Attention: Confluence is not suitable for the storage of highly confidential data. Please ensure that any data classified as Highly Protected is stored using a more secure platform.
If you have any questions, please refer to the University's data classification guide or contact
Object: Opportunity
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Opportunity ID | ID |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
AccountId | Account ID | LOOKUP |
RecordTypeId | Record Type ID | LOOKUP |
IsPrivate | Private | CHECKBOX |
Name | Name | TEXT(120) |
Description | Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) |
StageName | Stage | PICKLIST |
Amount | Amount | CURRENCY(16,2) |
Probability | Probability (%) | PERCENT(3,0) |
ExpectedRevenue | Expected Amount | CURRENCY(16,2) |
TotalOpportunityQuantity | Quantity | NUMBER(16,2) |
CloseDate | Close Date | DATE |
Type | Opportunity Type | PICKLIST |
NextStep | Next Step | TEXT(255) |
LeadSource | Lead Source | PICKLIST |
IsClosed | Closed | CHECKBOX |
IsWon | Won | CHECKBOX |
ForecastCategory | Forecast Category | PICKLIST |
ForecastCategoryName | Forecast Category | PICKLIST |
CampaignId | Campaign ID | LOOKUP |
HasOpportunityLineItem | Has Line Item | CHECKBOX |
IsSplit | Is Split | CHECKBOX |
Pricebook2Id | Price Book ID | LOOKUP |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
AgeInDays | Age | AUTO NUMBER |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastActivityDate | Last Activity | DATE |
LastActivityInDays | Recent Activity | AUTO NUMBER |
PushCount | Push Count | AUTO NUMBER |
LastStageChangeDate | Last Stage Change Date | DATETIME |
LastStageChangeInDays | Days In Stage | AUTO NUMBER |
FiscalQuarter | Fiscal Quarter | AUTO NUMBER |
FiscalYear | Fiscal Year | AUTO NUMBER |
Fiscal | Fiscal Period | TEXT(6) |
ContactId | Contact ID | LOOKUP |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
SyncedQuoteId | Quote ID | LOOKUP |
ContractId | Contract ID | LOOKUP |
HasOpenActivity | Has Open Activity | CHECKBOX |
HasOverdueTask | Has Overdue Task | CHECKBOX |
LastAmountChangedHistoryId | Opportunity History ID | LOOKUP |
LastCloseDateChangedHistoryId | Opportunity History ID | LOOKUP |
IsPriorityRecord | Important | CHECKBOX |
Budget_Confirmed__c | Budget Confirmed | CHECKBOX | AQ_Custom |
Discovery_Completed__c | Discovery Completed | CHECKBOX | AQ_Custom |
ROI_Analysis_Completed__c | ROI Analysis Completed | CHECKBOX | AQ_Custom |
AQB__AccountRating__c | Account Rating | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | An overall evaluation of this Account as a donor prospect, as copied from the Rating field in the Account. |
Loss_Reason__c | Loss Reason | PICKLIST | AQ_Custom |
AQB__Alert__c | Alert | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
AQB__Anonymous__c | Anonymous | CHECKBOX |
AQB__CampaignFund__c | Deprecated | LOOKUP |
AQB__Capacity__c | Capacity | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | An evaluation of the Account's capability to fund this Opportunity, expressed (by default) as A-E, with A being the highest. |
AQB__CapitalGain__c | Capital Gain | CURRENCY(9,2) |
AQB__CharitableDeduction__c | Charitable Deduction | CURRENCY(9,2) |
AQB__Comment__c | Comment | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
AQB__CostBasis__c | Cost Basis | CURRENCY(9,2) |
AQB__CurrentStageTrackLink__c | Current Stage Track Link | LOOKUP | An internal field used to link the Opportunity to the current Stage, for tracking. |
AQB__DateProposalSubmitted__c | Date Proposal Submitted | DATE |
AQB__DaysinCurentStage__c | Days in Current Stage | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) | Based on the current date and the Stage Date, this is a system calculation of the number of days that the Opportunity has been in the current Stage. |
AQB__Deadline__c | Proposal Deadline | DATE |
AQB__DeterminationDate__c | Determination Date | DATE |
AQB__DoNotContact__c | Do Not Contact | CHECKBOX | If checked, this field is an indication that the donor should not be contacted at the present time, regarding this Opportunity. |
AQB__EarliestStartDate__c | Earliest Start Date | DATE |
AQB__FinishYear__c | Finish Year | TEXT(4) |
AQB__FirstPaymentDate__c | First Payment Date | DATE |
AQB__FundingComplete__c | Funding Complete | CHECKBOX | When checked, this indicates that all funding anticipated for this opportunity has been received. Gift processing will no longer be notified that this opportunity is open for additional funding. |
AQB__FundraisingCampaign__c | Deprecated Fundraising Campaign | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | deprecated field |
AQB__GiftAmount__c | Gift Amount | CURRENCY(16,2) |
AQB__GiftDate__c | Gift Date | DATE |
AQB__GiftSubType__c | Instrument Descriptor | PICKLIST | Indicates the category of Instrument for the Planned Gift. |
AQB__GoalAmount__c | Goal Amount | NUMBER(18,0) |
AQB__GoalYear__c | Goal Year | PICKLIST |
AQB__Goal_Type__c | Goal Type | PICKLIST |
AQB__IRSDiscouintRate__c | IRS Discount Rate | PERCENT(2,2) |
AQB__IncludeinStageAverage__c | Include in Stage Average | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__InitialNetPresentValue__c | Initial Net Present Value | CURRENCY(10,2) |
AQB__InstitutionalUnit__c | Institutional Unit | LOOKUP | The Institutional Unit associated with this Opportunity. |
AQB__Instrument__c | Deprecated Instrument | PICKLIST | The nature of the way that this Opportunity is expected to be funded, such as cash, real properties, stock, in kind services, etc. |
AQB__KPIChart1__c | KPI Chart 1 | TEXT(40) |
AQB__KPIChart2__c | KPI Chart 2 | TEXT(40) |
AQB__KPIChartSize__c | KPI Chart Size | PICKLIST |
AQB__LastActivityFormula__c | Last Activity Formula | FORMULA (DATE) |
AQB__LatestStartDate__c | Latest Start Date | DATE |
AQB__MarketValueDate__c | Market Value Date | DATE |
AQB__MarketValue__c | Market Value | CURRENCY(9,2) |
AQB__MaturityDate__c | Maturity Date | DATE |
AQB__MonthstoPayment__c | Months to Payment | NUMBER(3,0) |
AQB__NextActivityDate__c | Next Task Date | DATE | The date of the next Task that is scheduled for this Opportunity. |
AQB__NextActivity__c | Next Task | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | The flag indicates status of the next Task for the Opportunity. Green - Task due date is at least 14 days away. Yellow - Task due date is within 14 days. Red - Task is overdue or no Activity is scheduled. |
AQB__OMI__c | OMI | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | The Opportunity Management Index (OMI) is a visual indicator of progress of the Opportunity toward funding, based on the number of stars. It is based on the Date, the Probability, the amount of time in the current Stage, and the last and next Activity. |
AQB__OpportunityExternalID__c | Opportunity External ID | TEXT(20) | A unique identifier used during the import of Opportunity data. |
AQB__OpportunityManagementIndex__c | Opportunity Management Index Formula | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) | The formula used to calculate the settings for the OMI display (number of stars). |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__Readiness__c | Readiness | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | An evaluation of the Account's Readiness to fund this Opportunity, expressed (by default) on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the most ready. |
AQB__Remainder__c | Remainder | CURRENCY(10,2) | The remaining value of the Annuity Trust or Unitrust after all payments are made to Opportunity. |
AQB__Revocable__c | Revocable | CHECKBOX | Used to indicate whether a planned gift is revocable or not. |
AQB__StageDate__c | Stage Date | DATE | The date on which the Opportunity moved to the current Stage. |
AQB__Strategy__c | Strategy | TEXT AREA (RICH)(32768) |
AQB__TaxAmount__c | Tax Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) |
AQB__TotalAssetAmount__c | Total Asset Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) |
AQC_Area_of_Interest__c | Area of Interest | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
AQCV_CONVERSIONID__c | AQCV CONVERSIONID | TEXT(255) | Unique identifier to link to converted system |
AQC_Counter__c | Counter | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) | AQ_Custom |
AQC_Prospect_Pool__c | Prospect Pool | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
Ask_made__c | Ask made? | CHECKBOX | Used to track the activity report purpose of Ask for stage advancement |
Solicitation_Stage_Date__c | Solicitation Stage Date | DATE | The date the Opp reached solicitation |
USyd_Hand_Deliver_Receipt__c | Hand Deliver Receipt | CHECKBOX | To request that the gift receipts of all gifts associated with this Opportunity be hand-delivered, check this box. The Receipt object field, USyd_Hand_Deliver_Receipt, is dependent on this field. |
USyd_Pledge_Reminder_Owner__c | Pledge Reminder Owner Category | PICKLIST | This field should be mandatory for NEW opportunities only |
USyd_Pledge_Reminder_Special_Handling__c | Pledge Reminder Special Handling | TEXT AREA(255) |
USYD_Ask_Amount__c | Ask Amount | CURRENCY(16,2) |
USYD_Pipeline_Value__c | Pipeline Value | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Usyd_Copy_of_will__c | Copy of will | CHECKBOX | For GIW Opportunity, Please tick the box when received a copy of will |
AQC_AcceptanceFromDelegate__c | Acceptance from Delegate | CHECKBOX |
AQC_AmountsDoNotMatch__c | Amounts Do Not Match | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | Validation field to verify that the sum of Opportunity Components equals the Gift Amount. This field should not be displayed on page layouts. |
AQC_AnonymityLevel__c | Anonymity Level | PICKLIST |
AQC_ApprovalOfBequestBudgetAmount__c | Approval of Bequest Budget Amount | CHECKBOX |
AQC_ApprovedByGiftImplementation__c | Approved by Gift Implementation | CHECKBOX |
AQC_Budget__c | Budget | CHECKBOX |
AQC_ChartofAccountType__c | Chart of Account Type | PICKLIST |
AQC_ConditionsConditionPrecedentsApply__c | Conditions/Condition Precedents Apply | CHECKBOX | When checked, condition or condition precedents apply. |
AQC_ConditionsConditionPrecedents__c | Conditions/Condition Precedents | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) | Specify the conditions or condition precedents. |
AQC_DiscussionPaper__c | Discussion Paper | CHECKBOX |
AQC_DonorExpectationsApply__c | Donor Expectations Apply | CHECKBOX |
AQC_EmailCorrespondence__c | Email Correspondence | CHECKBOX |
AQC_FinalProposal__c | Final Proposal | CHECKBOX |
AQC_GratefulPatient__c | Grateful Patient? | CHECKBOX |
AQC_ImplementationTimeFrameExpectation__c | Implementation Time Frame Expectation | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
AQC_InstrumentOfGift__c | Instrument of Gift | CHECKBOX |
AQC_IsPendingApproval__c | Is Pending Approval | CHECKBOX |
AQC_NameontheInstrumentofGift__c | Name on the Instrument of Gift | TEXT(255) |
AQC_PledgeGrantReminderRequired__c | Pledge/Grant Reminder Required? | CHECKBOX |
AQC_PledgeReminderOwner__c | Pledge Reminder Owner | LOOKUP |
AQC_PreviousGift__c | Original Gift Number | LOOKUP | A link to a donor's previous Gift/Pledge when this Opportunity for a supplementary/top up gift. |
AQC_ProbateCopyOfWill__c | Probate/Copy of Will | CHECKBOX |
AQC_ReceiptDelivery__c | Receipt Delivery | PICKLIST | Type of Receipt Delivery for the Opportunity |
AQC_ReportingPreferenceExpectation__c | Reporting Preference Expectation | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
AQC_StewardshipPreferencesExpectation__c | Stewardship Preferences Expectation | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
AQC_Sub_type__c | Sub-type | PICKLIST |
AQC_Trust_Conditions__c | Trust Conditions | PICKLIST |
AQC_VerbalAcceptance__c | Verbal Acceptance | CHECKBOX |
Usdy_Name_of_Giving_vehicle__c | Name of Giving vehicle | TEXT AREA(255) |
Usyd_Gift_Processing_Expectations__c | Gift Processing Expectations | TEXT AREA(255) |
Usyd_Other_Expectations__c | Other Expectations | TEXT AREA(255) |
AQC_SumofOpportunityComponents__c | Sum of Opportunity Components | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | This field is used for validation only and should not be displayed on page layouts. |
Usyd_Credited_Date__c | Credited Date | DATE |
Usyd_Payment_Advice_from_Donor__c | Payment Advice from Donor | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee1Exception_AQ__c | Fee 1 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee1ExemptReason_AQ__c | Fee 1 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee1Exempt_AQ__c | Fee 1 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee1SourceAccount_AQ__c | Fee 1 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee1_AQ__c | Fee 1 | PERCENT(3,2) | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Opportunity. |
AQB__Fee2Exception_AQ__c | Fee 2 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee2ExemptReason_AQ__c | Fee 2 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee2Exempt_AQ__c | Fee 2 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee2SourceAccount_AQ__c | Fee 2 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee2_AQ__c | Fee 2 | PERCENT(3,2) | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Opportunity. |
Usyd_Recipient_Area__c | Recipient Area | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) | This field is populated based on Prospect pool field on the opportunity and is used to bucket the opportunities based on Faculty/school for reporting purpose. |
Usyd_Gift_Theme__c | Gift Theme | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
USYD_OppCompWithPendingAccount__c | Opportunity Comp with Pending Account | CHECKBOX | If this is set to true, it indicates that there is an opportunity component with pending account. |
bt_stripe__Backdate_Start_Date__c | Backdate Start Date | DATETIME | To set a start date for a date in the past, set this field when creating a new subscription |
bt_stripe__Billing_Cycle_Anchor_First_Invoice__c | Billing Cycle Anchor (First Invoice) | DATETIME | Determines the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with Month or Year intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. |
bt_stripe__Billing_Method__c | Billing Method | PICKLIST | When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. |
bt_stripe__Coupon__c | Coupon | LOOKUP |
bt_stripe__Customer__c | Customer | LOOKUP |
bt_stripe__Days_Until_Due__c | Days Until Due | NUMBER(18,0) |
bt_stripe__Default_Tax_Rate__c | Default Tax | PERCENT(15,3) | The tax rate that will apply to any subscription item if tax_rates is not set. Invoices created will have their default_tax_rates populated from the subscription. |
bt_stripe__Error_Message__c | Error Message | TEXT(255) |
bt_stripe__Memo__c | Memo | TEXT AREA (LONG)(131072) | The memo is included in invoice PDFs, invoice emails, and the Hosted Invoice Page. |
bt_stripe__Payment_Gateway__c | Payment Gateway | LOOKUP |
bt_stripe__Payment_Method__c | Payment Method | LOOKUP |
bt_stripe__Prorate__c | Prorate | PICKLIST | Set whether to credit for unused time when the billing cycle changes or if an item's quantity changes. If No, the anchor period will be free (similar to a trial) and no proration adjustments will be created. |
bt_stripe__Proration_Behavior__c | Proration Behavior | PICKLIST | Determines how to handle prorations when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting billing_cycle_anchor=now, or starting a trial), or if an item’s quantity changes. |
bt_stripe__Push_To_Stripe__c | Push To Stripe | CHECKBOX |
bt_stripe__Related_Contact__c | Contact | LOOKUP |
bt_stripe__Trial_End__c | Trial End Date | DATETIME | If the subscription has a trial, the end date/time of that trial. |
bt_stripe__Trial_Period_Days__c | Trial Period Days | NUMBER(18,0) |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
AQC_Opportunity_Owner_Change | AQC_Opportunity_Owner_Change |
Ask_made_validation | Ask_made_validation |
Gift_Amount | Gift_Amount |
Gift_Date | Gift_Date |
Gift_Date_Amount_and_Ask_made | Gift_Date_Amount_and_Ask_made |
Closed_lost_and_loss_reason | Closed_lost_and_loss_reason |
Closed_won_and_pledge_reminder | Closed_won_and_pledge_reminder |
Ask_Amount | Ask_Amount |
Probability_Non_Editable_for_Won_Lost | Probability_Non_Editable_for_Won_Lost |
ApprovalPendingBeforeClosedWon | ApprovalPendingBeforeClosedWon |
ApprovalRequiredBeforeClosedWon | ApprovalRequiredBeforeClosedWon |
DonorConditions | DonorConditions |
DonorConditionsSpecification | DonorConditionsSpecification |
DonorExpectations | DonorExpectations |
DonorExpectationsSpecification | DonorExpectationsSpecification |
Name_on_Instrument | Name_on_Instrument |
PledgeGrantReminderRequired | PledgeGrantReminderRequired |
PledgeReminderOwnerOpportunityOwner | PledgeReminderOwnerOpportunityOwner |
PledgeReminderOwnerCategoryRequired | PledgeReminderOwnerCategoryRequired |
Previous_Gift | Previous_Gift |
Usyd_original_gift_based_on_sub_type | Usyd_original_gift_based_on_sub_type |
PledgeReminderOwnerRequired | PledgeReminderOwnerRequired |
Opportunity_need_approval_to_close | Opportunity_need_approval_to_close |
Stage_cant_be_changed_once_Closed | Stage_cant_be_changed_once_Closed |
Usyd_Gift_amount_required_verbal_ticked | Usyd_Gift_amount_required_verbal_ticked |
Usyd_Verbal_Acceptance_Rule | Usyd_Verbal_Acceptance_Rule |
Gift_Theme_Required | Gift_Theme_Required |
Prospect_pool_requirement | Prospect_pool_requirement |
Usyd_create_opportunity_from_planning | Usyd_create_opportunity_from_planning |
USYD_ChartOfAccountType_Change_Rule | USYD_ChartOfAccountType_Change_Rule |
USYD_Email_Required | USYD_Email_Required |
USYD_Email_Required_ReceiptDeliveryEmail | USYD_Email_Required_ReceiptDeliveryEmail |
USYD_SubTypeRequired | USYD_SubTypeRequired |
USYD_TypeRequired | USYD_TypeRequired |
USYD_Type_Subtype_Required | USYD_Type_Subtype_Required |
Days_Until_Due_Set | Days_Until_Due_Set |
Name | Label |
OpportunityTrigger | AQB.OpportunityTrigger |
Usyd_Opportunity_BeforeInsert | Usyd_Opportunity_BeforeInsert |
Opportunity | bt_stripe.Opportunity |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Opportunity ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AccountId |
Label | Account ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | RecordTypeId |
Label | Record Type ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | IsPrivate |
Label | Private |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Name |
Type | TEXT(120) |
Required | Yes |
Name | Description |
Label | Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) |
Name | StageName |
Label | Stage |
Required | Yes |
Picklist values | Identification |
Name | Amount |
Label | Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(16,2) |
Name | Probability |
Label | Probability (%) |
Type | PERCENT(3,0) |
Name | ExpectedRevenue |
Label | Expected Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(16,2) |
Name | TotalOpportunityQuantity |
Label | Quantity |
Type | NUMBER(16,2) |
Name | CloseDate |
Label | Close Date |
Type | DATE |
Required | Yes |
Name | Type |
Label | Opportunity Type |
Picklist values | Existing Business |
Name | NextStep |
Label | Next Step |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | LeadSource |
Label | Lead Source |
Picklist values | Purchased List |
Name | IsClosed |
Label | Closed |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | IsWon |
Label | Won |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | ForecastCategory |
Label | Forecast Category |
Required | Yes |
Picklist values | Omitted |
Name | ForecastCategoryName |
Label | Forecast Category |
Picklist values | Omitted |
Name | CampaignId |
Label | Campaign ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | HasOpportunityLineItem |
Label | Has Line Item |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | IsSplit |
Label | Is Split |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Pricebook2Id |
Label | Price Book ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | AgeInDays |
Label | Age |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastActivityDate |
Label | Last Activity |
Type | DATE |
Name | LastActivityInDays |
Label | Recent Activity |
Name | PushCount |
Label | Push Count |
Name | LastStageChangeDate |
Label | Last Stage Change Date |
Name | LastStageChangeInDays |
Label | Days In Stage |
Name | FiscalQuarter |
Label | Fiscal Quarter |
Name | FiscalYear |
Label | Fiscal Year |
Name | Fiscal |
Label | Fiscal Period |
Type | TEXT(6) |
Name | ContactId |
Label | Contact ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | SyncedQuoteId |
Label | Quote ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | ContractId |
Label | Contract ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | HasOpenActivity |
Label | Has Open Activity |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | HasOverdueTask |
Label | Has Overdue Task |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | LastAmountChangedHistoryId |
Label | Opportunity History ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Name | LastCloseDateChangedHistoryId |
Label | Opportunity History ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Name | IsPriorityRecord |
Label | Important |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Budget_Confirmed__c |
Label | Budget Confirmed |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | Discovery_Completed__c |
Label | Discovery Completed |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | ROI_Analysis_Completed__c |
Label | ROI Analysis Completed |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | AQB__AccountRating__c |
Label | Account Rating |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | An overall evaluation of this Account as a donor prospect, as copied from the Rating field in the Account. |
Description | An overall evaluation of this Account as a donor prospect, as copied from the Rating field in the Account. |
Name | Loss_Reason__c |
Label | Loss Reason |
Help Text | Indicates the reason why this was lost. Refer to the Knowledge article for guidance |
Picklist values | Changed Estate Planning Priorities |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | AQB__Alert__c |
Label | Alert |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
Help Text | An alert that should display whenever the Opportunity is displayed. |
Name | AQB__Anonymous__c |
Label | Anonymous |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this Opportunity should be considered anonymous. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__CampaignFund__c |
Label | Deprecated |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__Capacity__c |
Label | Capacity |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | An evaluation of the Account's capability to fund this Opportunity, expressed (by default) as A-E, with A being the highest. |
Description | An evaluation of the Account's capability to fund this Opportunity, expressed (by default) as A-E, with A being the highest. |
Name | AQB__CapitalGain__c |
Label | Capital Gain |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | Amount for the portion taxed as capital gain. |
Name | AQB__CharitableDeduction__c |
Label | Charitable Deduction |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | Charitable deduction for the gift, including application of reduction rules when deduction is limited to cost basis. |
Name | AQB__Comment__c |
Label | Comment |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Additional information regarding this Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__CostBasis__c |
Label | Cost Basis |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | Cost basis for this gift. |
Name | AQB__CurrentStageTrackLink__c |
Label | Current Stage Track Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | An internal field used to link the Opportunity to the current Stage, for tracking. |
Description | An internal field used to link the Opportunity to the current Stage, for tracking. |
Name | AQB__DateProposalSubmitted__c |
Label | Date Proposal Submitted |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date that the proposal was submitted. |
Name | AQB__DaysinCurentStage__c |
Label | Days in Current Stage |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Help Text | Based on the current date and the Stage Date, this is a system calculation of the number of days that the Opportunity has been in the current Stage. |
Description | Based on the current date and the Stage Date, this is a system calculation of the number of days that the Opportunity has been in the current Stage. |
Name | AQB__Deadline__c |
Label | Proposal Deadline |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | This is the deadline for the proposal. |
Name | AQB__DeterminationDate__c |
Label | Determination Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date that awards for this type of grant will be determined. |
Name | AQB__DoNotContact__c |
Label | Do Not Contact |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this field is an indication that the donor should not be contacted at the present time, regarding this Opportunity. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this field is an indication that the donor should not be contacted at the present time, regarding this Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__EarliestStartDate__c |
Label | Earliest Start Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | For flexible gift annuities of type Gift Annuity subtype Flexible Gift Annuity, the earliest start date for the annuity that the donor can elect under the terms of the gift annuity agreement. For other gift types, this field is blank. |
Name | AQB__FinishYear__c |
Label | Finish Year |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | Last year in range. If 9999 is entered here for the last range by convention that indicates the last range continues indefinitely (until death of annuitants). |
Name | AQB__FirstPaymentDate__c |
Label | First Payment Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date of first payment. |
Name | AQB__FundingComplete__c |
Label | Funding Complete |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | When checked, this indicates that all funding anticipated for this opportunity has been received. Gift processing will no longer be notified that this opportunity is open for additional funding. |
Default value | false |
Description | When checked, this indicates that all funding anticipated for this opportunity has been received. Gift processing will no longer be notified that this opportunity is open for additional funding. |
Name | AQB__FundraisingCampaign__c |
Label | Deprecated Fundraising Campaign |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | deprecated field |
Description | deprecated field |
Name | AQB__GiftAmount__c |
Label | Gift Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(16,2) |
Help Text | Gift amount that is the same as Deed of Gift. |
Name | AQB__GiftDate__c |
Label | Gift Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date of signed deed of gift. |
Name | AQB__GiftSubType__c |
Label | Instrument Descriptor |
Help Text | Indicates the category of Instrument for the Planned Gift. |
Picklist values | None |
Description | Indicates the category of Instrument for the Planned Gift. |
Name | AQB__GoalAmount__c |
Label | Goal Amount |
Type | NUMBER(18,0) |
Help Text | The amount assigned to this goal. |
Name | AQB__GoalYear__c |
Label | Goal Year |
Help Text | The year for which this goal is applicable. |
Picklist values | 2018 |
Name | AQB__Goal_Type__c |
Label | Goal Type |
Help Text | The type of goal. |
Picklist values | Total Commitments |
Name | AQB__IRSDiscouintRate__c |
Label | IRS Discount Rate |
Type | PERCENT(2,2) |
Help Text | IRS discount rate expressed as a percentage, that is 3.6 = 3.6%. For Pooled Income Fund this is the IRS valuate rate based on highest rate of return for last 3 years or average AFR for new funds less than 3 years old. |
Name | AQB__IncludeinStageAverage__c |
Label | Include in Stage Average |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__InitialNetPresentValue__c |
Label | Initial Net Present Value |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The initial net present value of of this opportunity at close. |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalUnit__c |
Label | Institutional Unit |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The Institutional Unit associates with this Opportunity. |
Description | The Institutional Unit associated with this Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__Instrument__c |
Label | Deprecated Instrument |
Help Text | The nature of the way that this Opportunity is expected to be funded, such as cash, real properties, stock, in kind services, etc. |
Picklist values | Outright Gift |
Description | The nature of the way that this Opportunity is expected to be funded, such as cash, real properties, stock, in kind services, etc. |
Name | AQB__KPIChart1__c |
Label | KPI Chart 1 |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart1 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | "AQ Opportunity Days in Stage" |
Name | AQB__KPIChart2__c |
Label | KPI Chart 2 |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart1 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | "AQ Opportunity Essential Activities" |
Name | AQB__KPIChartSize__c |
Label | KPI Chart Size |
Help Text | The KPI Chart display size. |
Picklist values | Small |
Name | AQB__LastActivityFormula__c |
Label | Last Activity Formula |
Name | AQB__LatestStartDate__c |
Label | Latest Start Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | For flexible gift annuities of type Gift Annuity subtype Flexible Gift Annuity, the latest start date for the annuity that the donor can elect under the terms of the gift annuity agreement. For other gift types, this field is blank. |
Name | AQB__MarketValueDate__c |
Label | Market Value Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date market value was set. |
Name | AQB__MarketValue__c |
Label | Market Value |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | Market value of this gift. |
Name | AQB__MaturityDate__c |
Label | Maturity Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date the planned gift reaches maturity. |
Name | AQB__MonthstoPayment__c |
Label | Months to Payment |
Type | NUMBER(3,0) |
Help Text | Months to payment. |
Name | AQB__NextActivityDate__c |
Label | Next Task Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date of the next Task that is scheduled for this Opportunity. |
Description | The date of the next Task that is scheduled for this Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__NextActivity__c |
Label | Next Task |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | The flag indicates status of the next Task for the Opportunity. Green - Task due date is at least 14 days away. Yellow - Task due date is within 14 days. Red - Task is overdue or no Activity is scheduled. |
Description | The flag indicates status of the next Task for the Opportunity. Green - Task due date is at least 14 days away. Yellow - Task due date is within 14 days. Red - Task is overdue or no Activity is scheduled. |
Name | AQB__OMI__c |
Label | OMI |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | The Opportunity Management Index (OMI) is a visual indicator of progress of the Opportunity toward funding, based on the number of stars. It is based on the Date, the Probability, the amount of time in the current Stage, and the last and next Activity. |
Description | The Opportunity Management Index (OMI) is a visual indicator of progress of the Opportunity toward funding, based on the number of stars. It is based on the Date, the Probability, the amount of time in the current Stage, and the last and next Activity. |
Name | AQB__OpportunityExternalID__c |
Label | Opportunity External ID |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | A unique identifier used during the import of Opportunity data. |
Description | A unique identifier used during the import of Opportunity data. |
Name | AQB__OpportunityManagementIndex__c |
Label | Opportunity Management Index Formula |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Help Text | The formula used to calculate the settings for the OMI display (number of stars). |
Description | The formula used to calculate the settings for the OMI display (number of stars). |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__Readiness__c |
Label | Readiness |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | An evaluation of the Account's Readiness to fund this Opportunity, expressed (by default) on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the most ready. |
Description | An evaluation of the Account's Readiness to fund this Opportunity, expressed (by default) on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the most ready. |
Name | AQB__Remainder__c |
Label | Remainder |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The remaining value of the Annuity Trust or Unitrust after all payments are made to Opportunity. |
Description | The remaining value of the Annuity Trust or Unitrust after all payments are made to Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__Revocable__c |
Label | Revocable |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Used to indicate whether a planned gift is revocable or not. |
Default value | false |
Description | Used to indicate whether a planned gift is revocable or not. |
Name | AQB__StageDate__c |
Label | Stage Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date on which the Opportunity moved to the current Stage. |
Description | The date on which the Opportunity moved to the current Stage. |
Name | AQB__Strategy__c |
Label | Strategy |
Type | TEXT AREA (RICH)(32768) |
Help Text | The strategy to be undertaken to acquire this gift. |
Name | AQB__TaxAmount__c |
Label | Tax Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The amount of the Planned Gift that is taxable. |
Name | AQB__TotalAssetAmount__c |
Label | Total Asset Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The total asset amount of the Planned Gift. |
Name | AQC_Area_of_Interest__c |
Label | Area of Interest |
Picklist values | Australian Graduate School of Management |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Unique | Yes |
Description | Unique identifier to link to converted system |
Name | AQC_Counter__c |
Label | Counter |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Help Text | This is to help counting in reports. |
Description | AQ_Custom |
Name | AQC_Prospect_Pool__c |
Label | Prospect Pool |
Picklist values | Brain & Mind Centre |
Name | Ask_made__c |
Label | Ask made? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Automation for stage validation |
Default value | false |
Description | Used to track the activity report purpose of Ask for stage advancement |
Name | Solicitation_Stage_Date__c |
Label | Solicitation Stage Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | This is the date that the opportunity has reached the solicitation stage. |
Description | The date the Opp reached solicitation |
Name | USyd_Hand_Deliver_Receipt__c |
Label | Hand Deliver Receipt |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | To request that the gift receipts of all gifts associated with this Opportunity be hand-delivered, check this box. |
Default value | false |
Description | To request that the gift receipts of all gifts associated with this Opportunity be hand-delivered, check this box. The Receipt object field, USyd_Hand_Deliver_Receipt, is dependent on this field. |
Name | USyd_Pledge_Reminder_Owner__c |
Label | Pledge Reminder Owner Category |
Help Text | Specify the Pledge Reminder Owner for Pledges only. |
Picklist values | Prospect Manager |
Description | This field should be mandatory for NEW opportunities only |
Name | USyd_Pledge_Reminder_Special_Handling__c |
Label | Pledge Reminder Special Handling |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Name | USYD_Ask_Amount__c |
Label | Ask Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(16,2) |
Help Text | Ask amount that is documented in the proposal |
Name | USYD_Pipeline_Value__c |
Label | Pipeline Value |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Name | Usyd_Copy_of_will__c |
Label | Copy of will |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | For GIW Opportunity, Please tick the box when received a copy of will |
Default value | false |
Description | For GIW Opportunity, Please tick the box when received a copy of will |
Name | AQC_AcceptanceFromDelegate__c |
Label | Acceptance from Delegate |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Is the supporting documentation signed by the delegate, or has delegate acceptance been received? |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_AmountsDoNotMatch__c |
Label | Amounts Do Not Match |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Automatically ticked when the sum of Opportunity Components does not equal the Gift Amount. |
Description | Validation field to verify that the sum of Opportunity Components equals the Gift Amount. This field should not be displayed on page layouts. |
Name | AQC_AnonymityLevel__c |
Label | Anonymity Level |
Picklist values | Not Anonymous |
Name | AQC_ApprovalOfBequestBudgetAmount__c |
Label | Approval of Bequest Budget Amount |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Supporting Documentation |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_ApprovedByGiftImplementation__c |
Label | Approved by Gift Implementation |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | This is the approval status of the Opportunity. The Opportunity Stage is updated to Closed Won when the GI Team approves the Gift Handover. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_Budget__c |
Label | Budget |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Supporting Documentation |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_ChartofAccountType__c |
Label | Chart of Account Type |
Help Text | Indicates the type of Chart of Account required for this Opportunity. |
Picklist values | New Account |
Name | AQC_ConditionsConditionPrecedentsApply__c |
Label | Conditions/Condition Precedents Apply |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | When checked, condition or condition precedents apply. |
Default value | false |
Description | When checked, condition or condition precedents apply. |
Name | AQC_ConditionsConditionPrecedents__c |
Label | Conditions/Condition Precedents |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Specify the conditions or condition precedents. |
Description | Specify the conditions or condition precedents. |
Name | AQC_DiscussionPaper__c |
Label | Discussion Paper |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Supporting Documentation |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_DonorExpectationsApply__c |
Label | Donor Expectations Apply |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_EmailCorrespondence__c |
Label | Email Correspondence |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Supporting Documentation |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_FinalProposal__c |
Label | Final Proposal |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Supporting Documentation |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_GratefulPatient__c |
Label | Grateful Patient? |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_ImplementationTimeFrameExpectation__c |
Label | Implementation Time Frame Expectation |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Donor Expectation |
Name | AQC_InstrumentOfGift__c |
Label | Instrument of Gift |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Supporting Documentation - eg Deed, letter of intent signed by donor |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_IsPendingApproval__c |
Label | Is Pending Approval |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Ticked when the Opportunity is awaiting approval from Gift Implementation. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_NameontheInstrumentofGift__c |
Label | Name on the Instrument of Gift |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Must match the account name on the Opportunity. |
Name | AQC_PledgeGrantReminderRequired__c |
Label | Pledge/Grant Reminder Required? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Specify for Pledges only. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_PledgeReminderOwner__c |
Label | Pledge Reminder Owner |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQC_PreviousGift__c |
Label | Original Gift Number |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | A link to a donor's previous Gift/Pledge when this Opportunity for a supplementary/top up gift. |
Description | A link to a donor's previous Gift/Pledge when this Opportunity for a supplementary/top up gift. |
Name | AQC_ProbateCopyOfWill__c |
Label | Probate/Copy of Will |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Supporting Documentation |
Default value | false |
Name | AQC_ReceiptDelivery__c |
Label | Receipt Delivery |
Picklist values | Email direct to donor(Default) |
Description | Type of Receipt Delivery for the Opportunity |
Name | AQC_ReportingPreferenceExpectation__c |
Label | Reporting Preference Expectation |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Donor Expectation |
Name | AQC_StewardshipPreferencesExpectation__c |
Label | Stewardship Preferences Expectation |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32768) |
Help Text | Donor Expectation |
Name | AQC_Sub_type__c |
Label | Sub-type |
Picklist values | Gift In Kind |
Name | AQC_Trust_Conditions__c |
Label | Trust Conditions |
Help Text | When an existing Chart of Account is used, this indicates if the gift requirements match or do not match the trust conditions. |
Picklist values | Match/Approved by Trust Office |
Name | AQC_VerbalAcceptance__c |
Label | Verbal Acceptance |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Usdy_Name_of_Giving_vehicle__c |
Label | Name of Giving vehicle |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Relationship to Account - Also gives as |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Processing_Expectations__c |
Label | Gift Processing Expectations |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Instructions on how to process a Gift |
Name | Usyd_Other_Expectations__c |
Label | Other Expectations |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Other than Implementation Time Frame, Stewardship, Reporting, Gift Processing |
Name | AQC_SumofOpportunityComponents__c |
Label | Sum of Opportunity Components |
Help Text | Sum of Amount of Opportunity Components |
Description | This field is used for validation only and should not be displayed on page layouts. |
Name | Usyd_Credited_Date__c |
Label | Credited Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | Usyd_Payment_Advice_from_Donor__c |
Label | Payment Advice from Donor |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Have you received confirmation of payment from the donor? |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exception_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee1ExemptReason_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exempt_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee1SourceAccount_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee1_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 1 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Opportunity. |
Description | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exception_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee2ExemptReason_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exempt_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee2SourceAccount_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee2_AQ__c |
Label | Fee 2 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Opportunity. |
Description | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount to this Opportunity. |
Name | Usyd_Recipient_Area__c |
Label | Recipient Area |
Picklist values | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Description | This field is populated based on Prospect pool field on the opportunity and is used to bucket the opportunities based on Faculty/school for reporting purpose. |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Theme__c |
Label | Gift Theme |
Picklist values | Research |
Name | USYD_OppCompWithPendingAccount__c |
Label | Opportunity Comp with Pending Account |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If this is set to true, it indicates that there is an opportunity component with pending account. |
Default value | false |
Description | If this is set to true, it indicates that there is an opportunity component with pending account. |
Name | bt_stripe__Backdate_Start_Date__c |
Label | Backdate Start Date |
Help Text | To set a start date for a date in the past, set this field when creating a new subscription |
Description | To set a start date for a date in the past, set this field when creating a new subscription |
Name | bt_stripe__Billing_Cycle_Anchor_First_Invoice__c |
Label | Billing Cycle Anchor (First Invoice) |
Help Text | Determines the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with Month or Year intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. |
Description | Determines the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with Month or Year intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. |
Name | bt_stripe__Billing_Method__c |
Label | Billing Method |
Help Text | When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. |
Picklist values | charge_automatically |
Description | When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. |
Name | bt_stripe__Coupon__c |
Label | Coupon |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | A coupon code that represents a discount to be applied to this order. Must be a one-time duration and in the same currency as the order. |
Name | bt_stripe__Customer__c |
Label | Customer |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | bt_stripe__Days_Until_Due__c |
Label | Days Until Due |
Type | NUMBER(18,0) |
Help Text | Number of days a customer has to pay invoices generated by this subscription. This value will be null for subscriptions where Billing method = Charge Automatically. |
Name | bt_stripe__Default_Tax_Rate__c |
Label | Default Tax |
Type | PERCENT(15,3) |
Help Text | The tax rate that will apply to any subscription item if tax_rates is not set. Invoices created will have their default_tax_rates populated from the subscription. |
Description | The tax rate that will apply to any subscription item if tax_rates is not set. Invoices created will have their default_tax_rates populated from the subscription. |
Name | bt_stripe__Error_Message__c |
Label | Error Message |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Plan error message. This field auto-populates if there is an error when the plan is pushed to stripe. |
Name | bt_stripe__Memo__c |
Label | Memo |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(131072) |
Help Text | The memo is included in invoice PDFs, invoice emails, and the Hosted Invoice Page. |
Description | The memo is included in invoice PDFs, invoice emails, and the Hosted Invoice Page. |
Name | bt_stripe__Payment_Gateway__c |
Label | Payment Gateway |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | bt_stripe__Payment_Method__c |
Label | Payment Method |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | bt_stripe__Prorate__c |
Label | Prorate |
Help Text | Set whether to credit for unused time when the billing cycle changes or if an item's quantity changes. If No, the anchor period will be free (similar to a trial) and no proration adjustments will be created. |
Picklist values | No |
Description | Set whether to credit for unused time when the billing cycle changes or if an item's quantity changes. If No, the anchor period will be free (similar to a trial) and no proration adjustments will be created. |
Name | bt_stripe__Proration_Behavior__c |
Label | Proration Behavior |
Help Text | Determines how to handle prorations when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting billing_cycle_anchor=now, or starting a trial), or if an item’s quantity changes. |
Picklist values | Create Prorations |
Description | Determines how to handle prorations when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting billing_cycle_anchor=now, or starting a trial), or if an item’s quantity changes. |
Name | bt_stripe__Push_To_Stripe__c |
Label | Push To Stripe |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | bt_stripe__Related_Contact__c |
Label | Contact |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | bt_stripe__Trial_End__c |
Label | Trial End Date |
Help Text | If the Subscription has a trial, the end of that trial. |
Description | If the subscription has a trial, the end date/time of that trial. |
Name | bt_stripe__Trial_Period_Days__c |
Label | Trial Period Days |
Type | NUMBER(18,0) |
Help Text | The default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this subscription. |