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Object: Account
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Account ID | ID |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
MasterRecordId | Master Record ID | LOOKUP |
Name | Account Name | TEXT(255) |
Type | Account Type | PICKLIST |
RecordTypeId | Record Type ID | LOOKUP |
ParentId | Parent Account ID | LOOKUP |
BillingStreet | Account Mailing Street | TEXT AREA(255) |
BillingCity | Account Mailing City | TEXT(40) |
BillingState | Account Mailing State/Province | TEXT(80) |
BillingPostalCode | Account Mailing ZIP/Postal Code | TEXT(20) |
BillingCountry | Account Mailing Country | TEXT(80) |
BillingLatitude | Account Mailing Latitude | NUMBER(3,15) |
BillingLongitude | Account Mailing Longitude | NUMBER(3,15) |
BillingGeocodeAccuracy | Billing Geocode Accuracy | PICKLIST |
BillingAddress | Account Mailing Address | AUTO NUMBER |
ShippingStreet | Matching Gift Street | TEXT AREA(255) |
ShippingCity | Matching Gift City | TEXT(40) |
ShippingState | Matching Gift State/Province | TEXT(80) |
ShippingPostalCode | Matching Gift ZIP/Postal Code | TEXT(20) |
ShippingCountry | Matching Gift Country | TEXT(80) |
ShippingLatitude | Matching Gift Latitude | NUMBER(3,15) |
ShippingLongitude | Matching Gift Longitude | NUMBER(3,15) |
ShippingGeocodeAccuracy | Shipping Geocode Accuracy | PICKLIST |
ShippingAddress | Matching Gift Address | AUTO NUMBER |
Phone | Account Phone | PHONE |
Fax | Account Fax | PHONE |
AccountNumber | Legacy Account Number | TEXT(40) |
Website | Website | URL |
PhotoUrl | Photo URL | URL |
Sic | SIC Code | TEXT(20) |
Industry | Industry | PICKLIST |
AnnualRevenue | Annual Revenue | CURRENCY(18,0) |
NumberOfEmployees | Employees | AUTO NUMBER |
Ownership | Ownership | PICKLIST |
TickerSymbol | Ticker Symbol | TEXT(20) |
Description | Account Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) |
Rating | Account Rating | PICKLIST |
Site | Account Site | TEXT(80) |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastActivityDate | Last Activity | DATE |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
IsCustomerPortal | Customer Portal Account | CHECKBOX |
Jigsaw | Key | TEXT(20) |
JigsawCompanyId | Jigsaw Company ID | TEXT(20) |
AccountSource | Account Source | PICKLIST |
SicDesc | SIC Description | TEXT(80) |
HasPrivacyHold | Privacy Hold | CHECKBOX |
AQB__AccountCount__c | Account Count | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__AccountDefaultAddressChangeFlags__c | Permanent Address Change Flags | TEXT(100) | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
AQB__AccountDefaultAddressDistrict__c | Permanent Address District | PICKLIST |
AQB__AccountDefaultAddressLocality__c | Permanent Address Locality | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__AccountDefaultAddressRegion__c | Permanent Address Region | PICKLIST |
AQB__AccountDefaultAddress__c | Permanent Address | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__AccountDefaultCarrierRoute__c | Permanent Address Carrier Route | TEXT(50) | The carrier route of the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultCertifiedCityName__c | Permanent Address Certified City Name | TEXT(255) | The certified city name of the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultCertifiedStreetName__c | Permanent Address Certified Street Name | TEXT(255) | The certified street name of the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultCity__c | Permanent Address City | TEXT(255) | The city name related to the address. This name can be the preferred city name or an acceptable city name. Free text of up to 50 characters. |
AQB__AccountDefaultCountryId__c | Permanet Address Country Id | TEXT(5) | The account permanent address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__AccountDefaultCountry__c | Permanent Address Country | TEXT(100) | Country for Account Default Address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultCountyNumber__c | Permanent Address County Number | TEXT(10) | The county number of the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultCounty__c | Permanent Address County | TEXT(255) | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
AQB__AccountDefaultDPCD__c | Permanent Address DPCD | TEXT(10) | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
AQB__AccountDefaultDPVFlag__c | Permanent Address DPV Flag | TEXT(10) | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
AQB__AccountDefaultDPV__c | Permanent Address DPV | TEXT(10) | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
AQB__AccountDefaultDeliveryPoint1__c | Permanent Address Delivery Point Code | TEXT(10) | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
AQB__AccountDefaultDeliveryPointValidation__c | Permanent Addr Delivery Point Validation | TEXT(10) | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
AQB__AccountDefaultFIPSStateCode__c | Permanent Address FIPS State Code | TEXT(10) | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code for the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultFlag__c | Permanent Address Flag | TEXT(10) | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
AQB__AccountDefaultLongitude__c | Permanent Address Longitude | TEXT(50) | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
AQB__AccountDefaultNote__c | Permanent Address Note | TEXT AREA(255) | Default note to describe special characteristics of, or information about this address. For example, special directions may be needed to locate the location for a personal visit. It might also describe restrictions on the use of this address. Up to 255 characters. |
AQB__AccountDefaultPhone__c | Permanent Address Phone | PHONE | Phone for permanent account address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultRDI__c | Permanent Address RDI | TEXT(1) | The Residential Delivery Indicator for the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultStateId__c | Permantent Address State Id | TEXT(2) | The account permanent address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__AccountDefaultStateProvince__c | Permanent Address State/Province | TEXT(100) | The State or Province for the address. Free text of up to 80 characters. |
AQB__AccountDefaultStatus__c | Permanent Address Status | PICKLIST | The Status is used to indicate whether this address is currently thought to be valid for use in mailings. |
AQB__AccountDefaultStreet__c | Permanent Address Street | TEXT AREA(255) | Permanent Street Address for Account. |
AQB__AccountDefaultType__c | Permanent Address Type | PICKLIST | The Type describes the nature of permanent account address, e.g. Home, Business, Vacation, Other, etc |
AQB__AccountDefaultVerificationFlag__c | Permanent Address Verification Flag | TEXT(10) | The verification flag of the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefaultZipCode__c | Permanent Add Zip/Postal Code | TEXT(40) | The postal code for the address. Free text of up to 20 characters. |
AQB__AccountDefautCertifiedStateAbbreviation__c | Permanent Address Certified State Abbr. | TEXT(100) | The certified state abbreviation of the account permanent address. |
AQB__AccountDefautValidationDate__c | Permanent Address Validated On | DATETIME | The date the address was validated. |
AQB__AccountExternalID__c | Account External ID | TEXT(20) | A unique Account identifier, used during the process of converting data into Affinaquest. |
AQB__AccountGrouping__c | Account Grouping | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineOne__c | Mailing Street Line One | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineThree__c | Mailing Street Line Three | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineTwo__c | Mailing Street Line Two | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__AccountNameOverride__c | Account Name Override | TEXT(255) | Use this to override any automated Account Name. |
AQB__AccountPermanentAddressLineThree__c | Permanent Add Street Line Three | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__AccountSource__c | Account Source | TEXT(100) |
AQB__AccountStatus__c | Account Status | PICKLIST | An INACTIVE account should not generally be used for mailings, campaigns, or solicitations. An account is automatically marked INACTIVE if all associated Contacts are deceased. Gifts cannot be posted to an INACTIVE account. |
AQB__AccountType__c | Account Type | PICKLIST | A picklist of the highest level categorization of this Account. The category can be further described in the Secondary Type field. |
AQB__AccuntDefaultLatitude__c | Permanent Address Latitude | TEXT(50) | The latitude of the account permanent address. |
AQB__Alert__c | Alert | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
AQB__BillingAddressCarrierRoute__c | Mailing Address Carrier Route | TEXT(101) | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedCityName__c | Mailing Address Certified City Name | TEXT(255) | The certified city name of the account mailing address. |
AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedStateAbbreviation__c | Mailing Address Certified State Abbr. | TEXT(100) | The certified state abbreviation of the account mailing address. |
AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedStreetName__c | Mailing Address Certified Street Name | TEXT(255) | The verified street name of the account mailing address. |
AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedZipCode__c | Mailing Address Certified Zip Code | TEXT(20) | The certified zip code of the account mailing address. |
AQB__BillingAddressChangeFlags__c | Mailing Address Change Flags | TEXT(100) | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
AQB__BillingAddressCountryId__c | Mailing Address Country Id | TEXT(5) | The account mailing address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__BillingAddressCountyNumber__c | Mailing Address County ID | TEXT(10) | The account mailing address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__BillingAddressCounty__c | Mailing Address County | TEXT(255) | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
AQB__BillingAddressDPCD__c | Mailing Address DPCD | TEXT(10) | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
AQB__BillingAddressDPVFlag__c | Mailing Address DPV Flag | TEXT(10) | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
AQB__BillingAddressDPV__c | Mailing Address DPV | TEXT(10) | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
AQB__BillingAddressDeliveryPoint1__c | Mailing Address Delivery Point Code | TEXT(10) | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
AQB__BillingAddressDeliveryPointValiadtion__c | Mailing Addr Delivery Point Validation | TEXT(10) | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
AQB__BillingAddressFlag__c | Mailing Address Flag | TEXT(10) | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
AQB__BillingAddressLatitude__c | Mailing Address Latitude | TEXT(50) | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
AQB__BillingAddressLongitude__c | Mailing Address Longitude | TEXT(50) | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
AQB__BillingAddressRDI__c | Mailing Address RDI | TEXT(3) | The Residential Delivery Indicator of the account mailing address. |
AQB__BillingAddressStateFIPSCode__c | Mailing Address State FIPS Code | TEXT(10) |
AQB__BillingAddressStateId__c | Mailing Address State Id | TEXT(2) | The account mailing address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__BillingAddressType__c | Mailing Address Type | PICKLIST | A description of the nature of the address information, such as residence, business, etc. |
AQB__BillingAddressValidationDate__c | Mailing Address Validated On | DATETIME | The date the address was validated. |
AQB__BillingAddressVerificationFlag__c | Mailing Address Verification Flag | TEXT(10) | High level validation flag indicating status, (V) Verified, (N) Not Verified, (O) Overridden. |
AQB__BillingDistrict__c | Mailing Address District | PICKLIST |
AQB__BillingLocality__c | Mailing Address Locality | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This system-created field is an amalgamation of the City, State and Postal Code fields for this address. |
AQB__BillingMailingLists__c | Mailing Lists for This Account | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) | In addition to being used as the Account Preferred Mailing Address, this address is used for the specific account mailings listed here. |
AQB__BillingNote__c | Mailing Address Note | TEXT AREA(255) | Use this field to attach any brief information regarding this Account Address. |
AQB__BillingRegion__c | Mailing Address Region | PICKLIST |
AQB__BillingStatus__c | Mailing Address Status | PICKLIST | A description of the validity of this address. 'Returned by the post office' is an intermediate condition indicating that it has been returned, but you may not yet wish to declare the address as 'Lost'. |
AQB__BillingTimeZone__c | Mailing Address Time Zone | PICKLIST | The Time Zone for this address. |
AQB__CAECategory__c | VSE Category | PICKLIST | This is the VSE Category for the Account. |
AQB__Capacity__c | Overall Account Capacity | PICKLIST | An institution-defined set of values, meant to describe the amount a prospect might be able to give. |
AQB__CommunicationsManaged__c | Communications Managed | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
AQB__ConsecutiveYearsGiven__c | Consecutive Years Given | NUMBER(3,0) | Number of Consecutive Fiscal Years this Account has given. |
AQB__ContactInvolvementRating__c | Contact Involvement Rating | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Shows the level of highest involvement by an Account Contact by displaying a broken link indicating a lack of involvement or one to three links indicating increasing involvement in volunteer activities, interests, or communication with the institution. |
AQB__CustomerPriority__c | Customer Priority | PICKLIST |
AQB__DefaultAcknowledgementType__c | Default Acknowledgement Type | LOOKUP | The value in this field will be assigned to the acknowledgement type field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the acknowledgement type for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
AQB__DefaultAnonymityLevel__c | Default Anonymity Level | PICKLIST |
AQB__DefaultCampaignAppeal__c | Default Campaign Appeal | LOOKUP | The value in this field will be assigned to the campaign appeal field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the campaign appeal for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
AQB__DefaultGiftAmount__c | Default Gift Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) | The value in this field will be assigned to the amount field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the amount for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
AQB__DefaultGiftDescription__c | Default Gift Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) | The value in this field will be assigned to the description field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the description for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
AQB__DefaultGiftDistribution__c | Default Gift Designation | LOOKUP | The gift designation in this field will be assigned to the Designation field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have to opportunity change the designation for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
AQB__DistrictAlternate__c | District - Alternate | PICKLIST |
AQB__DistrictIsOverridden__c | District is Overridden | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the user has overridden the district associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
AQB__District__c | District | PICKLIST |
AQB__DivisionUnit__c | Division/Unit | PICKLIST |
AQB__DoNotArchive__c | Do Not Archive | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the Address, Phone and/or Email should not be archived. |
AQB__DoNotContact__c | Do Not Contact | CHECKBOX | Check this box to indicate that this Account wishes not to be contacted. |
AQB__DoNotSolicit__c | Do Not Solicit | CHECKBOX |
AQB__DoubletheDonationID__c | Double the Donation ID | TEXT(5) |
AQB__EINNumber__c | EIN Number | TEXT(10) |
AQB__Email__c | Email address for this household. | ||
AQB__FirstGiftPledgeAmount__c | First Gift/Pledge Amount | CURRENCY(9,2) | This is the Amount of the First Gift/Pledge on this Account |
AQB__FirstGiftPledgeBalance__c | First Gift/Pledge Balance | CURRENCY(9,2) | This is the First Gift/Pledge Balance on this Account. |
AQB__FirstGiftPledgeDate__c | First Gift/Pledge Date | DATE | This is the date of the First Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
AQB__FirstGiftPledgeFundraisingCampaign__c | First Gift/Pledge Fundraising Campaign | TEXT(80) | This is the Fundraising Campaign of the First Gift on this Account. |
AQB__FirstGiftPledge__c | First Gift/Pledge | LOOKUP | This is the First Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
AQB__GiftsAreAnonymous__c | Gifts Are Anonymous | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Giving_Interests__c | Giving Interests | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
AQB__GreetingOverride__c | Account Greeting Override | TEXT(200) | Use this to override any automated Account Greeting. |
AQB__Greeting__c | Account Greeting | TEXT(200) | This is the greeting salutation as it might be used in a letter or email such as "Mr. Smith", "Dr. and Mr. Brown" or "Jack and Jill". This field can contain 200 characters. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea1Alternate__c | Institutional Area 1 - Alternate | PICKLIST | Alternate Institutional Area 1 assigned to this account, if any. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea1IsOverridden__c | Institutional Area 1 is Overridden | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 1 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea1__c | Institutional Area 1 | PICKLIST | The Institutional Area 1 that is associated with this Account. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea2Alternate__c | Institutional Area 2 - Alternate | PICKLIST | Alternate Institutional Area 2 assigned to this account, if any. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea2IsOverridden__c | Institutional Area 2 is Overridden | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 2 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea2__c | Institutional Area 2 | PICKLIST | The Institutional Area 2 that is associated with this Account. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea3Alternate__c | Institutional Area 3 - Alternate | PICKLIST | Alternate Institutional Area 3 assigned to this account, if any. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea3IsOverridden__c | Institutional Area 3 is Overridden | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 3 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea3__c | Institutional Area 3 | PICKLIST | The Institutional Area 3 that is associated with this Account. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea4Alternate__c | Institutional Area 4 - Alternate | PICKLIST | Alternate Institutional Area 4 assigned to this account, if any. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea4IsOverridden__c | Institutional Area 4 is Overridden | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 4 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
AQB__InstitutionalArea4__c | Institutional Area 4 | PICKLIST | The Institutional Area 4 that is associated with this Account. |
AQB__InternalAcctMailStreetOne__c | Internal Acct Mail Street One | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__InternalAcctMailStreetTwo__c | Internal Acct Mail Street Two | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__InternalPermMailAddStreetOne__c | Internal Perm Mail Add Street One | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__InternalPermMailAddstreetTwo__c | Internal Perm Mail Add Street Two | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__InvolvementScore__c | Involvement Score | NUMBER(3,2) |
AQB__Involvement__c | Involvement | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | A system-generated indicator of the degree of involvement of the Account with the institution, based on the Account having a Case, an Activity or a Volunteer Activity. |
AQB__KPIChart1__c | KPI Chart 1 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart2__c | KPI Chart 2 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart3__c | KPI Chart 3 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart4__c | KPI Chart 4 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChartSize__c | KPI Chart Size | PICKLIST |
AQB__LargestGiftPledge__c | Largest Gift/Pledge Amount | CURRENCY(9,2) | The total amount of the largest gift/Pledge. |
AQB__LinkedAddress__c | Mailing Address Link | LOOKUP | Click this link to edit the Default Address. |
AQB__MailingAddressResidentIndicator__c | Mailing Address Residential Indicator | TEXT(1) | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
AQB__MailingNameLineTwoOverride__c | Mailing Name Line Two Override | TEXT(200) | Use this to override any automated Mailing Name Line Two. |
AQB__MailingNameLineTwo__c | Mailing Name Line Two | TEXT(200) |
AQB__MailingNameOverride__c | Mailing Name Line One Override | TEXT(200) | Use this to override any automated Mailing Name Line One. |
AQB__MailingName__c | Mailing Name Line One | TEXT(200) | This field is updated via the AccountBeforeInsert trigger. |
AQB__MatchesGifts__c | HEP Eligible | CHECKBOX |
AQB__MostRecentGiftAmount__c | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Amount | CURRENCY(9,2) |
AQB__MostRecentGiftDate__c | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Date | DATE |
AQB__MostRecentGiftFundraisingCampaign__c | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Fundraising Camp | TEXT(80) |
AQB__MostRecentGiftPledgeBalance__c | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Balance | CURRENCY(9,2) |
AQB__MostRecentGiftPledge__c | Most Recent Gift/Pledge | LOOKUP | This is the link to the Most Recent Gift/Pledge |
AQB__MostRecentPaymentFundraisingCampaign__c | Most Recent Payment Fundraising Campaign | TEXT(80) | The Fundraising Campaign of the most recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentAmount__c | Most Recent Pledge Payment Amount | CURRENCY(9,2) | The Amount of the Most Recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentCampaignAppeal__c | Most Recent Payment Campaign Appeal | TEXT(80) | The Most Recent Pledge Payment's Campaign Appeal. |
AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentDate__c | Most Recent Pledge Payment Date | DATE | The Date of the Most Recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentDesignation__c | Most Recent Pledge Payment Designation | TEXT(80) | The Designation of the Most Recent Pledge payment. |
AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentRecordType__c | Most Recent Pledge Payment Record Type | TEXT(30) | The Record Type of the Most Recent Pledge Payment. |
AQB__MostRecentPledgePayment__c | Most Recent Pledge Payment | LOOKUP | This is the Most Recent Payment made on this Account. |
AQB__NextActivityDate__c | Next Task Date | DATE | The date of the next Task planned for this Account. |
AQB__NextActivity__c | Next Task | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | The flag indicates status of the next Task for the Account. White - no future Tasks. Green - Task due date is at least 14 days away. Yellow - Task due date is within 14 days. Red - Task is overdue. |
AQB__NumberofLocations__c | Number of Locations | NUMBER(3,0) |
AQB__OldestPledgePaymentDueDate__c | Oldest Pledge Payment Due Date | DATE | This field represents the oldest due date for any open pledges belonging to this Account. |
AQB__OverallAccountRatingDate__c | Overall Account Rating Date | DATE | Date associated with the Overall Account Capacity and Overall Account Readiness. |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__PermanentAddressCertifiedZipCode__c | Permanent Address Certified Zip Code | TEXT(20) | The certified zip code of the account permanent account. |
AQB__PermanentAddressCountyID__c | Permanent Address County ID | TEXT(10) | The account permanent address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__PermanentAddressResidentialInidicator__c | Permanent Address Residential Indicator | TEXT(1) | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
AQB__PermanentAddressStreetLineOne__c | Permanent Add Street Line One | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__PermanentAddressStreetLineTwo__c | Permanent Add Street Line Two | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__PledgeStatus__c | Pledge Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Displays a fist for no pledge balance, one thumb up for a pledge due in the future, one thumb down for a pledge less than 30 days overdue, two thumbs down for a pledge 30 to 60 days overdue, and three thumbs down for a pledge more than 60 days overdue. |
AQB__PrimaryContact__c | Primary Contact | LOOKUP |
AQB__ProspectManager__c | Prospect Manager | LOOKUP | The Prospect Manager for this Account. |
AQB__ProspectStatusDate__c | Prospect Status Date | DATE | Date this Prospect Status was assigned. |
AQB__ProspectStatus__c | Prospect Status | PICKLIST | Overall status of this Account as a Prospect for Giving. |
AQB__RFM__c | RFM | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | A star is awarded for each of the following five conditions: having a giving record, having a pending opportunity, having a largest gift over a defined amount, having a total amount of giving over a defined amount, and having made a payment this year. |
AQB__Readiness__c | Overall Account Readiness | PICKLIST | An institution-defined set of values, meant to describe the preparedness of the prospect to give or the status of the prospect's cultivation. |
AQB__RegionAlternate__c | Region - Alternate | PICKLIST |
AQB__RegionIsOverridden__c | Region is Overridden | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the user has overridden the region associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
AQB__Region__c | Region | PICKLIST |
AQB__RejectQuidProQuos__c | Reject Quid Pro Quos | CHECKBOX |
AQB__SLAExpirationDate__c | SLA Expiration Date | DATE |
AQB__SLASerialNumber__c | SLA Serial Number | TEXT(10) |
AQB__SeasonalStartDate__c | Seasonal Start Date | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__SeasonalStopDate__c | Seasonal Stop Date | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__SecondaryContact__c | Secondary Contact | LOOKUP | The secondary Contact for this Account. |
AQB__SecondaryTypes__c | Secondary Account Types | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) | A multi-select picklist allowing for the assignment of multiple secondary categorization levels for this Account. The primary category should be entered into the Type field. |
AQB__Setup__c | Setup | LOOKUP |
AQB__SharewithCommunity__c | Share with Community | CHECKBOX |
AQB__ShippingAddressCarrierRoute__c | Matching Gift Address Carrier Route | TEXT(50) | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedCityName__c | Matching Gift Add Certified City Name | TEXT(255) | The certified city name of the account Matching Gift address. |
AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedStateAbbr__c | Matching Gift Add Certified State Abbr. | TEXT(100) | The certified state abbreviation of the account Matching Gift address. |
AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedStreetName__c | Matching Gift Add Certified Street Name | TEXT(255) | The certified street name of the account Matching Gift address. |
AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedZipCode__c | Matching Gift Address Certified Zip Code | TEXT(20) | The certified zip code of the account Matching Gift address. |
AQB__ShippingAddressChangeFlags__c | Matching Gift Address Change Flags | TEXT(100) | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
AQB__ShippingAddressCountryId__c | Matching Gift Address Country ID | TEXT(5) | The account matching gift address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__ShippingAddressCountyNumber__c | Matching Gift Address County ID | TEXT(10) | The account matching gift address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__ShippingAddressCounty__c | Matching Gift Address County | TEXT(255) | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
AQB__ShippingAddressDPCD__c | Matching Gift Address DPCD | TEXT(10) | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
AQB__ShippingAddressDPVFlag__c | Matching Gift Address DPV Flag | TEXT(10) | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
AQB__ShippingAddressDPV__c | Matching Gift Address DPV | TEXT(10) | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
AQB__ShippingAddressDeliveryPoint1__c | Matching Gift Addr Delivery Point Code | TEXT(10) | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
AQB__ShippingAddressDeliveryPointValidation__c | Matching Gift Add Delivery Pt Validation | TEXT(10) | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
AQB__ShippingAddressFIPSStateCode__c | Matching Gift Address FIPS State Code | TEXT(10) | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code of the account Matching Gift address. |
AQB__ShippingAddressFlag__c | Matching Gift Address Flag | TEXT(10) | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
AQB__ShippingAddressLatitude__c | Matching Gift Address Latitude | TEXT(50) | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
AQB__ShippingAddressLongitude__c | Matching Gift Address Longitude | TEXT(50) | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
AQB__ShippingAddressRDI__c | Matching Gift Address RDI | TEXT(1) | The Residential Delivery Indicator of the account Matching Gift address. |
AQB__ShippingAddressStateId__c | Matching Gift Address State Id | TEXT(2) | The account matching gift address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
AQB__ShippingAddressValidationDate__c | Matching Gift Address Validated On | DATETIME | The date the address was validated. |
AQB__ShippingAddressVerificationFlag__c | Matching Gift Address Verification Flag | TEXT(10) | The verification flag for the account Matching Gift address. |
AQB__ShippingNote__c | Matching Gift Address Note | TEXT(255) | Use this field to attach any brief information regarding this Matching Gift Address. |
AQB__ShippingsStatus__c | Matching Gift Address Status | PICKLIST | A description of the validity of this address. 'Returned by the post office' is an intermediate condition indicating that it has been returned, but you may not yet wish to declare the address as 'Lost'. |
AQB__StaffLiason__c | Staff Liaison | LOOKUP |
AQB__SupplierIDNumber__c | Supplier ID Number | TEXT(15) |
AQB__TotalGiftPledges__c | Total Gift & Pledges | CURRENCY(9,2) | A running total of the gifts given by this Account. |
AQB__TotalPledgeBalance__c | Total Pledge Balance | CURRENCY(9,2) | The total balance of all pledges to this Account. |
AQB__TotalYearsGiven__c | Total Years Given | NUMBER(3,0) | The total number of Fiscal Years this Account has given. |
AQB__OpenOpps__c | Total Open Opportunities | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | The total amount of all opportunities which are not yet closed. |
AQB__RecordTypeDeveloperName__c | Record Type Developer Name | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | The Developer Name of the Account Record Type. Primary use is for Validation Rules. |
USYD_Special_Category_Donor__c | Special Category Donor | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | Indicates if the Account is only giving exclusively to Special category areas |
Count__c | Count | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) | The Power of One |
AQC_Pledge_Status__c | Pledge Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This is a custom version of the AQB.Pledge_Status field to act as a placeholder until it is updated. |
USYD_International_Address__c | International Address? | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) |
USyd_Account_ID__c | Account ID | AUTO NUMBER | This is another unique identifier for an account. |
USYD_Gift_Count__c | Gift Count | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | Gift Count |
USYD_Special_Category_Gift_Count__c | Special Category Gift Count | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | Counts of Special category gifts |
USYD_Receipting_Care_of__c | Receipting Care of | TEXT(100) | This will temporarily store "Care of" data for Receipting |
USYD_Do_Not_Email__c | Do Not Email | CHECKBOX | This is for Organisations/Corporations or any non-household accounts which opted out of email communication. |
USYD_Do_Not_Call__c | Do Not Call | CHECKBOX | This is for Organisations/Corporations or any non-household accounts which prefer not to be called. |
USYD_Receipting_Alert__c | Receipting Alert | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | This will contain the alert specific for receipting |
flag__c | flag | TEXT(1) |
USYD_Backend_Gift_Count__c | Backend Gift Count | FORMULA (NUMBER)(16,2) |
Usyd_Total_Count_of_Opportunities__c | Total Count of Opportunities | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | Total Count all opportunities regardless of stage |
Usyd_Is_Prospect__c | Is Prospect | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | If Total count of Opportunities > 0 then true, else false |
USYD_Total_Funds_Raised__c | Total Funds Raised | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | Total funds raised for this account |
Usyd_Is_Active_Prospect__c | Is Active Prospect? | CHECKBOX | Describes whether a prospect is active or Inactive. For example, inactive in case of deceased. |
Usyd_Prospect_Start_Date__c | Prospect Start Date | DATE |
USYD_Do_Not_Mail__c | Do Not Mail | CHECKBOX | Check this box if the account don't wish to receive postage or mail |
USYD_Preferred_Account_Mailing_Address__c | Preferred Account Mailing Address | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Captures Address if either or both Do Not Mail and Do Not Contact are unchecked and address is not empty. |
USYD_Preferred_Email__c | Preferred Email | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Captures Email if either or both Do Not Email and Do Not Contact are unchecked. |
USYD_Preferred_Phone__c | Preferred Phone | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Captures Phone if either or both Do Not Call and Do Not Contact are unchecked. |
USYD_Total_Funds_Received__c | Total Funds Received | ROLL-UP SUMMARY |
USYD_Special_Category__c | Special Category | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
AQB__LargestGiftPledgeDate__c | Largest Gift/Pledge Date | DATE | This is the Largest Gift/Pledge Date on this Account |
AQB__LargestGiftPledgeId__c | Largest Gift/Pledge | LOOKUP | This is the Largest Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
USYD_Last_Activity_Report__c | Last Activity Report | LOOKUP | This field captures the latest completed activity report for this account. |
Usyd_Primary_contact_type__c | Primary contact type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Usyd_Stewardship_Level__c | Stewardship Level | PICKLIST | Tier A - $500K+ and other criteria (as agreed with PM) |
USyd_Contacts_Count__c | Contacts Count | NUMBER(18,0) |
Usyd_Account_DNS_Derivation__c | Account DNS Derivation | CHECKBOX |
USYD_Duplicate_Review_Complete__c | Duplicate Review Complete | CHECKBOX | Exclude from duplicate rule evaluation if True |
USYD_Largest_Gift_Pledge_Designation__c | Largest Gift/Pledge Designation | LOOKUP | Largest Gift/Pledge Designation picked from largest transaction of the largest gift/pledge on that account. |
Usyd_RTS_Reason__c | RTS Reason | PICKLIST | RTS Reason. Other will be tracked in the mailing address note field |
Salesforce_ID__c | Salesforce ID (18 Digits) | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__Fee1Exception_AQ__c | Fee 1 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee1ExemptReason_AQ__c | Fee 1 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee1Exempt_AQ__c | Fee 1 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee1SourceAccount_AQ__c | Fee 1 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee1_AQ__c | Fee 1 | PERCENT(3,2) | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Account. |
AQB__Fee2Exception_AQ__c | Fee 2 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee2ExemptReason_AQ__c | Fee 2 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee2Exempt_AQ__c | Fee 2 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee2SourceAccount_AQ__c | Fee 2 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee2_AQ__c | Fee 2 | PERCENT(3,2) | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Account. |
AQB__HEPId__c | HEP Id | TEXT(10) | The ID number for this Account in the HEP database. |
AQB__MostRecentTransactionAmount__c | Most Recent Transaction Amount | CURRENCY(9,2) | The Amount of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
AQB__MostRecentTransactionCampaignAppeal__c | Most Recent Transaction Campaign Appeal | TEXT(80) | The Campaign Appeal of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
AQB__MostRecentTransactionDate__c | Most Recent Transaction Date | DATE | The Date of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
AQB__MostRecentTransactionDesignation__c | Most Recent Transaction Designation | TEXT(80) | The Designation of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
AQB__MostRecentTransactionFundraisingCampaign__c | Most Recent Transaction Fundraising Camp | TEXT(80) | The Fundraising Campaign of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
AQB__MostRecentTransactionRecordType__c | Most Recent Transaction Record Type | TEXT(30) | The Record Type of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
AQB__MostRecentTransaction__c | Most Recent Transaction | LOOKUP | The most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
AQB__WealthEstimateDate_AQ__c | Wealth Estimate Date | DATE | Account Wealth Estimate Date |
AQB__WealthEstimate_AQ__c | Wealth Estimate | CURRENCY(18,0) | Account Wealth Estimate |
AQB__CapacitySource__c | Capacity Source | PICKLIST |
AQB__RatingSource__c | Rating Source | PICKLIST |
AQB__WealthEstimateSource__c | Wealth Estimate Source | PICKLIST |
USYD_CG_ACC_DPID_Location__c | Address DPID | TEXT(100) |
caseman__MaximumClientsServed__c | Maximum Clients Served At Any Time | NUMBER(18,0) | The maximum client-serving capacity of an organization, location, or partner organization. |
sumoapp__CreatedBySumo__c | Created By SUMO | CHECKBOX |
USYD_Account_ExternalID__c | USYD Account ExternalID | TEXT(100) |
USYD_Account_Faculty_Alias__c | Account Faculty Alias | TEXT(255) |
USYD_Account_Faculty_Descriptipn__c | Account Faculty Descriptipn | TEXT(255) |
Usyd_Household_Formal_Salutation__c | Household Formal Salutation | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | AVE-39 |
Usyd_Household_Informal_Salutation__c | Household Informal Salutation | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | AVE-39 |
Usyd_Household_Mailing_Name_Salutation__c | Household Mailing Name Salutation | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | AVE-39 |
bt_stripe__Active_ARR__c | Upcoming ARR | NUMBER(16,2) | Annual revenue. |
bt_stripe__Active_MRR__c | Upcoming MRR | NUMBER(16,2) | Monthly revenue. |
bt_stripe__Active_QRR__c | Upcoming QRR | NUMBER(16,2) | Quaterly revenue. |
bt_stripe__Active_Subscription_Names__c | Active Subscription Names | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | Active subscription names |
bt_stripe__Create_Stripe_Customer__c | Create Stripe Customer | CHECKBOX |
bt_stripe__Default_Payment_Method__c | Default Payment Method | LOOKUP | Latest payment method will be automatically populated, but can be updated. |
bt_stripe__Historical_Account_Value__c | Historical Account Value | NUMBER(16,2) | Historical Account Value. |
bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_ARR__c | Last Finalized ARR | NUMBER(16,2) | The total amount of finalized or Paid annually recurring subscription invoices. |
bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_MRR__c | Last Finalized MRR | NUMBER(16,2) | The total amount of finalized or paid monthly recurring subscription invoices. |
bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_QRR__c | Last Finalized QRR | NUMBER(16,2) | The total amount of finalized or Paid 'every 3 month' billing subscription invoices. |
bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_Sum_All_ARR__c | Last Finalized Sum of All as ARR | NUMBER(16,2) | Sum of MRR+QRR+ARR revenue. |
bt_stripe__Subscription_Status__c | Subscription Status | PICKLIST | See documentation for details. |
bt_stripe__Sum_All_ARR__c | Upcoming Sum of All as ARR | NUMBER(16,2) | Sum of MRR+QRR+ARR revenue. |
AQB__NumberClosedLostOpps__c | Number of Closed Lost Opportunities | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | The number of opportunities that are 'Closed Lost'. |
AQB__NumberClosedWonOpps__c | Number of Closed Won Opportunities | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | The number of opportunities that are 'Closed Won'. |
AQB__NumberOpenOpps__c | Number of Open Opportunities | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | The number of Opportunities that are not closed. |
AQB__AccountPicture__c | Account Picture | TEXT AREA (RICH)(32768) | Picture of the Account. |
AQB__RevertAddressInUseType__c | Revert Address In Use Type | TEXT(100) | The address in use type that the account's mailing address will revert to once a seasonal address expires. |
USYD_Special_Category_Not_Calculated__c | Special Category Not Calculated | CHECKBOX |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Account_Greeting_Length | Account_Greeting_Length |
Account_Mailing_Name_Length | Account_Mailing_Name_Length |
CAE_Category_on_Household_Accounts | CAE_Category_on_Household_Accounts |
Canadian_Postal_Codes_in_Billing_Address | Canadian_Postal_Codes_in_Billing_Address |
Canadian_Postal_Codes_in_Perm_Addres | Canadian_Postal_Codes_in_Perm_Addres |
Canadian_Postal_Codes_in_Shiping_Address | Canadian_Postal_Codes_in_Shiping_Address |
Name_Length | Name_Length |
Primary_Contact | Primary_Contact |
Secondary_Contact | Secondary_Contact |
Too_Many_Acct_Mailing_Add_Street_Lines | Too_Many_Acct_Mailing_Add_Street_Lines |
Too_Many_Acct_Permanent_Add_Street_Lines | Too_Many_Acct_Permanent_Add_Street_Lines |
US_Postal_Codes_in_Billing_Address | US_Postal_Codes_in_Billing_Address |
US_Postal_Codes_in_Permanent_Address | US_Postal_Codes_in_Permanent_Address |
US_Postal_Codes_in_Shipping_Address | US_Postal_Codes_in_Shipping_Address |
Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Billing_Add_Abbre | Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Billing_Add_Abbre |
Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Perm_Address_Abbr | Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Perm_Address_Abbr |
Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Shipping_Add_Abbre | Valid_Canada_Prov_in_Shipping_Add_Abbre |
Valid_Canadian_Province_in_Billing_Add | Valid_Canadian_Province_in_Billing_Add |
Valid_Canadian_Province_in_Perm_Address | Valid_Canadian_Province_in_Perm_Address |
Valid_Canadian_Province_in_Shipping_Add | Valid_Canadian_Province_in_Shipping_Add |
Valid_US_State_Billing_Address | Valid_US_State_Billing_Address |
Valid_US_State_Billing_Address_Abbrev | Valid_US_State_Billing_Address_Abbrev |
Valid_US_State_Permanent_Address | Valid_US_State_Permanent_Address |
Valid_US_State_Permanent_Address_Abbrev | Valid_US_State_Permanent_Address_Abbrev |
Valid_US_State_Shipping_Address | Valid_US_State_Shipping_Address |
Valid_US_State_Shipping_Address_Abbrev | Valid_US_State_Shipping_Address_Abbrev |
Usyd_Account_PermAddrPhone_Validation | Usyd_Account_PermAddrPhone_Validation |
Usyd_Account_Phone_Validation | Usyd_Account_Phone_Validation |
Prospect_manager_change | Prospect_manager_change |
Madatory_Email_Phone_Address_Org_Corp | Madatory_Email_Phone_Address_Org_Corp |
USYD_AccountType_TestamentaryTrust | USYD_AccountType_TestamentaryTrust |
USYD_AccountType_TestamentaryTrust_Type | USYD_AccountType_TestamentaryTrust_Type |
Name | Label |
Account | AQB.Account |
AccountTrigger | AQB.AccountTrigger |
Account_Gen | bt_stripe.Account_Gen |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Account ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | MasterRecordId |
Label | Master Record ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | Name |
Label | Account Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Required | Yes |
Name | Type |
Label | Account Type |
Picklist values | Analyst |
Name | RecordTypeId |
Label | Record Type ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | ParentId |
Label | Parent Account ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | BillingStreet |
Label | Account Mailing Street |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Name | BillingCity |
Label | Account Mailing City |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Name | BillingState |
Label | Account Mailing State/Province |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | BillingPostalCode |
Label | Account Mailing ZIP/Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Name | BillingCountry |
Label | Account Mailing Country |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | BillingLatitude |
Label | Account Mailing Latitude |
Type | NUMBER(3,15) |
Name | BillingLongitude |
Label | Account Mailing Longitude |
Type | NUMBER(3,15) |
Name | BillingGeocodeAccuracy |
Label | Billing Geocode Accuracy |
Picklist values | Address |
Name | BillingAddress |
Label | Account Mailing Address |
Name | ShippingStreet |
Label | Matching Gift Street |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Name | ShippingCity |
Label | Matching Gift City |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Name | ShippingState |
Label | Matching Gift State/Province |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | ShippingPostalCode |
Label | Matching Gift ZIP/Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Name | ShippingCountry |
Label | Matching Gift Country |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | ShippingLatitude |
Label | Matching Gift Latitude |
Type | NUMBER(3,15) |
Name | ShippingLongitude |
Label | Matching Gift Longitude |
Type | NUMBER(3,15) |
Name | ShippingGeocodeAccuracy |
Label | Shipping Geocode Accuracy |
Picklist values | Address |
Name | ShippingAddress |
Label | Matching Gift Address |
Name | Phone |
Label | Account Phone |
Type | PHONE |
Name | Fax |
Label | Account Fax |
Type | PHONE |
Name | AccountNumber |
Label | Legacy Account Number |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Name | Website |
Label | Website |
Type | URL |
Name | PhotoUrl |
Label | Photo URL |
Type | URL |
Name | Sic |
Label | SIC Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Name | Industry |
Label | Industry |
Picklist values | Agriculture |
Name | AnnualRevenue |
Label | Annual Revenue |
Type | CURRENCY(18,0) |
Name | NumberOfEmployees |
Label | Employees |
Name | Ownership |
Label | Ownership |
Picklist values | Public |
Name | TickerSymbol |
Label | Ticker Symbol |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Name | Description |
Label | Account Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) |
Name | Rating |
Label | Account Rating |
Picklist values | Hot |
Name | Site |
Label | Account Site |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastActivityDate |
Label | Last Activity |
Type | DATE |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | IsCustomerPortal |
Label | Customer Portal Account |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Jigsaw |
Label | Key |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Name | JigsawCompanyId |
Label | Jigsaw Company ID |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Name | AccountSource |
Label | Account Source |
Picklist values | Purchased List |
Name | SicDesc |
Label | SIC Description |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | HasPrivacyHold |
Label | Privacy Hold |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__AccountCount__c |
Label | Account Count |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultAddressChangeFlags__c |
Label | Permanent Address Change Flags |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Description | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultAddressDistrict__c |
Label | Permanent Address District |
Picklist values | District One |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultAddressLocality__c |
Label | Permanent Address Locality |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Single field containing the City, State/Province, Postal Code, and Country of the Account Mailing Address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultAddressRegion__c |
Label | Permanent Address Region |
Picklist values | Region One |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultAddress__c |
Label | Permanent Address |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Formatted Account Permanent Address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCarrierRoute__c |
Label | Permanent Address Carrier Route |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | The carrier route of the account permanent address. |
Description | The carrier route of the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCertifiedCityName__c |
Label | Permanent Address Certified City Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The certified city name of the account permanent address. |
Description | The certified city name of the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCertifiedStreetName__c |
Label | Permanent Address Certified Street Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The certified street name of the account permanent address. |
Description | The certified street name of the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCity__c |
Label | Permanent Address City |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The city name related to the address. This name can be the preferred city name or an acceptable city name. Free text of up to 50 characters. |
Description | The city name related to the address. This name can be the preferred city name or an acceptable city name. Free text of up to 50 characters. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCountryId__c |
Label | Permanet Address Country Id |
Type | TEXT(5) |
Help Text | The account permanent address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account permanent address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCountry__c |
Label | Permanent Address Country |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Country for Account Default Address. |
Description | Country for Account Default Address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCountyNumber__c |
Label | Permanent Address County Number |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The county number of the account permanent address. |
Description | The county number of the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultCounty__c |
Label | Permanent Address County |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Description | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultDPCD__c |
Label | Permanent Address DPCD |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Description | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultDPVFlag__c |
Label | Permanent Address DPV Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
Description | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultDPV__c |
Label | Permanent Address DPV |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Description | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultDeliveryPoint1__c |
Label | Permanent Address Delivery Point Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Description | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultDeliveryPointValidation__c |
Label | Permanent Addr Delivery Point Validation |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Description | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultFIPSStateCode__c |
Label | Permanent Address FIPS State Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code for the account permanent address. |
Description | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code for the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultFlag__c |
Label | Permanent Address Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Description | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultLongitude__c |
Label | Permanent Address Longitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Description | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultNote__c |
Label | Permanent Address Note |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Default note to describe special characteristics of, or information about this address. For example, special directions may be needed to locate the location for a personal visit. It might also describe restrictions on the use of this address. |
Description | Default note to describe special characteristics of, or information about this address. For example, special directions may be needed to locate the location for a personal visit. It might also describe restrictions on the use of this address. Up to 255 characters. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultPhone__c |
Label | Permanent Address Phone |
Type | PHONE |
Help Text | Phone for permanent account address. |
Description | Phone for permanent account address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultRDI__c |
Label | Permanent Address RDI |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Help Text | The Residential Delivery Indicator for the account permanent address. |
Description | The Residential Delivery Indicator for the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultStateId__c |
Label | Permantent Address State Id |
Type | TEXT(2) |
Help Text | The account permanent address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account permanent address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultStateProvince__c |
Label | Permanent Address State/Province |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The State or Province for the address. Free text of up to 80 characters. |
Description | The State or Province for the address. Free text of up to 80 characters. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultStatus__c |
Label | Permanent Address Status |
Help Text | The Status is used to indicate whether this address is currently thought to be valid for use in mailings. |
Picklist values | Active |
Description | The Status is used to indicate whether this address is currently thought to be valid for use in mailings. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultStreet__c |
Label | Permanent Address Street |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Permanent Street Address for Account. |
Description | Permanent Street Address for Account. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultType__c |
Label | Permanent Address Type |
Help Text | The Type describes the nature of permanent account address, e.g. Home, Business, Vacation, Other, etc |
Picklist values | Home Address |
Description | The Type describes the nature of permanent account address, e.g. Home, Business, Vacation, Other, etc |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultVerificationFlag__c |
Label | Permanent Address Verification Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The verification flag of the account permanent address. |
Description | The verification flag of the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefaultZipCode__c |
Label | Permanent Add Zip/Postal Code |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | The postal code for the address. Free text of up to 100 characters. |
Description | The postal code for the address. Free text of up to 20 characters. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefautCertifiedStateAbbreviation__c |
Label | Permanent Address Certified State Abbr. |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The certified state abbreviation of the account permanent address. |
Description | The certified state abbreviation of the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__AccountDefautValidationDate__c |
Label | Permanent Address Validated On |
Help Text | The date the address was validated. |
Description | The date the address was validated. |
Name | AQB__AccountExternalID__c |
Label | Account External ID |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | A unique Account identifier, used during the process of converting data into Affinaquest. |
Description | A unique Account identifier, used during the process of converting data into Affinaquest. |
Name | AQB__AccountGrouping__c |
Label | Account Grouping |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Used to ensure unique account grouping. |
Name | AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineOne__c |
Label | Mailing Street Line One |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | First line of the Account Mailing Street Address. |
Name | AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineThree__c |
Label | Mailing Street Line Three |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Third line of the Account Mailing Street Address. |
Name | AQB__AccountMailingStreetLineTwo__c |
Label | Mailing Street Line Two |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Second line of the Account Mailing Street Address. |
Name | AQB__AccountNameOverride__c |
Label | Account Name Override |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Use this to override any automated Account Name. |
Description | Use this to override any automated Account Name. |
Name | AQB__AccountPermanentAddressLineThree__c |
Label | Permanent Add Street Line Three |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Third line of the Account Permanent Street Address. |
Name | AQB__AccountSource__c |
Label | Account Source |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | AQB__AccountStatus__c |
Label | Account Status |
Help Text | An INACTIVE account should not generally be used for mailings, campaigns, or solicitations. An account is automatically marked INACTIVE if all associated Contacts are deceased. Gifts cannot be posted to an INACTIVE account. |
Picklist values | Active |
Description | An INACTIVE account should not generally be used for mailings, campaigns, or solicitations. An account is automatically marked INACTIVE if all associated Contacts are deceased. Gifts cannot be posted to an INACTIVE account. |
Name | AQB__AccountType__c |
Label | Account Type |
Help Text | A picklist of the highest level categorization of this Account. The category can be further described in the Secondary Type field. |
Picklist values | Admin |
Description | A picklist of the highest level categorization of this Account. The category can be further described in the Secondary Type field. |
Name | AQB__AccuntDefaultLatitude__c |
Label | Permanent Address Latitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | The latitude of the account permanent address. |
Description | The latitude of the account permanent address. |
Name | AQB__Alert__c |
Label | Alert |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
Help Text | An alert that should display whenever the Account is displayed. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCarrierRoute__c |
Label | Mailing Address Carrier Route |
Type | TEXT(101) |
Help Text | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
Description | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedCityName__c |
Label | Mailing Address Certified City Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The certified city name of the account mailing address. |
Description | The certified city name of the account mailing address. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedStateAbbreviation__c |
Label | Mailing Address Certified State Abbr. |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The certified state abbreviation of the account mailing address. |
Description | The certified state abbreviation of the account mailing address. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedStreetName__c |
Label | Mailing Address Certified Street Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The verified street name of the account mailing address. |
Description | The verified street name of the account mailing address. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCertifiedZipCode__c |
Label | Mailing Address Certified Zip Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | The certified zip code of the account mailing address. |
Description | The certified zip code of the account mailing address. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressChangeFlags__c |
Label | Mailing Address Change Flags |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Description | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCountryId__c |
Label | Mailing Address Country Id |
Type | TEXT(5) |
Help Text | The account mailing address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account mailing address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCountyNumber__c |
Label | Mailing Address County ID |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The account mailing address county id. Intended to be used when integrating with a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account mailing address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressCounty__c |
Label | Mailing Address County |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Description | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressDPCD__c |
Label | Mailing Address DPCD |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Description | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressDPVFlag__c |
Label | Mailing Address DPV Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
Description | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressDPV__c |
Label | Mailing Address DPV |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Description | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressDeliveryPoint1__c |
Label | Mailing Address Delivery Point Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Description | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressDeliveryPointValiadtion__c |
Label | Mailing Addr Delivery Point Validation |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Description | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressFlag__c |
Label | Mailing Address Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Description | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressLatitude__c |
Label | Mailing Address Latitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Description | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressLongitude__c |
Label | Mailing Address Longitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Description | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressRDI__c |
Label | Mailing Address RDI |
Type | TEXT(3) |
Help Text | The Residential Delivery Indicator of the account mailing address. |
Description | The Residential Delivery Indicator of the account mailing address. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressStateFIPSCode__c |
Label | Mailing Address State FIPS Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code of the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressStateId__c |
Label | Mailing Address State Id |
Type | TEXT(2) |
Help Text | The account mailing address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account mailing address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressType__c |
Label | Mailing Address Type |
Help Text | A description of the nature of the address information, such as residence, business, etc. |
Picklist values | Home |
Description | A description of the nature of the address information, such as residence, business, etc. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressValidationDate__c |
Label | Mailing Address Validated On |
Help Text | The date the address was validated. |
Description | The date the address was validated. |
Name | AQB__BillingAddressVerificationFlag__c |
Label | Mailing Address Verification Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | High level validation flag indicating status, (V) Verified, (N) Not Verified, (O) Overridden. |
Description | High level validation flag indicating status, (V) Verified, (N) Not Verified, (O) Overridden. |
Name | AQB__BillingDistrict__c |
Label | Mailing Address District |
Help Text | The District within Region for this Mailing Address. |
Picklist values | -none |
Name | AQB__BillingLocality__c |
Label | Mailing Address Locality |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | This system-created field is an amalgamation of the City, State and Postal Code fields for this address. |
Description | This system-created field is an amalgamation of the City, State and Postal Code fields for this address. |
Name | AQB__BillingMailingLists__c |
Label | Mailing Lists for This Account |
Help Text | In addition to being used as the Account Preferred Mailing Address, this address is used for the specific account mailings listed here. |
Picklist values | Annual Fund Mailings |
Description | In addition to being used as the Account Preferred Mailing Address, this address is used for the specific account mailings listed here. |
Name | AQB__BillingNote__c |
Label | Mailing Address Note |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Use this field to attach any brief information regarding this Account Address. |
Description | Use this field to attach any brief information regarding this Account Address. |
Name | AQB__BillingRegion__c |
Label | Mailing Address Region |
Help Text | The Region for this Mailing Address. |
Picklist values | North |
Name | AQB__BillingStatus__c |
Label | Mailing Address Status |
Help Text | A description of the validity of this address. 'Returned by the post office' is an intermediate condition indicating that it has been returned, but you may not yet wish to declare the address as 'Lost'. |
Picklist values | Inactive |
Description | A description of the validity of this address. 'Returned by the post office' is an intermediate condition indicating that it has been returned, but you may not yet wish to declare the address as 'Lost'. |
Name | AQB__BillingTimeZone__c |
Label | Mailing Address Time Zone |
Help Text | The Time Zone for this address. |
Picklist values | EST Eastern Standard Time GMT-5:00 |
Description | The Time Zone for this address. |
Name | AQB__CAECategory__c |
Label | VSE Category |
Help Text | This is the CAE Category for the Account. |
Picklist values | Alumni |
Description | This is the VSE Category for the Account. |
Name | AQB__Capacity__c |
Label | Overall Account Capacity |
Help Text | An institution-defined set of values, meant to describe the amount a prospect might be able to give. |
Picklist values | E - $10,000 to $99,999 |
Description | An institution-defined set of values, meant to describe the amount a prospect might be able to give. |
Name | AQB__CommunicationsManaged__c |
Label | Communications Managed |
Help Text | List of vendors which are utilized by this Affiliated Organization. |
Picklist values | Managed Communication One |
Name | AQB__ConsecutiveYearsGiven__c |
Label | Consecutive Years Given |
Type | NUMBER(3,0) |
Help Text | Number of Consecutive Fiscal Years this Account has given. |
Description | Number of Consecutive Fiscal Years this Account has given. |
Name | AQB__ContactInvolvementRating__c |
Label | Contact Involvement Rating |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Shows the level of highest involvement by an Account Contact by displaying a broken link indicating a lack of involvement or one to three links indicating increasing involvement in volunteer activities, interests, or communication with the institution. |
Description | Shows the level of highest involvement by an Account Contact by displaying a broken link indicating a lack of involvement or one to three links indicating increasing involvement in volunteer activities, interests, or communication with the institution. |
Name | AQB__CustomerPriority__c |
Label | Customer Priority |
Picklist values | High |
Name | AQB__DefaultAcknowledgementType__c |
Label | Default Acknowledgement Type |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The value in this field will be assigned to the acknowledgement type field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the acknowledgement type for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Description | The value in this field will be assigned to the acknowledgement type field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the acknowledgement type for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Name | AQB__DefaultAnonymityLevel__c |
Label | Default Anonymity Level |
Help Text | Indicates the default anonymity of gifts from this account. |
Picklist values | Totally Anonymous |
Name | AQB__DefaultCampaignAppeal__c |
Label | Default Campaign Appeal |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The value in this field will be assigned to the campaign appeal field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the campaign appeal for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Description | The value in this field will be assigned to the campaign appeal field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the campaign appeal for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Name | AQB__DefaultGiftAmount__c |
Label | Default Gift Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The value in this field will be assigned to the amount field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the amount for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Description | The value in this field will be assigned to the amount field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the amount for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Name | AQB__DefaultGiftDescription__c |
Label | Default Gift Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) |
Help Text | The value in this field will be assigned to the description field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the description for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Description | The value in this field will be assigned to the description field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have an opportunity to change the description for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Name | AQB__DefaultGiftDistribution__c |
Label | Default Gift Designation |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The gift designation in this field will be assigned to the Designation field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have the opportunity change the designation for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Description | The gift designation in this field will be assigned to the Designation field of a transaction as a gift is created. The user will have to opportunity change the designation for the transaction prior to saving the gift. |
Name | AQB__DistrictAlternate__c |
Label | District - Alternate |
Help Text | Alternate District assigned to this account, if any. |
Picklist values | District One |
Name | AQB__DistrictIsOverridden__c |
Label | District is Overridden |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the user has overridden the district associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the user has overridden the district associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Name | AQB__District__c |
Label | District |
Help Text | The District to which this Account would be assigned as indicated by the Postal Code Lookup. |
Picklist values | District One |
Name | AQB__DivisionUnit__c |
Label | Division/Unit |
Help Text | The Division or Unit that manages this Affiliated Organization |
Picklist values | Division One |
Name | AQB__DoNotArchive__c |
Label | Do Not Archive |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the Address, Phone and/or Email should not be archived. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the Address, Phone and/or Email should not be archived. |
Name | AQB__DoNotContact__c |
Label | Do Not Contact |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Check this box to indicate that this Account wishes not to be contacted. |
Default value | false |
Description | Check this box to indicate that this Account wishes not to be contacted. |
Name | AQB__DoNotSolicit__c |
Label | Do Not Solicit |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that this account should not be solicited in any manner. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__DoubletheDonationID__c |
Label | Double the Donation ID |
Type | TEXT(5) |
Help Text | The ID number for this Account in the Double the Donation database. |
Name | AQB__EINNumber__c |
Label | EIN Number |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | 10 digit number issued by the IRS. |
Name | AQB__Email__c |
Label | |
Type | |
Help Text | Email address for this household. |
Description | Email address for this household. |
Name | AQB__FirstGiftPledgeAmount__c |
Label | First Gift/Pledge Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | This is the Amount of the First Gift/Pledge on this Account |
Description | This is the Amount of the First Gift/Pledge on this Account |
Name | AQB__FirstGiftPledgeBalance__c |
Label | First Gift/Pledge Balance |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | This is the First Gift/Pledge Balance on this Account. |
Description | This is the First Gift/Pledge Balance on this Account. |
Name | AQB__FirstGiftPledgeDate__c |
Label | First Gift/Pledge Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | This is the date of the First Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
Description | This is the date of the First Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
Name | AQB__FirstGiftPledgeFundraisingCampaign__c |
Label | First Gift/Pledge Fundraising Campaign |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | This is the Fundraising Campaign of the First Gift on this Account. |
Description | This is the Fundraising Campaign of the First Gift on this Account. |
Name | AQB__FirstGiftPledge__c |
Label | First Gift/Pledge |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | This is the First Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
Description | This is the First Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
Name | AQB__GiftsAreAnonymous__c |
Label | Gifts Are Anonymous |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Giving_Interests__c |
Label | Giving Interests |
Help Text | Primary giving interests of this foundation. |
Picklist values | Immigrant Rights |
Name | AQB__GreetingOverride__c |
Label | Account Greeting Override |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | Use this to override any automated Account Greeting. |
Description | Use this to override any automated Account Greeting. |
Name | AQB__Greeting__c |
Label | Account Greeting |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | This is the greeting salutation as it might be used in a letter or email such as "Mr. Smith", "Dr. and Mr. Brown" or "Jack and Jill". This field can contain 200 characters. |
Description | This is the greeting salutation as it might be used in a letter or email such as "Mr. Smith", "Dr. and Mr. Brown" or "Jack and Jill". This field can contain 200 characters. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea1Alternate__c |
Label | Institutional Area 1 - Alternate |
Help Text | Alternate Institutional Area 1 assigned to this account, if any. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | Alternate Institutional Area 1 assigned to this account, if any. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea1IsOverridden__c |
Label | Institutional Area 1 is Overridden |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 1 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 1 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea1__c |
Label | Institutional Area 1 |
Help Text | The Institutional Area 1 that is associated with this Account. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | The Institutional Area 1 that is associated with this Account. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea2Alternate__c |
Label | Institutional Area 2 - Alternate |
Help Text | Alternate Institutional Area 2 assigned to this account, if any. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | Alternate Institutional Area 2 assigned to this account, if any. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea2IsOverridden__c |
Label | Institutional Area 2 is Overridden |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 2 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 2 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea2__c |
Label | Institutional Area 2 |
Help Text | The Institutional Area 2 that is associated with this Account. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | The Institutional Area 2 that is associated with this Account. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea3Alternate__c |
Label | Institutional Area 3 - Alternate |
Help Text | Alternate Institutional Area 3 assigned to this account, if any. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | Alternate Institutional Area 3 assigned to this account, if any. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea3IsOverridden__c |
Label | Institutional Area 3 is Overridden |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 3 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 3 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea3__c |
Label | Institutional Area 3 |
Help Text | The Institutional Area 3 that is associated with this Account. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | The Institutional Area 3 that is associated with this Account. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea4Alternate__c |
Label | Institutional Area 4 - Alternate |
Help Text | Alternate Institutional Area 4 assigned to this account, if any. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | Alternate Institutional Area 4 assigned to this account, if any. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea4IsOverridden__c |
Label | Institutional Area 4 is Overridden |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 4 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the user has overridden the Institutional Area 4 associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalArea4__c |
Label | Institutional Area 4 |
Help Text | The Institutional Area 4 that is associated with this Account. |
Picklist values | Institutional Area 1 |
Description | The Institutional Area 4 that is associated with this Account. |
Name | AQB__InternalAcctMailStreetOne__c |
Label | Internal Acct Mail Street One |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Holding field used to help calculate street lines. |
Name | AQB__InternalAcctMailStreetTwo__c |
Label | Internal Acct Mail Street Two |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Internal Account Mailing Address with first line stripped off. |
Name | AQB__InternalPermMailAddStreetOne__c |
Label | Internal Perm Mail Add Street One |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Holding field used to help calculate street lines. |
Name | AQB__InternalPermMailAddstreetTwo__c |
Label | Internal Perm Mail Add Street Two |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__InvolvementScore__c |
Label | Involvement Score |
Type | NUMBER(3,2) |
Name | AQB__Involvement__c |
Label | Involvement |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | A system-generated indicator of the degree of involvement of the Account with the institution, based on the Account having a Case, an Activity or a Volunteer Activity. |
Description | A system-generated indicator of the degree of involvement of the Account with the institution, based on the Account having a Case, an Activity or a Volunteer Activity. |
Name | AQB__KPIChart1__c |
Label | KPI Chart 1 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart1 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | 'AQ Accounts Gifts/Pledges by Date' |
Name | AQB__KPIChart2__c |
Label | KPI Chart 2 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart2 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | 'AQ Accounts Gifts/Pledges by Designation' |
Name | AQB__KPIChart3__c |
Label | KPI Chart 3 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart3 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | 'AQ Accounts Pledge Status' |
Name | AQB__KPIChart4__c |
Label | KPI Chart 4 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart4 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | 'AQ Accounts Essential Activities v2' |
Name | AQB__KPIChartSize__c |
Label | KPI Chart Size |
Help Text | The size in which KPI charts should be rendered. |
Picklist values | Small |
Name | AQB__LargestGiftPledge__c |
Label | Largest Gift/Pledge Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of the largest gift/Pledge. |
Description | The total amount of the largest gift/Pledge. |
Name | AQB__LinkedAddress__c |
Label | Mailing Address Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Click this link to edit the Default Address. |
Description | Click this link to edit the Default Address. |
Name | AQB__MailingAddressResidentIndicator__c |
Label | Mailing Address Residential Indicator |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Help Text | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
Description | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
Name | AQB__MailingNameLineTwoOverride__c |
Label | Mailing Name Line Two Override |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | Use this to override any automated Mailing Name Line Two. |
Description | Use this to override any automated Mailing Name Line Two. |
Name | AQB__MailingNameLineTwo__c |
Label | Mailing Name Line Two |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | If you type data into this field when the account is created, it will override the automated name formatting routines. The name can be changed at any time during editing. |
Name | AQB__MailingNameOverride__c |
Label | Mailing Name Line One Override |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | Use this to override any automated Mailing Name Line One. |
Description | Use this to override any automated Mailing Name Line One. |
Name | AQB__MailingName__c |
Label | Mailing Name Line One |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | If you type data into this field when the account is created, it will override the automated name formatting routines. The name can be changed at any time during editing. |
Description | This field is updated via the AccountBeforeInsert trigger. |
Name | AQB__MatchesGifts__c |
Label | HEP Eligible |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this field indicates that this Account matches gifts according to Double the Donation data at the time of last verification. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__MostRecentGiftAmount__c |
Label | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | Amount of the most recent gift. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentGiftDate__c |
Label | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date of the most recent gift. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentGiftFundraisingCampaign__c |
Label | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Fundraising Camp |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The Fundraising Campaign of the most recent gift. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentGiftPledgeBalance__c |
Label | Most Recent Gift/Pledge Balance |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The pledge balance, if any, of the most recent gift |
Name | AQB__MostRecentGiftPledge__c |
Label | Most Recent Gift/Pledge |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | This is the Most Recent Gift/Pledge. |
Description | This is the link to the Most Recent Gift/Pledge |
Name | AQB__MostRecentPaymentFundraisingCampaign__c |
Label | Most Recent Payment Fundraising Campaign |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The Fundraising Campaign of the most recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
Description | The Fundraising Campaign of the most recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentAmount__c |
Label | Most Recent Pledge Payment Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The Amount of the Most Recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
Description | The Amount of the Most Recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentCampaignAppeal__c |
Label | Most Recent Payment Campaign Appeal |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The Most Recent Pledge Payment's Campaign Appeal. |
Description | The Most Recent Pledge Payment's Campaign Appeal. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentDate__c |
Label | Most Recent Pledge Payment Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The Date of the Most Recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
Description | The Date of the Most Recent Pledge Payment on this Account. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentDesignation__c |
Label | Most Recent Pledge Payment Designation |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The Designation of the Most Recent Pledge payment. |
Description | The Designation of the Most Recent Pledge payment. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentPledgePaymentRecordType__c |
Label | Most Recent Pledge Payment Record Type |
Type | TEXT(30) |
Help Text | The Record Type of the Most Recent Pledge Payment. |
Description | The Record Type of the Most Recent Pledge Payment. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentPledgePayment__c |
Label | Most Recent Pledge Payment |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | This is the Most Recent Payment made on this Account. |
Description | This is the Most Recent Payment made on this Account. |
Name | AQB__NextActivityDate__c |
Label | Next Task Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date of the next Task planned for this Account. |
Description | The date of the next Task planned for this Account. |
Name | AQB__NextActivity__c |
Label | Next Task |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | The flag indicates status of the next Task for the Account. White - no future Tasks. Green - Task due date is at least 14 days away. Yellow - Task due date is within 14 days. Red - Task is overdue. |
Description | The flag indicates status of the next Task for the Account. White - no future Tasks. Green - Task due date is at least 14 days away. Yellow - Task due date is within 14 days. Red - Task is overdue. |
Name | AQB__NumberofLocations__c |
Label | Number of Locations |
Type | NUMBER(3,0) |
Name | AQB__OldestPledgePaymentDueDate__c |
Label | Oldest Pledge Payment Due Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | This field represents the oldest due date for any open pledges belonging to this Account. |
Description | This field represents the oldest due date for any open pledges belonging to this Account. |
Name | AQB__OverallAccountRatingDate__c |
Label | Overall Account Rating Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date associated with the Overall Account Capacity and Overall Account Readiness. |
Description | Date associated with the Overall Account Capacity and Overall Account Readiness. |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__PermanentAddressCertifiedZipCode__c |
Label | Permanent Address Certified Zip Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | The certified zip code of the account permanent account. |
Description | The certified zip code of the account permanent account. |
Name | AQB__PermanentAddressCountyID__c |
Label | Permanent Address County ID |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The account permanent address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account permanent address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__PermanentAddressResidentialInidicator__c |
Label | Permanent Address Residential Indicator |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Help Text | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
Description | Indicates whether an address is residential (R) or business (B). |
Name | AQB__PermanentAddressStreetLineOne__c |
Label | Permanent Add Street Line One |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | First line of the Account Mailing Street Address. |
Name | AQB__PermanentAddressStreetLineTwo__c |
Label | Permanent Add Street Line Two |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Second line of the Account Permanent Street Address. |
Name | AQB__PledgeStatus__c |
Label | Pledge Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Displays a fist for no pledge balance, one thumb up for a pledge due in the future, one thumb down for a pledge less than 30 days overdue, two thumbs down for a pledge 30 to 60 days overdue, and three thumbs down for a pledge more than 60 days overdue. |
Description | Displays a fist for no pledge balance, one thumb up for a pledge due in the future, one thumb down for a pledge less than 30 days overdue, two thumbs down for a pledge 30 to 60 days overdue, and three thumbs down for a pledge more than 60 days overdue. |
Name | AQB__PrimaryContact__c |
Label | Primary Contact |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The primary Contact for this Account. |
Name | AQB__ProspectManager__c |
Label | Prospect Manager |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The Prospect Manager for this Account. |
Description | The Prospect Manager for this Account. |
Name | AQB__ProspectStatusDate__c |
Label | Prospect Status Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date this Prospect Status was assigned. |
Description | Date this Prospect Status was assigned. |
Name | AQB__ProspectStatus__c |
Label | Prospect Status |
Help Text | Overall status of this Account as a Prospect for Giving. |
Picklist values | Major Gift Prospect |
Description | Overall status of this Account as a Prospect for Giving. |
Name | AQB__RFM__c |
Label | RFM |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | A star is awarded for each of the following five conditions: having a giving record, having a pending opportunity, having a largest gift over a defined amount, having a total amount of giving over a defined amount, and having made a payment this year. |
Description | A star is awarded for each of the following five conditions: having a giving record, having a pending opportunity, having a largest gift over a defined amount, having a total amount of giving over a defined amount, and having made a payment this year. |
Name | AQB__Readiness__c |
Label | Overall Account Readiness |
Help Text | An institution-defined set of values, meant to describe the preparedness of the prospect to give or the status of the prospect's cultivation. |
Picklist values | 5 - Stewardship |
Description | An institution-defined set of values, meant to describe the preparedness of the prospect to give or the status of the prospect's cultivation. |
Name | AQB__RegionAlternate__c |
Label | Region - Alternate |
Help Text | Alternate Region assigned to this Account, if any. |
Picklist values | Armed Forces America |
Name | AQB__RegionIsOverridden__c |
Label | Region is Overridden |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the user has overridden the region associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the user has overridden the region associated with the Current Mailing Address Postal Code. |
Name | AQB__Region__c |
Label | Region |
Help Text | The Region to which this Account would be assigned as indicated by the Postal Code Lookup. |
Picklist values | Armed Forces America |
Name | AQB__RejectQuidProQuos__c |
Label | Reject Quid Pro Quos |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__SLAExpirationDate__c |
Label | SLA Expiration Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | AQB__SLASerialNumber__c |
Label | SLA Serial Number |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Name | AQB__SLA__c |
Label | SLA |
Picklist values | Gold |
Name | AQB__SeasonalStartDate__c |
Label | Seasonal Start Date |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__SeasonalStopDate__c |
Label | Seasonal Stop Date |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__SecondaryContact__c |
Label | Secondary Contact |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The secondary Contact for this Account. |
Description | The secondary Contact for this Account. |
Name | AQB__SecondaryTypes__c |
Label | Secondary Account Types |
Help Text | A multi-select picklist allowing for the assignment of multiple secondary categorization levels for this Account. The primary category should be entered into the Type field. |
Picklist values | Arts |
Description | A multi-select picklist allowing for the assignment of multiple secondary categorization levels for this Account. The primary category should be entered into the Type field. |
Name | AQB__Setup__c |
Label | Setup |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__SharewithCommunity__c |
Label | Share with Community |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that Affiliated Organizational information can be surfaced to the community/portal/web. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCarrierRoute__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Carrier Route |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
Description | An alphanumeric code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a zip code. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedCityName__c |
Label | Matching Gift Add Certified City Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The certified city name of the account Matching Gift address. |
Description | The certified city name of the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedStateAbbr__c |
Label | Matching Gift Add Certified State Abbr. |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The certified state abbreviation of the account Matching Gift address. |
Description | The certified state abbreviation of the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedStreetName__c |
Label | Matching Gift Add Certified Street Name |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The certified street name of the account Matching Gift address. |
Description | The certified street name of the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCertifiedZipCode__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Certified Zip Code |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | The certified zip code of the account Matching Gift address. |
Description | The certified zip code of the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressChangeFlags__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Change Flags |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Description | Contains comma separated codes that specify the portion of the address that was changed or modified. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCountryId__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Country ID |
Type | TEXT(5) |
Help Text | The account matching gift address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account matching gift address country id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCountyNumber__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address County ID |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The account matching gift address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account matching gift address county id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressCounty__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address County |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Description | The name of the geographical region within which the address is located. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressDPCD__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address DPCD |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Description | Single check digit provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressDPVFlag__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address DPV Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
Description | Single character indicating delivery point validation status, (Y) Yes, (N) No |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressDPV__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address DPV |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Description | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressDeliveryPoint1__c |
Label | Matching Gift Addr Delivery Point Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Description | Two digit validation code provided by USPS. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressDeliveryPointValidation__c |
Label | Matching Gift Add Delivery Pt Validation |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Description | Three digit code assigned by USPS that confirms the address can be delivered to (this code is a combination of Delivery Point Validation and Delivery Point Check Digit). |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressFIPSStateCode__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address FIPS State Code |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code of the account Matching Gift address. |
Description | The Federal Information Processing Standard state code of the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressFlag__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Description | Mid level validation flag indicating detailed status, (E) Exact, (T) Tentative, (M) Multiple, (S) Secondary, (U) Unmatched, (F) Foreign |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressLatitude__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Latitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Description | Specifies the north south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressLongitude__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Longitude |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Description | Specifies the east west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressRDI__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address RDI |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Help Text | The Residential Delivery Indicator of the account Matching Gift address. |
Description | The Residential Delivery Indicator of the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressStateId__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address State Id |
Type | TEXT(2) |
Help Text | The account matching gift address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Description | The account matching gift address state id. This field can be automatically populated by a third party address verification system. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressValidationDate__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Validated On |
Help Text | The date the address was validated. |
Description | The date the address was validated. |
Name | AQB__ShippingAddressVerificationFlag__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Verification Flag |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The verification flag for the account Matching Gift address. |
Description | The verification flag for the account Matching Gift address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingNote__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Note |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Use this field to attach any brief information regarding this Matching Gift Address. |
Description | Use this field to attach any brief information regarding this Matching Gift Address. |
Name | AQB__ShippingsStatus__c |
Label | Matching Gift Address Status |
Help Text | A description of the validity of this address. 'Returned by the post office' is an intermediate condition indicating that it has been returned, but you may not yet wish to declare the address as 'Lost'. |
Picklist values | Unknown |
Description | A description of the validity of this address. 'Returned by the post office' is an intermediate condition indicating that it has been returned, but you may not yet wish to declare the address as 'Lost'. |
Name | AQB__StaffLiason__c |
Label | Staff Liaison |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Staff member liaison to this Affiliated Organization. |
Name | AQB__SupplierIDNumber__c |
Label | Supplier ID Number |
Type | TEXT(15) |
Help Text | The supplier or payor ID of the Affiliated Organization as issued by the institution. |
Name | AQB__TotalGiftPledges__c |
Label | Total Gift & Pledges |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | A running total of the gifts given by this Account. |
Description | A running total of the gifts given by this Account. |
Name | AQB__TotalPledgeBalance__c |
Label | Total Pledge Balance |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The total balance of all pledges to this Account. |
Description | The total balance of all pledges to this Account. |
Name | AQB__TotalYearsGiven__c |
Label | Total Years Given |
Type | NUMBER(3,0) |
Help Text | The total number of Fiscal Years this Account has given. |
Description | The total number of Fiscal Years this Account has given. |
Name | AQB__OpenOpps__c |
Label | Total Open Opportunities |
Help Text | The total count of all opportunities which are not yet closed. |
Description | The total amount of all opportunities which are not yet closed. |
Name | AQB__RecordTypeDeveloperName__c |
Label | Record Type Developer Name |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | The Developer Name of the Account Record Type. Primary use is for Validation Rules. |
Description | The Developer Name of the Account Record Type. Primary use is for Validation Rules. |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Unique | Yes |
Name | USYD_Special_Category_Donor__c |
Label | Special Category Donor |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Donor is exclusively giving to Special category areas |
Description | Indicates if the Account is only giving exclusively to Special category areas |
Name | Count__c |
Label | Count |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Description | The Power of One |
Name | AQC_Pledge_Status__c |
Label | Pledge Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Displays a fist for no pledge balance, one thumb up for a pledge due in the future, one thumb down for a pledge less than 30 days overdue, two thumbs down for a pledge 30 to 60 days overdue, and three thumbs down for a pledge more than 60 days overdue. |
Description | This is a custom version of the AQB.Pledge_Status field to act as a placeholder until it is updated. |
Name | USYD_International_Address__c |
Label | International Address? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Receipt flag for international addresses |
Name | USyd_Account_ID__c |
Label | Account ID |
Unique | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Description | This is another unique identifier for an account. |
Name | USYD_Gift_Count__c |
Label | Gift Count |
Description | Gift Count |
Name | USYD_Special_Category_Gift_Count__c |
Label | Special Category Gift Count |
Help Text | Special category gift count |
Description | Counts of Special category gifts |
Name | USYD_Receipting_Care_of__c |
Label | Receipting Care of |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | This is used in Receipting. |
Description | This will temporarily store "Care of" data for Receipting |
Name | USYD_Do_Not_Email__c |
Label | Do Not Email |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Check this box to indicate that this Account wishes not to be Emailed. |
Default value | false |
Description | This is for Organisations/Corporations or any non-household accounts which opted out of email communication. |
Name | USYD_Do_Not_Call__c |
Label | Do Not Call |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Check this box to indicate that this Account wishes not to be Called. |
Default value | false |
Description | This is for Organisations/Corporations or any non-household accounts which prefer not to be called. |
Name | USYD_Receipting_Alert__c |
Label | Receipting Alert |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Alert specific for receipting |
Description | This will contain the alert specific for receipting |
Name | flag__c |
Label | flag |
Type | TEXT(1) |
Name | USYD_Backend_Gift_Count__c |
Label | Backend Gift Count |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(16,2) |
Name | Usyd_Total_Count_of_Opportunities__c |
Label | Total Count of Opportunities |
Help Text | Total Count all opportunities regardless of stage |
Description | Total Count all opportunities regardless of stage |
Name | Usyd_Is_Prospect__c |
Label | Is Prospect |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If Total count of Opportunities > 0 then true, else false |
Description | If Total count of Opportunities > 0 then true, else false |
Name | USYD_Total_Funds_Raised__c |
Label | Total Funds Raised |
Description | Total funds raised for this account |
Name | Usyd_Is_Active_Prospect__c |
Label | Is Active Prospect? |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | Describes whether a prospect is active or Inactive. For example, inactive in case of deceased. |
Name | Usyd_Prospect_Start_Date__c |
Label | Prospect Start Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | USYD_Do_Not_Mail__c |
Label | Do Not Mail |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Check this box if the account don't wish to receive postage or mail |
Default value | false |
Description | Check this box if the account don't wish to receive postage or mail |
Name | USYD_Preferred_Account_Mailing_Address__c |
Label | Preferred Account Mailing Address |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Captures Address if either or both Do Not Mail and Do Not Contact are unchecked and address is not empty. |
Description | Captures Address if either or both Do Not Mail and Do Not Contact are unchecked and address is not empty. |
Name | USYD_Preferred_Email__c |
Label | Preferred Email |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Captures Email if either or both Do Not Email and Do Not Contact are unchecked. |
Description | Captures Email if either or both Do Not Email and Do Not Contact are unchecked. |
Name | USYD_Preferred_Phone__c |
Label | Preferred Phone |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Captures Phone if either or both Do Not Call and Do Not Contact are unchecked. |
Description | Captures Phone if either or both Do Not Call and Do Not Contact are unchecked. |
Name | USYD_Total_Funds_Received__c |
Label | Total Funds Received |
Name | USYD_Special_Category__c |
Label | Special Category |
Picklist values | AAIA Donor |
Name | AQB__LargestGiftPledgeDate__c |
Label | Largest Gift/Pledge Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | This is the Largest Gift/Pledge Date on this Account |
Description | This is the Largest Gift/Pledge Date on this Account |
Name | AQB__LargestGiftPledgeId__c |
Label | Largest Gift/Pledge |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | This is the Largest Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
Description | This is the Largest Gift/Pledge on this Account. |
Name | USYD_Last_Activity_Report__c |
Label | Last Activity Report |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Autoupdates lastest completed activity report if any. |
Description | This field captures the latest completed activity report for this account. |
Name | Usyd_Primary_contact_type__c |
Label | Primary contact type |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_Stewardship_Level__c |
Label | Stewardship Level |
Help Text | Tier A - $500K+ and other criteria (as agreed with PM). |
Picklist values | Tier A |
Description | Tier A - $500K+ and other criteria (as agreed with PM) |
Name | USyd_Contacts_Count__c |
Label | Contacts Count |
Type | NUMBER(18,0) |
Name | Usyd_Account_DNS_Derivation__c |
Label | Account DNS Derivation |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | USYD_Duplicate_Review_Complete__c |
Label | Duplicate Review Complete |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | Exclude from duplicate rule evaluation if True |
Name | USYD_Largest_Gift_Pledge_Designation__c |
Label | Largest Gift/Pledge Designation |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Largest Gift/Pledge Designation picked from largest transaction of the largest gift/pledge on that account. |
Description | Largest Gift/Pledge Designation picked from largest transaction of the largest gift/pledge on that account. |
Name | Usyd_RTS_Reason__c |
Label | RTS Reason |
Help Text | RTS Reason. Other will be tracked in the mailing address note field |
Picklist values | No Longer at this Address |
Description | RTS Reason. Other will be tracked in the mailing address note field |
Name | Salesforce_ID__c |
Label | Salesforce ID (18 Digits) |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exception_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee1ExemptReason_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exempt_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee1SourceAccount_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee1_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Account. |
Description | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Account. |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exception_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee2ExemptReason_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exempt_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee2SourceAccount_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee2_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Account. |
Description | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Account. |
Name | AQB__HEPId__c |
Label | HEP Id |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Help Text | The ID number for this Account in the HEP database. |
Description | The ID number for this Account in the HEP database. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentTransactionAmount__c |
Label | Most Recent Transaction Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The Amount of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Description | The Amount of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentTransactionCampaignAppeal__c |
Label | Most Recent Transaction Campaign Appeal |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The Campaign Appeal of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Description | The Campaign Appeal of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentTransactionDate__c |
Label | Most Recent Transaction Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The Date of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Description | The Date of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentTransactionDesignation__c |
Label | Most Recent Transaction Designation |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The Designation of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Description | The Designation of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentTransactionFundraisingCampaign__c |
Label | Most Recent Transaction Fundraising Camp |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | The Fundraising Campaign of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Description | The Fundraising Campaign of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentTransactionRecordType__c |
Label | Most Recent Transaction Record Type |
Type | TEXT(30) |
Help Text | The Record Type of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Description | The Record Type of the most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Name | AQB__MostRecentTransaction__c |
Label | Most Recent Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Description | The most recent Transaction, excluding Pledge Payments. |
Name | AQB__WealthEstimateDate_AQ__c |
Label | Wealth Estimate Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Account Wealth Estimate Date |
Description | Account Wealth Estimate Date |
Name | AQB__WealthEstimate_AQ__c |
Label | Wealth Estimate |
Type | CURRENCY(18,0) |
Help Text | Account Wealth Estimate |
Description | Account Wealth Estimate |
Name | AQB__CapacitySource__c |
Label | Capacity Source |
Picklist values | Screening |
Name | AQB__RatingSource__c |
Label | Rating Source |
Picklist values | Screening |
Name | AQB__WealthEstimateSource__c |
Label | Wealth Estimate Source |
Picklist values | Screening |
Name | USYD_CG_ACC_DPID_Location__c |
Label | Address DPID |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | A unique eight-digit Delivery Point Identifier (DPID) for each delivery address within Australia |
Name | caseman__MaximumClientsServed__c |
Label | Maximum Clients Served At Any Time |
Type | NUMBER(18,0) |
Help Text | The maximum client-serving capacity of an organization, location, or partner organization. |
Description | The maximum client-serving capacity of an organization, location, or partner organization. |
Name | sumoapp__CreatedBySumo__c |
Label | Created By SUMO |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | USYD_Account_ExternalID__c |
Label | USYD Account ExternalID |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Unique | Yes |
Name | USYD_Account_Faculty_Alias__c |
Label | Account Faculty Alias |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | USYD_Account_Faculty_Descriptipn__c |
Label | Account Faculty Descriptipn |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Usyd_Household_Formal_Salutation__c |
Label | Household Formal Salutation |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | AVE-39 |
Name | Usyd_Household_Informal_Salutation__c |
Label | Household Informal Salutation |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | AVE-39 |
Name | Usyd_Household_Mailing_Name_Salutation__c |
Label | Household Mailing Name Salutation |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | AVE-39 |
Name | bt_stripe__Active_ARR__c |
Label | Upcoming ARR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of Draft or Sent annually recurring subscription invoices. |
Description | Annual revenue. |
Name | bt_stripe__Active_MRR__c |
Label | Upcoming MRR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of Draft or Sent monthly recurring subscription invoices. |
Description | Monthly revenue. |
Name | bt_stripe__Active_QRR__c |
Label | Upcoming QRR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of Draft or Sent 'every 3 month' billing subscription invoices. |
Description | Quaterly revenue. |
Name | bt_stripe__Active_Subscription_Names__c |
Label | Active Subscription Names |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Active subscription names. |
Description | Active subscription names |
Name | bt_stripe__Create_Stripe_Customer__c |
Label | Create Stripe Customer |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | bt_stripe__Default_Payment_Method__c |
Label | Default Payment Method |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Latest payment method will be automatically populated, but can be updated. |
Description | Latest payment method will be automatically populated, but can be updated. |
Name | bt_stripe__Historical_Account_Value__c |
Label | Historical Account Value |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | Historical Account Value. |
Description | Historical Account Value. |
Name | bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_ARR__c |
Label | Last Finalized ARR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of finalized or Paid annually recurring subscription invoices. |
Description | The total amount of finalized or Paid annually recurring subscription invoices. |
Name | bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_MRR__c |
Label | Last Finalized MRR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of finalized or paid monthly recurring subscription invoices. |
Description | The total amount of finalized or paid monthly recurring subscription invoices. |
Name | bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_QRR__c |
Label | Last Finalized QRR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of finalized or Paid 'every 3 month' billing subscription invoices. |
Description | The total amount of finalized or Paid 'every 3 month' billing subscription invoices. |
Name | bt_stripe__Last_Finalized_Sum_All_ARR__c |
Label | Last Finalized Sum of All as ARR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | Sum of MRR+QRR+ARR revenue. |
Description | Sum of MRR+QRR+ARR revenue. |
Name | bt_stripe__Subscription_Status__c |
Label | Subscription Status |
Help Text | See documentation for details. |
Picklist values | Trialing |
Description | See documentation for details. |
Name | bt_stripe__Sum_All_ARR__c |
Label | Upcoming Sum of All as ARR |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Help Text | Sum of MRR+QRR+ARR revenue. |
Description | Sum of MRR+QRR+ARR revenue. |
Name | AQB__NumberClosedLostOpps__c |
Label | Number of Closed Lost Opportunities |
Help Text | The number of opportunities that are 'Closed Lost'. |
Description | The number of opportunities that are 'Closed Lost'. |
Name | AQB__NumberClosedWonOpps__c |
Label | Number of Closed Won Opportunities |
Help Text | The number of opportunities that are 'Closed Won'. |
Description | The number of opportunities that are 'Closed Won'. |
Name | AQB__NumberOpenOpps__c |
Label | Number of Open Opportunities |
Help Text | The number of Opportunities that are not closed. |
Description | The number of Opportunities that are not closed. |
Name | AQB__AccountPicture__c |
Label | Account Picture |
Type | TEXT AREA (RICH)(32768) |
Help Text | Picture of the Account. |
Description | Picture of the Account. |
Name | AQB__RevertAddressInUseType__c |
Label | Revert Address In Use Type |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | The address in use type that the account's mailing address will revert to once a seasonal address expires. |
Description | The address in use type that the account's mailing address will revert to once a seasonal address expires. |
Name | USYD_Special_Category_Not_Calculated__c |
Label | Special Category Not Calculated |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |