Name | AQB__First_Use__c |
Label | First Use |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date that this address was first used by the Account/Contact. |
Name | AQB__Flag__c |
Label | Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Description | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Name | AQB__Instagram__c |
Label | |
Type | URL |
Help Text | The Instagram address of the Account or Contact. |
Description | The Instagram address of the Account or Contact. |
Name | AQB__InternalStreetLineOne__c |
Label | Internal Street Line One |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Holding field used to help calculate street lines. |
Name | AQB__InternalStreetLineTwo__c |
Label | Internal Street Line Two |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Internal Address with first line stripped off. |
Name | AQB__InternetAddress__c |
Label | Internet Address |
Type | URL |
Help Text | The Internet Address for this Account or Contact. |
Description | The Internet Address for this Account or Contact. |
Name | AQB__IsActiveAddress__c |
Label | Is Active Address: |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Indicates that this alternate address is being used as the Current Mailing Address. |
Name | AQB__IsActive__c |
Label | Is Active |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Checks if this address is being used as account address. |
Default value | false |
Description | Checks if this address is being used as account address. |
Name | AQB__IsCurrentActiveAddress__c |
Label | Is Current Active Address: |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Indicates that this address is currently the Active Address. |
Name | AQB__Last_Use__c |
Label | Last Use |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date that this address was last used by the Account/Contact. |
Name | AQB__Latitude__c |
Label | Latitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Description | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Name | AQB__LinkedInURL__c |
Label | |
Type | URL |
Help Text | URL linking to LinkedIn record. |
Name | AQB__Linkedto__c |
Label | Linked to: |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__Locality__c |
Label | Locality |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | City, State/Province, Postal Code and Country (if not USA) combined onto one line for use in reports, screen display, and mail merges.. This field, along with the Street field, is for use in mail merges. |
Description | City, State/Province, Postal Code and Country (if not USA) combined onto one line for use in reports, screen display, and mail merges. This field, along with the Street field, is for use in mail merges. |
Name | AQB__Longitude__c |
Label | Longitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Description | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Name | AQB__MailingLists__c |
Label | Lists |
Help Text | A multi-select picklist which enumerates all of the lists for which this specific address is used. |
Picklist values | Event Invitations |
Name | AQB__Note__c |
Label | Note |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | May be used to describe special characteristics of, or information about this address. For example, special directions may be needed to locate the location for a personal visit. It might also describe restrictions on the use of this address. |
Description | May be used to describe special characteristics of, or information about this address. For example, special directions may be needed to locate the location for a personal visit. It might also describe restrictions on the use of this address. Up to 255 characters. |
Name | AQB__OriginType__c |
Label | Origin Type |
Help Text | On an archived record this indicates where the data originated. |
Picklist values | Account Email |
Description | On an archived record this indicates where the data originated. |
Name | AQB__OriginalSource__c |
Label | Original Source |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | This is the original source of the archived record. |
Description | This is the original source of the archived record. |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__Phone__c |
Label | Phone |
Type | PHONE |
Help Text | The Phone Number at this specific address. You need only enter the numbers, the system will add the formatting. Enter an 'x' followed by the extension number. |
Description | The Phone Number at this specific address. You need only enter the numbers, the system will add the formatting. Enter an 'x' followed by the extension number. |
Name | AQB__PostalCode__c |
Label | Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | The postal code for the address. Free text of up to 20 characters. |
Description | The postal code for the address. Free text of up to 20 characters. |
Name | AQB__PostcodeCountry__c |
Label | Postcode Country |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Country field for use with Postcode address verification service. This field will dictate how the Postcode program will lookup and verify addresses. A total of 40 characters can be entered. |
Name | AQB__PostcodeStateOrProvince__c |
Label | Postcode State/Province |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | State/Province field for use with Postcode address verification service. This field is automatically filled in by the Postcode program. A total of 40 characters can be entered. |
Name | AQB__PrefAddrLinkError__c |
Label | Pref Addr Link Error |
Required | Yes |
Description | Validation field to verify that the Account ID specified in the Account Pref Add Link is equal to the Account ID of the Contact. This is true when the ID's do not match, this is an error. This field should not be displayed on a page layout. |
Name | AQB__PreferredStartDay__c |
Label | Seasonal Start Day |
Help Text | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the day within the Start Month when this address will be activated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the day within the Start Month when this address will be activated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Name | AQB__PreferredStartMonth__c |
Label | Seasonal Start Month |
Help Text | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the month during the year when this address will be activated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the month during the year when this address will be activated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Name | AQB__Region__c |
Label | Region |
Help Text | Regions are defined by the institution as ways to establish groups of constituents, based on address information, such as the postal codes. |
Picklist values | North |
Description | Regions are defined by the institution as ways to establish groups of constituents, based on address information, such as the postal codes. |
Name | AQB__ResidentialDeliveryIndicator__c |
Label | Residential Delivery Indicator |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Help Text | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
Description | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
Name | AQB__SMS__c |
Label | SMS |
Type | PHONE |
Help Text | The SMS number of the Account or Contact. |
Description | The SMS number of the Account or Contact. |
Name | AQB__SeasonalStartYear__c |
Label | Seasonal Start Year |
Help Text | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the year when this address will be activated according to its Type. If seasonal month and seasonal date fields have a non null values a blank value in year would mean a recurring address change. |
Picklist values | 2050 |
Description | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the year when this address will be activated according to its Type. If seasonal month and seasonal date fields have a non null values a blank value in year would mean a recurring address change. |
Name | AQB__SeasonalStopDate__c |
Label | Seasonal Stop Date |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Concatenation of Seasonal Stop Month,Seasonal Stop Day and Seasonal Stop Year for display purposes. |
Description | Concatenation of Seasonal Stop Month,Seasonal Stop Day and Seasonal Stop Year for display purposes. |
Name | AQB__SeasonalStopDay__c |
Label | Seasonal Stop Day |
Help Text | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the day within the Stop Month when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the day within the Sop Month when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Name | AQB__SeasonalStopMonth__c |
Label | Seasonal Stop Month |
Help Text | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the month during the year when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Picklist values | 01 |
Description | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the month during the year when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Name | AQB__SeasonalStopYear__c |
Label | Seasonal Stop Year |
Help Text | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the year when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. |
Picklist values | 2050 |
Description | If this is to be a seasonal address, indicate the year when this address will be deactivated according to its Type. |
Name | AQB__Skype__c |
Label | Skype |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | The Skype Name for this channel. |
Description | The Skype Name for this channel. |
Name | AQB__Snapchat__c |
Label | Snapchat |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | Snapchat address. |
Name | AQB__Source__c |
Label | Source |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | AQB__StartDate__c |
Label | Seasonal Start Date |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Concatenation of Start Month and Start Day for display purposes. |
Name | AQB__StateId__c |
Label | State Id |
Type | TEXT(2) |
Help Text | The state id of the address. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The state id of the address. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__StateProvince__c |
Label | State/Province |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The State or Province for the address. Free text of up to 80 characters. |
Description | The State or Province for the address. Free text of up to 80 characters. |
Name | AQB__Status__c |
Label | Status |
Help Text | The Status is used to indicate whether this address is currently thought to be valid for use in mailings. |
Picklist values | Good |
Description | The Status is used to indicate whether this address is currently thought to be valid for use in mailings. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineFour__c |
Label | Deprecate Street Line Fourth |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The fourth street line of this address. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineOne__c |
Label | Deprecate Street Line One |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The first street line for this address. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineOnex__c |
Label | Street Line One |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | First line of the Street Address. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineThree__c |
Label | Deprecate Street Line Three |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The third street line of this address. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineThreex__c |
Label | Street Line Three |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Third line of the Street Address. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineTwo__c |
Label | Deprecate Street Line Two |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The second street line of this address. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineTwox__c |
Label | Street Line Two |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Second line of the Street Address. |
Name | AQB__Street__c |
Label | Street |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Multiple street lines can be entered by simply hitting enter after each line. A total of 255 characters can be entered. This field, along with the Locality field, is for use in mail merges. |
Description | Multiple street lines can be entered by simply hitting enter after each line. A total of 255 characters can be entered. This field, along with the Locality field, is for use in mail merges. |
Name | AQB__TimeZone__c |
Label | Deprecate Time Zone |
Help Text | The time zone in which this address is located. |
Picklist values | EST Eastern Standard Time GMT-5:00 |
Description | The time zone in which this address is located. |
Name | AQB__Twitch__c |
Label | Twitch |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | Twitch address. |
Name | AQB__Twitter__c |
Label | |
Type | URL |
Help Text | The Twitter address of the Account or Contact. |
Description | The Twitter address of the Account or Contact. |
Name | AQB__Type__c |
Label | Type |
Help Text | The Type describes the nature of this address, e.g. Home, Business, Vacation, Other, etc. |
Picklist values | Business Address |
Name | AQB__Unlisted__c |
Label | Unlisted |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates the phone number is unlisted. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates the phone number is unlisted. |
Name | AQB__UseAsAccountMailingAddress__c |
Label | Use As Account Mailing Address |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this address will be used as the Mailing Address for the Account to which it is associated. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__UseAsContactBusinessAddress__c |
Label | Use As Contact Business Address |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this address will be used as the default Business Address for the contact to whom it is associated. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__UseAsContactMailingAddress__c |
Label | Use as Contact Mailing Address |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this address will be used as the Mailing Address for the Contact with whom it is associated. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Uses__c |
Label | Uses |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | This address is used for the purpose(s) and mailing lists shown here. |
Description | This address is used for the purpose(s) and mailing lists shown here. |
Name | AQB__ValidationDate__c |
Label | Validated On |
Help Text | The date the address was validated. |
Description | The date the address was validated. |
Name | AQB__VerificationDate__c |
Label | Verification Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The Date that this address was last verified via independent electronic sources. |
Description | The Date that this address was last verified via independent electronic sources. |
Name | AQB__VerificationFlag__c |
Label | Verification Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The verification flag for this address. |
Description | The verification flag for this address. |
Name | AQB__We_Chat__c |
Label | We Chat |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | We Chat address. |
Name | AQB__YouTubeChannel__c |
Label | YouTube Channel |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | YouTube channel address. |
Name | AQCV_Conversionid__c |
Label | AQCV Conversionid |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | External Id |
Name | usyd_student_ac_id__c |
Label | USYD student Alternate channel id |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Description | Combination of student id and contact type for integrations to uniquely identify record. |
Name | AQB__EngagementScoreCategory__c |
Label | Engagement Score Category |
Help Text | If using the override option, the appropriate engagement score category will be stored in this field. |
Picklist values | Communications |
Description | Identifies the category group the engagement score will be totaled in to. |
Name | Student_id__c |
Label | Student_id |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | USYD_Alternate_ID__c |
Label | Alternate ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | USYD_Student_ID__c |
Label | USYD Student ID |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | This is the Contact's student ID |
Description | This is the student ID from the alternate ID record. |
Name | USYD_contact_ID__c |
Label | contact ID |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | USYD_special__c |
Label | special |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | usyd_stu_id_plus_type__c |
Label | usyd_stu_id_plus_type |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__CbsaId__c |
Label | CBSA ID |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | A 5 digit number that identifies a core based statistical area (CBSA). |
Description | A 5 digit number that identifies a core based statistical area (CBSA). |
Name | AQB__CbsaName__c |
Label | CBSA Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name for the core based statistical area (CBSA). |
Description | The name for the core based statistical area (CBSA). |
Name | AQB__CbsaType__c |
Label | CBSA Indicator |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Identifies a core based statistical area (CBSA) as either metropolitan or micropolitan. |
Description | Identifies a core based statistical area (CBSA) as either metropolitan or micropolitan. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedCityStateZip__c |
Label | Standardized City State Zipcode |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Standardized city, state and zipcode information - single line. |
Description | Standardized city, state and zipcode information. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedCountry__c |
Label | Standardized Country |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Standardized country. |
Description | Standardized country. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedStreet2Name__c |
Label | Standardized Street 2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Standardized line 2 information. |
Description | Standardized line 2 information. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedStreet3Name__c |
Label | Standardized Street 3 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Standardized street line 3 information. |
Description | Standardized street line 3 information. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedStreet4Name__c |
Label | Standardized Street 4 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Standardized street line 4 information. |
Description | Standardized street line 4 information. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedStreet5Name__c |
Label | Standardized Street 5 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Standardized street line 5 information. |
Description | Standardized street line 5 information. |
Name | AQB__CertifiedUrbanizationName__c |
Label | Urbanization Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Standardized urbanization name. |
Description | Standardized urbanization name. |
Name | AQB__CongressionalDistrictName__c |
Label | US Congressional District Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name for the United States congressional district, including the name of the state. |
Description | The name for the United States congressional district, including the name of the state. |
Name | AQB__CountryISO2__c |
Label | 2 Character ISO Country Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | 2 character alpha country code as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
Description | 2 character alpha country code as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
Name | AQB__CountryISO3__c |
Label | 3 Character ISO Country Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | 3 character numeric country code as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
Description | 3 character numeric country code as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
Name | AQB__CsaId__c |
Label | CSA ID |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | A 3 digit number that identifies a combined statistical area (CSA). |
Description | A 3 digit number that identifies a combined statistical area (CSA). |
Name | AQB__CsaName__c |
Label | CSA Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name of a given combined statistical area (CSA). |
Description | The name of a given combined statistical area (CSA). |
Name | AQB__DPVVacantIndicator__c |
Label | Vacant Delivery Point Indicator |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Vacant delivery point indicator. |
Description | Vacant delivery point indicator. |
Name | AQB__DeveloperCode__c |
Label | Developer Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | A code returned from Instant Address that an integration developer can use to interpret the response. |
Description | A code returned from Instant Address that an integration developer can use to interpret the response. |
Name | AQB__GeolocationMatchType__c |
Label | Geolocation Precision |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Identifies whether the geo coordinates assigned to an address were matched to a rooftop, interpolated or centered using the street, centered using a ZIP Code, or were not available. |
Description | Identifies whether the geo coordinates assigned to an address were matched to a rooftop, interpolated or centered using the street, centered using a ZIP Code, or were not available. |
Name | AQB__StateLegislatureLowerByZipId__c |
Label | State Legislature ID Lower |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | A numeric value indicating the state legislature district for the lower chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Description | A numeric value indicating the state legislature district for the lower chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Name | AQB__StateLegislatureLowerByZipName__c |
Label | State Legislature Name Lower |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name of the state legislature district for the lower chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Description | The name of the state legislature district for the lower chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Name | AQB__StateLegislatureUpperByZipId__c |
Label | State Legislature ID Upper |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | A numeric value indicating the state legislature district for the upper chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Description | A numeric value indicating the state legislature district for the upper chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Name | AQB__StateLegislatureUpperByZipName__c |
Label | State Legislature Name Upper |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name of the state legislature district for the upper chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Description | The name of the state legislature district for the upper chamber. This is determined using ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) in the US Census data. |
Name | AQB__StreetLineFive__c |
Label | Formatted Street 5 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Formatted street line 5 information. |
Description | Formatted street line 5 information. |
Name | AQB__SummaryFlags__c |
Label | Summary Flags |
Type | TEXT(150) |
Help Text | This is a concatenated field that contains the timestamp and response flags from the Instant Address service. |
Description | This is a concatenated field that contains the timestamp and response flags from the Instant Address service. |
Name | AQB__UIMessage__c |
Label | UI Message |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(500) |
Help Text | A long text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to be used at the user interface level. |
Description | A long text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to be used at the user interface level. |
Name | AQB__UISummaryMessage__c |
Label | UI Summary Message |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | A short text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to be used at the user interface level. |
Description | A short text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to be used at the user interface level. |
Name | AQB__UITooltip__c |
Label | UI Tooltip |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | A succinct text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to serve as a tooltip or help text. |
Description | A succinct text message that summarizes the deliverability status of a given address. It is intended to serve as a tooltip or help text. |
Name | AQB__EngagementScoreOverride__c |
Label | Engagement Score Override |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If a manual update is needed for the Engagement Score value that is outside the parameters of the rule defined, the Engagement Score Override can be used. Marking the override checkbox, selecting the corresponding category will allow the user to manually override the "Engagement Score" field. |
Default value | false |
Description | This field will be used to change the value of the score manually to a value that does not meet the criteria of the defined rule within the Engagement Score parameter. |
Name | AQB__EngagementScore__c |
Label | Engagement Score |
Type | NUMBER(4,0) |
Help Text | When completing an Engagement Score override users will select the category, check the override box, and fill the engagement score field value to the desired score value. All three fields will need to be placed on the desired object. |
Description | This field holds the score value associated with an override. |
Name | Usyd_RTS_Reason__c |
Label | RTS Reason |
Help Text | RTS Reason. Other will be tracked in the mailing address note field |
Picklist values | No Longer at this Address |
Description | RTS Reason. Other will be tracked in the mailing address note field |
Name | AQB__PrimaryChannelLocation__c |
Label | Primary Channel Location |
Picklist values | AQB__BusinessEmail__c |
Name | USyd_Type__c |
Label | Type |
Picklist values | Personal |
Description | The Type describes the nature of the address/email/phone e.g.For Address, it captures Home, Business, Vacation, Other, etc. |