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Object: AQB__Transaction__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Transaction Number | AUTO NUMBER |
RecordTypeId | Record Type ID | LOOKUP |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastActivityDate | Last Activity Date | DATE |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
AQB__Gift__c | Gift/Pledge Number | MASTER-DETAIL | This links a transaction back to its originating gift. |
AQB__ACHBank__c | ACH Bank | TEXT(50) |
AQB__ACHLastFour__c | ACH Last Four | TEXT(4) |
AQB__AccountSelected__c | Account Selected | LOOKUP |
AQB__Account__c | Account | LOOKUP | The name of the Account responsible for this Transaction. |
AQB__Acknowledgement__c | Acknowledgement | LOOKUP | Acknowledgement type used to acknowledge this Transaction. |
AQB__Affinaquest2DialogReference__c | Affinaquest 2Dialog Reference | NUMBER(11,0) |
AQB__Alert__c | Alert | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
AQB__Amount__c | Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) | The amount of this Transaction. |
AQB__Anonymous__c | Anonymous? | CHECKBOX | If checked, this Transaction is to be treated as Anonymous. |
AQB__AuctionItem__c | Auction Item | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Balance__c | Balance | CURRENCY(10,2) |
AQB__Batch__c | Batch | LOOKUP |
AQB__BypassGiftRecognitionLogic__c | Bypass Gift Recognition Logic | CHECKBOX | If checked, bypass the logic that creates the gift recognition credits based on the defualt percentages specified on the contact. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
AQB__CAECategory__c | VSE Constituent Category | PICKLIST | The VSE Category of the constituent giving the gift. |
AQB__CampaignAppealClone__c | Campaign Appeal Clone | LOOKUP | This field is ONLY used on the Gift Clone screen to override the Campaign Appeal of the cloned transactions. It should not be used anywhere else or included in reports. |
AQB__CampaignAppealId__c | Campaign Appeal | LOOKUP | The name of the Campaign responsible for the solicitation of this Transaction. |
AQB__CampaignFund__c | Fundraising Campaign for Appeal | LOOKUP |
AQB__Card__c | Card | PICKLIST |
AQB__Category__c | Category | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__ChartofAccounts__c | Designation | LOOKUP | The entry in the Chart of Accounts to which the donor wishes this Transaction to be deposited. |
AQB__CheckNumberText__c | Check Number | TEXT(50) | Check number of the check used for payment |
AQB__CheckNumber__c | Check Number | NUMBER(18,0) | The check number from the check from the donor. |
AQB__ConditionalPledge__c | Conditional Pledge | CHECKBOX | If checked, this an indicator that the pledge shown in this Transaction has conditions attached in order for it to be fulfilled. |
AQB__Count1__c | Count1 | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__CreditCardNumber__c | Credit Card Number | NUMBER(18,0) |
AQB__CreditFlag__c | Credit Flag | CHECKBOX | This flag is for internal use only and should not be manipulated. It is NOT intended for Reporting. |
AQB__CreditedOpportunity__c | Credited Opportunity | LOOKUP | Used to pass CreditedOpportunity to gift through trigger. |
AQB__CreditedYearOverrideDate__c | Credited Year Override Date | DATE |
AQB__CreditedYear__c | Credited Year | FORMULA (DATE) |
AQB__CurrencyExchangeRate__c | Currency Exchange Rate | NUMBER(14,4) |
AQB__CurrencyType__c | Currency Type | PICKLIST |
AQB__CurrencyUnits__c | Currency Units | NUMBER(14,4) |
AQB__Currency__c | Donor Currency | LOOKUP |
AQB__DailyHigh__c | Daily High | CURRENCY(11,4) |
AQB__DailyLow__c | Daily Low | CURRENCY(11,4) |
AQB__DailyMean__c | Daily Mean | CURRENCY(11,4) |
AQB__DateDue__c | Date Due | DATE |
AQB__Date__c | Transaction Date | DATE | The date of the Transaction. |
AQB__DateofEndofPriorQuarter__c | Date of End of Prior Quarter | FORMULA (DATE) |
AQB__DateofTransfer__c | Date of Transfer | DATE |
AQB__DaysOld__c | Days Old | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__DebitAccount__c | Debit Account | LOOKUP |
AQB__Description__c | Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) | Any additional free text information you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
AQB__DesignationAccountClassificationText__c | Designation Account Classification Text | TEXT(50) |
AQB__DesignationAccountNameText__c | Designation Account Name Text | TEXT(80) |
AQB__DesignationAccountNumberText__c | Designation Account Number | TEXT(220) |
AQB__DesignationAccountNumberUseText__c | Designation Account Number Use Text | TEXT(50) |
AQB__DesignationAccountUseCategoryText__c | Designation Account Use Category Text | TEXT(50) |
AQB__Do_not_push_to_Accounting__c | Do not push to Accounting | CHECKBOX |
AQB__DocumentedLegalDate__c | Documented Legal Date | DATE | The date verified legal date of this transaction. |
AQB__DonorDate__c | Gift/Pledge Date | DATE |
AQB__DonorFacingDescription__c | Donor Facing Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) | Any free text information for the donor that you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
AQB__ExpirationMonth__c | Expiration Month | PICKLIST |
AQB__ExpirationYear__c | Expiration Year | PICKLIST |
AQB__ExternalReferenceNumber__c | External Reference Number | TEXT(100) |
AQB__FYDate__c | Deprecated FY Date | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__FYMonth__c | Deprecated FY Month | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__FinancialSystemDate__c | Financial System Date | DATE | This field is for use when integrating with your financial system and should only be populated by the feed from the financial system. |
AQB__FirstCampaignTransaction__c | First Campaign Transaction | CHECKBOX |
AQB__FirstFundTransaction__c | First Fund Transaction | CHECKBOX |
AQB__FiscalMonth__c | Deprecated Fiscal Month | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__FiscalYear__c | Deprecated Fiscal Year | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__FundraisingCampaignforGiftText__c | Fundraising Campaign Text | TEXT(100) |
AQB__FundraisingCampaignforGift__c | Fundraising Campaign for Gift | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__GiftExternalID__c | Gift External ID | TEXT(100) |
AQB__GiftRecordType__c | Deprecated Gift Record Type | TEXT(20) | A classification, used by the system to display the appropriate set of data fields for the type of Transaction. |
AQB__Hours__c | Hours | NUMBER(5,0) | Number of hours spent on a service |
AQB__InterestRate__c | Interest Rate | FORMULA (NUMBER)(8,10) |
AQB__Last4DigitsOnCard__c | Last 4 Digits on Card | TEXT(4) | Last four digits of card used for payment |
AQB__Last4DigitsofCard__c | Deprecated Last 4 Digits of Card | NUMBER(4,0) |
AQB__Link_Test__c | Deprecated Link Test | LOOKUP |
AQB__MatchLink__c | Matched Gift Link | LOOKUP | This links a transaction back to the gift that owns the transaction that was matched. |
AQB__MatchedGiftExternalID__c | Matched Gift External ID | TEXT(100) |
AQB__Matched__c | Deprecated Matched? | CHECKBOX | Indicates that this transaction has been matched at least once. |
AQB__MatchingGift__c | Matching Gift | CHECKBOX | Indicates that this transaction is matching another transaction. It is the transaction on the corporate side. |
AQB__Method__c | Method | PICKLIST | The way in which this donation was, or will be transmitted, such as cash, check, securities, real property, etc. The value inserted into this field will be defaulted based on the gift entry method. |
AQB__Month__c | Month | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__MovingToNewAccount__c | Moving to new Account | CHECKBOX |
AQB__NameonCard__c | Name on Card | TEXT(40) |
AQB__NonDeductible__c | Non-Deductible | CHECKBOX |
AQB__NumberofShares__c | Number of Shares | NUMBER(13,4) |
AQB__OriginatingBatchItemTransaction__c | Originating Batch Item Transaction | LOOKUP |
AQB__OriginatingGift__c | Originating Soft Credit Gift | LOOKUP |
AQB__OriginatingTransaction__c | Originating Soft Credit Transaction | LOOKUP |
AQB__Origins__c | Origins | PICKLIST | Describes the origins of the transfer. |
AQB__PAgeEPQ__c | Pledge Age at End of Prior Quarter | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__PaymentIsDue__c | Payment Is Due | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__PaymentNumber__c | Payment Number | NUMBER(4,0) |
AQB__Payment_Amount_Due__c | Payment Amount Due | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | Used for specialized reporting purposes for analyzing pledge payment patterns. Do not use for roll-up summaries, billings, or other purposes. |
AQB__PledgeAllowanceAmt__c | Pledge Allowance Current Amount | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
AQB__PledgeAllowancePriorQuarterAmount__c | Pledge Allowance Prior Quarter Amount | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
AQB__PledgeDiscountRateDefault__c | Pledge Discount Rate - Default | FORMULA (PERCENT)(16,2) |
AQB__PledgeDiscountRateEffective__c | Pledge Discount Rate - Effective | FORMULA (PERCENT)(16,2) |
AQB__PledgeDiscountRateOverride__c | Pledge Discount Rate - Override | PERCENT(3,2) |
AQB__PledgeDiscountRateRiskPremium__c | Pledge Discount Rate - Risk Premium | PERCENT(3,2) |
AQB__PledgeNPVAmount__c | Pledge NPV Current Amount | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
AQB__PledgeNPVPrioQuarterAmount__c | Pledge NPV Prior Quarter Amount | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
AQB__PledgePaid__c | Pledge Paid | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__PledgePaymentLink__c | Pledge Payment Link | LOOKUP |
AQB__PledgePaymentPointertoDebit__c | Pledge Payment Pointer to Debit | TEXT(40) |
AQB__PledgePaymentStatus__c | Pledge Payment Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Groups pledge payments based on when they were paid, if they were written off, if they are unpaid, or have no due date. |
AQB__PledgePayment__c | Prior Commitment Payment | CHECKBOX | Indicates whether payment is used to fulfill a pledge. |
AQB__PledgeStatusAmount__c | Pledge Status Amount | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
AQB__PledgeStipulation__c | Pledge Type | PICKLIST | Determines if the pledge is conditional, unconditional or a statement of intent. |
AQB__PledgeWriteOffNotation__c | Pledge Write Off Notation | PICKLIST |
AQB__Pledge_Age__c | Pledge Age Currently | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__Posted__c | Posted? | CHECKBOX | If checked, this box indicates that this Transaction has been posted. |
AQB__ProcessSoftCredits__c | Process Soft Credits | CHECKBOX | Directs triggers to automatically create transactions and gifts for all accounts that have been flagged to automatically receive a soft credit in a relationship. |
AQB__PropertyCategory__c | Property Category | PICKLIST |
AQB__ProportionalGiftCredit__c | Proportional Gift Credit | CHECKBOX | Used during the insert of the transaction to indicate that gift recognition credits should be allocated proportionately based on the number of contacts receiving gift recognition credit. |
AQB__Rate__c | Rate | CURRENCY(10,2) | Rate to be charged for a service. |
AQB__RecurringGift__c | Recurring Gift | LOOKUP |
AQB__Reference__c | Reference | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Restricted__c | Restricted? | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Restriction_Code_Override__c | Restriction Code Override | PICKLIST |
AQB__RiskPremiumNote__c | Risk Premium Note | TEXT AREA(255) |
AQB__SendPledgeReminder__c | Send Pledge Reminder | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Service_Type__c | Service Type | PICKLIST | The service type specifies a reporting categorizition for transactions with a type of Servce. This is a client specific picklist intended for reporting and is not mandatory. |
AQB__SoftCreditGiftLink__c | Soft Credit Gift Link | LOOKUP | Links this soft credit transaction to the gift from which it was awarded. |
AQB__SolicitationCreditContact__c | Solicitation Credit Contact | LOOKUP |
AQB__SolicitationCreditUser__c | Solicitation Credit User | LOOKUP |
AQB__Solicitation__c | Solicitation | LOOKUP |
AQB__Status__c | Deprecated Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This field is used to indicate whether this Transaction is part of a closed Batch, signified by a green block and the word, 'Posted' or a yellow block and the words 'THIS TRANSACTION HAS NOT BEEN POSTED' if not. |
AQB__TestLink__c | Deprecated Test Link | LOOKUP |
AQB__ThirdPartyPayment__c | Third Party Payment | CHECKBOX | Indicates this hard credit payment pays off a pledge with a soft credit. |
AQB__ThirdPartyPayoff__c | Third Party Payoff | CHECKBOX | Indicated this transaction was paid by a third party. |
AQB__TickerSymbol__c | Ticker Symbol | TEXT(10) |
AQB__TransactionExternalID__c | Transaction External ID | TEXT(100) |
AQB__TransactionNumber__c | Deprecated Transaction Number | AUTO NUMBER | The system-assigned, unique identifier for this Transaction. |
AQB__TypeOfPledge__c | Type of Pledge | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) |
AQB__Type__c | Transaction Type | PICKLIST | The nature of the this Transaction, categorizing it as a Pledge, Pledge Payment, Payment, Matching Pledge, Matching Pledge Payment, Soft Credit, or Void. |
AQB__VID__c | VID | NUMBER(4,0) |
AQB__VoidNote__c | Void Note | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) |
AQB__VoidOKFlag__c | Void OK Flag | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Voided__c | Related to Void | CHECKBOX |
AQB__WriteOff__c | Write Off? | CHECKBOX | indicates a pledge has been written off. |
AQB__Year__c | Year | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
aqcv_conversionid__c | aqcv conversionid | TEXT(255) | Unique id |
AQB__AppraiserAddress__c | Appraiser's Address | TEXT(255) | The address of the appraiser who assigned the value for the real or personal property donation. |
AQB__AppraiserName__c | Appraiser's Name | TEXT(200) | The name of the appraiser who assigned the value for the real or personal property donation. |
AQB__Fee1Exception__c | Fee 1 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee1ExemptReason__c | Fee 1 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee1Exempt__c | Fee 1 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee1SourceAccount__c | Fee 1 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee1__c | Fee 1 | PERCENT(3,2) | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
AQB__Fee2Exception__c | Fee 2 Exception | TEXT(255) |
AQB__Fee2ExemptReason__c | Fee 2 Exempt Reason | PICKLIST |
AQB__Fee2Exempt__c | Fee 2 Exempt | CHECKBOX |
AQB__Fee2SourceAccount__c | Fee 2 Source Account | TEXT(45) |
AQB__Fee2__c | Fee 2 | PERCENT(3,2) | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
AQB__IRADistribution__c | IRA Distribution | CHECKBOX | Identifies this transaction as an IRA distribution. |
AQB__InitialNetPresentValue__c | Initial Net Present Value | CURRENCY(10,2) | The initial net present value of the linked opportunity at close. |
AQB__Instrument__c | Instrument | PICKLIST | Instrument of the Planned Gift. |
AQB__MaturityDate__c | Maturity Date | DATE | he date the planned gift reaches maturity. |
AQB__Receipt__c | Receipt Number | LOOKUP | The receipt that was created for this Transaction. |
AQB__ReceiptingRejected__c | Rejected for Receipting | CHECKBOX | Indicates that the Transaction was selected for receipt processing, but rejected because the Transactions on the Gift have not yet covered the value of the Advantage. |
AQB__Revocable__c | Revocable | CHECKBOX | If Checked, indicates if this planned gift is revocable. |
AQB__Signator__c | Signator | LOOKUP | Indicates the Contact on the Account who receives 100% legal credit for this Transaction for tax receipting purposes. |
AQB__TaxAmount__c | Tax Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) | The amount of the Planned Gift that is taxable. |
AQB__TotalAssetAmount__c | Total Asset Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) | The total asset amount of the Planned Gift. |
AQB__VSEDeferredGift__c | VSE Deferred Gift | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Formula to indicate that a gift qualifies as a deferred gift according to VSE standards. |
AQB__VSEUseCategory__c | VSE Use Category | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Retrieves the VSE Use Category value from the transaction if it exists there, otherwise, it is retrieved from the Chart of Accounts. |
AQB__VSEUse__c | VSE Use | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Retrieves the VSE Use value from the transaction if it exists there, otherwise, it is retrieved from the Chart of Accounts. |
AQB__VoidedTransaction__c | Voided Transaction | LOOKUP | For a Void Transaction, this is the link to the Transaction that was voided. |
AQB__DesignationAccountEndowmentUse__c | Designation Account Endowment Use | TEXT(40) |
AQB__DesignationAccountExtramuralAthletics__c | Designation Account Extramural Athletics | TEXT(3) |
AQB__MatchingGiftFormula__c | Matching Gift Formula | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This field is used to produce the VSE report |
AQB__VSEExtramuralAthletics__c | VSE Extramural Athletics | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Displays if the transactions is allocated to a designation which is intended for Extramural Athletics. |
COA_School_Unit__c | COA School/Unit | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | The value in the COA entry for this record that is stored in the School/Unit field. |
COA_code__c | COA code | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
COA_designation__c | COA designation | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Custom_wording_on_campaign_del__c | Custom wording on campaign? | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) |
USYD_Third_Party_Pledge__c | Third Party Pledge | LOOKUP | Indicates the pledge paid off by a soft credit. |
Special_campaign_school__c | Special campaign school | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
USyd_Gift_Category__c | Gift Category_DONOTUSE | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This is still WIP. Rules are still being finalised. |
USyd_Gift_Sub_Category__c | Gift Sub-Category_DONOTUSE | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This is still WIP. Rules are still being finalised. |
USyd_Giving_Program__c | Giving Program_DONOTUSE | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This is still WIP. Rules are still being finalised. |
Usyd_Funds_Raised_Flag__c | Funds Raised Flag | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | This formula will indicate if this record is calculated for the campaign. This is feed to Funds Raised Static flag for Campaign 2.0 |
Usyd_Funds_Received_Flag__c | Funds Received Flag | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | This is the input to Funds Received Flag Static. |
Usyd_Gift_Pledge_ID__c | Gift Pledge ID | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Copy of the Gift Pledge number for display |
Usyd_batch_Do_Not_Feed__c | Do Not Feed | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | Do Not Feed value from Batch |
USYD_Responsibility_Centre__c | Responsibility Centre | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Splits the Responsibility centre from the Account string |
USYD_Project_Code__c | Project Code | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Splits the Project code from the Account String |
USYD_Class_Code__c | Class Code | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Custom_wording_on_campaign__c | Custom wording on campaign? | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) |
USYD_Analysis_Code__c | Analysis Code | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
USYD_Historical_Do_Not_Feed__c | Historical Do Not Feed | PICKLIST |
AQB__VoidNotation__c | Void Notation | PICKLIST | The reason for the void. |
USYD_Transaction_1_DFN__c | Transaction 1 DFN | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Funds_Raised_Flag_DONOTUSE__c | Funds Raised Flag DO NOT USE | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | DO NOT USE. This will be used to compare when changing calculations |
USYD_Funds_Raised_Flag_Static__c | Funds Raised Flag Static | CHECKBOX | This will hold the flag that is used in the Funds Raised Amount (roll-up summary) in the Gift/Pledge object. Roll-up Summary is not possible if there is cross-referencing in the formula, thus this static flag is created. This should have the same value as Funds Raised Flag. |
USYD_Original_Class_Code__c | Original Class Code | TEXT(30) | This will hold the original value of the class code |
Usyd_Designation_Department__c | Designation Department | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Designation Department |
USYD_Funds_Received_Flag_Static__c | Funds Received Flag Static | CHECKBOX | Stores the funds received flag from the formula. This is created since when referred to by other formulas, the number of characters in the formula is also counted against the 5000 character limit. |
USYD_Special_Category_Flag__c | Special Category Flag | CHECKBOX | Indicates if the transaction is to a special category Area. This flag is used in Roll-up summaries. |
USYD_Special_Category_Name__c | Special Category Name | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
USYD_Transaction_1_School__c | Transaction 1 School | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_2_DFN__c | Transaction 2 DFN | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_2_School__c | Transaction 2 School | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_3_DFN__c | Transaction 3 DFN | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_3_School__c | Transaction 3 School | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_4_DFN__c | Transaction 4 DFN | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_4_School__c | Transaction 4 School | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_5_DFN__c | Transaction 5 DFN | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_5_School__c | Transaction 5 School | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_COA_Acc_Num_Roll_Up__c | Transaction COA Acc Num Roll-Up | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_COA_Code_Roll_Up__c | Transaction COA Code Roll-Up | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
USYD_Transaction_School_Roll_Up__c | Transaction School Roll-Up | TEXT(255) | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
AQB__Owner_Unit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Usyd_SCT_Contact_Type__c | SCT Contact Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Formula to get the SCT transaction related account primary contact -> contact type |
Amount1__c | Amount | FORMULA (NUMBER)(16,2) | Amount as a number and not currency |
USYD_Special_Category_Name_Override__c | Special Category Name Override | TEXT(100) | This will contain the special category name to cater to very specific special category criteria. This is useful on historical transactions. |
Usyd_BSB__c | BSB | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Usyd_Bank__c | Bank | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Usyd_Drawer__c | Drawer | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Usyd_Text_Area_Description__c | Text Area Description | TEXT AREA(255) |
USYD_CampaignAppeal_Consistent_with_Gift__c | Campaign Appeal Consistent with Gift | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | Indicates if the Campaign Appeal in Transaction is consistent with the Campaign Appeal in Gift/Pledges |
USYD_Historical_Debit_Account__c | Historical Debit Account | TEXT(30) | This is the Gift Debit Account from Advance. This is deliberately not mapped to AQB__DebitAccount__c to avoid creating unnecessary COA records. |
Usyd_TAP_Administered__c | TAP Administered | FORMULA (CHECKBOX) | When Gift/Pledge record type is a Grant and Pledge reminder flag = true |
AQB__PartialWriteOff__c | Partial Write Off | CHECKBOX | System field not to be used for reporting. |
USyd_Campaign_Record_Type_Name__c | USyd Campaign Record Type Name | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
USyd_Gift_Theme__c | USyd Gift Theme | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Chart of Accounts Gift Theme |
USYD_Pledge_Payment_Status__c | Pledge Payment Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | Groups pledge payments based on when they were paid, if they were written off, if they are unpaid, or have no due date, etc. |
AQB__SourceofData__c | Source of Data | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | The method by which the gifts in this batch were taken in. |
AQB__BypassCampaignMembersLogic__c | Bypass Campaign Members Logic | CHECKBOX | If checked, bypass the logic that updates/inserts Campaign Members when a Transaction is inserted or updated. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
USYD_OriginalDesignationAccountNumber__c | Original Designation Account Number | TEXT(80) | To capture the original designation account number during creation |
Usyd_Special_Category_Changed_Datetime__c | Special Category Changed Datetime | DATETIME | This will hold the date time value of when the special category name is changed |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Account_Cannot_Be_Changed | Account_Cannot_Be_Changed |
Amount_Cannot_Be_Changed_on_Closed_Batch | Amount_Cannot_Be_Changed_on_Closed_Batch |
Batch_Cannot_Be_Changed | Batch_Cannot_Be_Changed |
Check_Last_4_card_digits | Check_Last_4_card_digits |
Date_Cannot_Be_Changed_on_Closed_Batch | Date_Cannot_Be_Changed_on_Closed_Batch |
Debit_Account_Must_Be_Active | Debit_Account_Must_Be_Active |
Designation_Cannot_be_Changed_on_Closed | Designation_Cannot_be_Changed_on_Closed |
Designation_Must_Be_Active | Designation_Must_Be_Active |
Method_Cannot_Be_Changed_on_Closed_Batch | Method_Cannot_Be_Changed_on_Closed_Batch |
Method_of_Pledge_only_for_Pledges | Method_of_Pledge_only_for_Pledges |
Type_Cannot_Be_Changed | Type_Cannot_Be_Changed |
USYD_Check_Last_4_card_digits | USYD_Check_Last_4_card_digits |
Name | Label |
TransactionAfterDelete | AQB.TransactionAfterDelete |
TransactionInsertBefore | AQB.TransactionInsertBefore |
TransactionUpsertAfter | AQB.TransactionUpsertAfter |
UpdateGDDtrans | UpdateGDDtrans |
USYD_AQBTransactionTrigger | USYD_AQBTransactionTrigger |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Transaction Number |
Required | Yes |
Name | RecordTypeId |
Label | Record Type ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastActivityDate |
Label | Last Activity Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | AQB__Gift__c |
Label | Gift/Pledge Number |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | This links a Transaction back to its originating Gift. |
Description | This links a transaction back to its originating gift. |
Name | AQB__ACHBank__c |
Label | ACH Bank |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of bank from which ACH payment is being made. |
Name | AQB__ACHLastFour__c |
Label | ACH Last Four |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | Last four numbers of ACH bank account. |
Name | AQB__AccountSelected__c |
Label | Account Selected |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__Account__c |
Label | Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | The name of the Account responsible for this Transaction. |
Description | The name of the Account responsible for this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__Acknowledgement__c |
Label | Acknowledgement |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Description | Acknowledgement type used to acknowledge this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__Affinaquest2DialogReference__c |
Label | Affinaquest 2Dialog Reference |
Type | NUMBER(11,0) |
Unique | Yes |
Name | AQB__Alert__c |
Label | Alert |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
Help Text | An alert that should display whenever the Transaction is displayed. |
Name | AQB__Amount__c |
Label | Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The amount of this Transaction. |
Description | The amount of this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__Anonymous__c |
Label | Anonymous? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this Transaction is to be treated as Anonymous. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this Transaction is to be treated as Anonymous. |
Name | AQB__AuctionItem__c |
Label | Auction Item |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that this gift of personal or real property was to be sold in an auction. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Balance__c |
Label | Balance |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Default value | 0 |
Name | AQB__Batch__c |
Label | Batch |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__BypassGiftRecognitionLogic__c |
Label | Bypass Gift Recognition Logic |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, bypass the logic that creates the gift recognition credits based on the defualt percentages specified on the contact. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, bypass the logic that creates the gift recognition credits based on the defualt percentages specified on the contact. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
Name | AQB__CAECategory__c |
Label | VSE Constituent Category |
Help Text | The CAE Category of the constituent giving the gift. |
Picklist values | Alumni |
Description | The VSE Category of the constituent giving the gift. |
Name | AQB__CampaignAppealClone__c |
Label | Campaign Appeal Clone |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | For use with gift cloning ONLY. |
Description | This field is ONLY used on the Gift Clone screen to override the Campaign Appeal of the cloned transactions. It should not be used anywhere else or included in reports. |
Name | AQB__CampaignAppealId__c |
Label | Campaign Appeal |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The name of the Campaign responsible for the solicitation of this Transaction. |
Description | The name of the Campaign responsible for the solicitation of this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__CampaignFund__c |
Label | Fundraising Campaign for Appeal |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__Card__c |
Label | Card |
Picklist values | Amex |
Name | AQB__Category__c |
Label | Category |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__ChartofAccounts__c |
Label | Designation |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The entry in the Chart of Accounts to which the donor wishes this Transaction to be deposited. |
Description | The entry in the Chart of Accounts to which the donor wishes this Transaction to be deposited. |
Name | AQB__CheckNumberText__c |
Label | Check Number |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Check number of the check used for payment |
Description | Check number of the check used for payment |
Name | AQB__CheckNumber__c |
Label | Check Number |
Type | NUMBER(18,0) |
Help Text | The check number from the check from the donor. |
Description | The check number from the check from the donor. |
Name | AQB__ConditionalPledge__c |
Label | Conditional Pledge |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this an indicator that the pledge shown in this Transaction has conditions attached in order for it to be fulfilled. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this an indicator that the pledge shown in this Transaction has conditions attached in order for it to be fulfilled. |
Name | AQB__Count1__c |
Label | Count1 |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__CreditCardNumber__c |
Label | Credit Card Number |
Type | NUMBER(18,0) |
Help Text | Number on the Credit Card |
Name | AQB__CreditFlag__c |
Label | Credit Flag |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | This flag is for internal use only and should not be manipulated. It is NOT intended for Reporting. |
Default value | false |
Description | This flag is for internal use only and should not be manipulated. It is NOT intended for Reporting. |
Name | AQB__CreditedOpportunity__c |
Label | Credited Opportunity |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Description | Used to pass CreditedOpportunity to gift through trigger. |
Name | AQB__CreditedYearOverrideDate__c |
Label | Credited Year Override Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | If a date exists in this field, it will be utilized to determine the year for which credit should be awarded for this transaction for the purpose of total years giving and consecutive years giving. |
Name | AQB__CreditedYear__c |
Label | Credited Year |
Help Text | The date to be used to determine the year for which this gift should be credited for the purpose of totaling consecutive years and total years giving. Equal to Credited Year Override Date if it exists, otherwise equal to Transaction Date. |
Name | AQB__CurrencyExchangeRate__c |
Label | Currency Exchange Rate |
Type | NUMBER(14,4) |
Help Text | The exchange rate for conversion of the transaction from the specified currency type to the base currency type of the organization. |
Name | AQB__CurrencyType__c |
Label | Currency Type |
Help Text | The currency code of the transaction. It is recommended that the currency codes be based on a standard ISO currency set. |
Picklist values | CAD - Canadian Dollar |
Name | AQB__CurrencyUnits__c |
Label | Currency Units |
Type | NUMBER(14,4) |
Help Text | The amount of the transaction based on the currency that the transaction was offered. |
Name | AQB__Currency__c |
Label | Donor Currency |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The currency in which the gift has been made. The number entered in the amount field should represent the number of units of this currency that have been given. |
Name | AQB__DailyHigh__c |
Label | Daily High |
Type | CURRENCY(11,4) |
Name | AQB__DailyLow__c |
Label | Daily Low |
Type | CURRENCY(11,4) |
Name | AQB__DailyMean__c |
Label | Daily Mean |
Type | CURRENCY(11,4) |
Name | AQB__DateDue__c |
Label | Date Due |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date by which this payment is due. |
Name | AQB__Date__c |
Label | Transaction Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date of the Transaction. |
Description | The date of the Transaction. |
Name | AQB__DateofEndofPriorQuarter__c |
Label | Date of End of Prior Quarter |
Help Text | The last day of the prior quarter. This field is used to calculate the Pledge NPV Quarterly Amount. |
Name | AQB__DateofTransfer__c |
Label | Date of Transfer |
Type | DATE |
Name | AQB__DaysOld__c |
Label | Days Old |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__DebitAccount__c |
Label | Debit Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | This field reflects the debit account for this gift |
Name | AQB__Description__c |
Label | Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) |
Help Text | Any additional free text information you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
Description | Any additional free text information you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__DesignationAccountClassificationText__c |
Label | Designation Account Classification Text |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Used only for roll-up summaries since a roll-up summary filter cannot use lookup values. Do not use for other functions or reporting. Maintained via a process builder flow. |
Name | AQB__DesignationAccountNameText__c |
Label | Designation Account Name Text |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | Used only for roll-up summaries since a roll-up summary filter cannot use lookup values. Do not use for other functions or reporting. Maintained via a process builder flow. |
Name | AQB__DesignationAccountNumberText__c |
Label | Designation Account Number |
Type | TEXT(220) |
Help Text | Used only for roll-up summaries since a roll-up summary filter cannot use lookup values. Maintained via a process builder flow. |
Name | AQB__DesignationAccountNumberUseText__c |
Label | Designation Account Number Use Text |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Used only for roll-up summaries since a roll-up summary filter cannot use lookup values. Do not use for other functions or reporting. Maintained via a process builder flow. |
Name | AQB__DesignationAccountUseCategoryText__c |
Label | Designation Account Use Category Text |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Used only for roll-up summaries since a roll-up summary filter cannot use lookup values. Do not use for other functions or reporting. Maintained via a process builder flow. |
Name | AQB__Do_not_push_to_Accounting__c |
Label | Do not push to Accounting |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Check if this transaction is already in the accounting system. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__DocumentedLegalDate__c |
Label | Documented Legal Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date verified legal date of this transaction. |
Description | The date verified legal date of this transaction. |
Name | AQB__DonorDate__c |
Label | Gift/Pledge Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | AQB__DonorFacingDescription__c |
Label | Donor Facing Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) |
Help Text | Any free text information for the donor that you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
Description | Any free text information for the donor that you wish to associate with this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__ExpirationMonth__c |
Label | Expiration Month |
Picklist values | 01 |
Name | AQB__ExpirationYear__c |
Label | Expiration Year |
Picklist values | 12 |
Name | AQB__ExternalReferenceNumber__c |
Label | External Reference Number |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Unique | Yes |
Name | AQB__FYDate__c |
Label | Deprecated FY Date |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__FYMonth__c |
Label | Deprecated FY Month |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__FinancialSystemDate__c |
Label | Financial System Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | This field is for use when integrating with your financial system and should only be populated by the feed from the financial system. |
Description | This field is for use when integrating with your financial system and should only be populated by the feed from the financial system. |
Name | AQB__FirstCampaignTransaction__c |
Label | First Campaign Transaction |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__FirstFundTransaction__c |
Label | First Fund Transaction |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__FiscalMonth__c |
Label | Deprecated Fiscal Month |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Help Text | Month in fiscal year based on a fiscal year beginning in July. |
Name | AQB__FiscalYear__c |
Label | Deprecated Fiscal Year |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__FundraisingCampaignforGiftText__c |
Label | Fundraising Campaign Text |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Help Text | Text field into which has been copied the Fundraising Campaign for this gift . This is used for Roll-up summaries (since they can't use lookup fields). This field should not be used for other purposes and should not be displayed on page layouts. |
Name | AQB__FundraisingCampaignforGift__c |
Label | Fundraising Campaign for Gift |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__GiftExternalID__c |
Label | Gift External ID |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | AQB__GiftRecordType__c |
Label | Deprecated Gift Record Type |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | A classification, used by the system to display the appropriate set of data fields for the type of Transaction. |
Description | A classification, used by the system to display the appropriate set of data fields for the type of Transaction. |
Name | AQB__Hours__c |
Label | Hours |
Type | NUMBER(5,0) |
Help Text | Number of hours spent on a service |
Description | Number of hours spent on a service |
Name | AQB__InterestRate__c |
Label | Interest Rate |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(8,10) |
Help Text | Determines the interest rate to use in NPV calculations. |
Name | AQB__Last4DigitsOnCard__c |
Label | Last 4 Digits on Card |
Type | TEXT(4) |
Help Text | Last four digits of card used for payment |
Description | Last four digits of card used for payment |
Name | AQB__Last4DigitsofCard__c |
Label | Deprecated Last 4 Digits of Card |
Type | NUMBER(4,0) |
Help Text | The last four digits of the credit card for this transaction. |
Name | AQB__Link_Test__c |
Label | Deprecated Link Test |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__MatchLink__c |
Label | Matched Gift Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Description | This links a transaction back to the gift that owns the transaction that was matched. |
Name | AQB__MatchedGiftExternalID__c |
Label | Matched Gift External ID |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | AQB__Matched__c |
Label | Deprecated Matched? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this transaction was matched by a matching gift company. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that this transaction has been matched at least once. |
Name | AQB__MatchingGift__c |
Label | Matching Gift |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that this transaction is matching another transaction. It is the transaction on the corporate side. |
Name | AQB__Method__c |
Label | Method |
Help Text | The way in which this donation was, or will be transmitted, such as cash, check, securities, real property, etc. |
Picklist values | Check |
Description | The way in which this donation was, or will be transmitted, such as cash, check, securities, real property, etc. The value inserted into this field will be defaulted based on the gift entry method. |
Name | AQB__Month__c |
Label | Month |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__MovingToNewAccount__c |
Label | Moving to new Account |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__NameonCard__c |
Label | Name on Card |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Name | AQB__NonDeductible__c |
Label | Non-Deductible |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the amount of this transaction is fully deductible. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__NumberofShares__c |
Label | Number of Shares |
Type | NUMBER(13,4) |
Name | AQB__OriginatingBatchItemTransaction__c |
Label | Originating Batch Item Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__OriginatingGift__c |
Label | Originating Soft Credit Gift |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | For Soft Credit Transactions, the Gift to which the Originating Transaction that spawned this Soft Credit Transaction is linked. |
Name | AQB__OriginatingTransaction__c |
Label | Originating Soft Credit Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Link to the original transaction from which this Soft Credit transaction was generated. |
Name | AQB__Origins__c |
Label | Origins |
Help Text | Describes the origins of the transfer. |
Picklist values | Admissions Office |
Description | Describes the origins of the transfer. |
Name | AQB__PAgeEPQ__c |
Label | Pledge Age at End of Prior Quarter |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__PaymentIsDue__c |
Label | Payment Is Due |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__PaymentNumber__c |
Label | Payment Number |
Type | NUMBER(4,0) |
Name | AQB__Payment_Amount_Due__c |
Label | Payment Amount Due |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Description | Used for specialized reporting purposes for analyzing pledge payment patterns. Do not use for roll-up summaries, billings, or other purposes. |
Name | AQB__PledgeAllowanceAmt__c |
Label | Pledge Allowance Current Amount |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Name | AQB__PledgeAllowancePriorQuarterAmount__c |
Label | Pledge Allowance Prior Quarter Amount |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Name | AQB__PledgeDiscountRateDefault__c |
Label | Pledge Discount Rate - Default |
Type | FORMULA (PERCENT)(16,2) |
Name | AQB__PledgeDiscountRateEffective__c |
Label | Pledge Discount Rate - Effective |
Type | FORMULA (PERCENT)(16,2) |
Help Text | If a Pledge Discount Rate - Override exists, then this is that rate; otherwise, the effective rate will be the Pledge Discount Rate - Default plus the Pledge Discount Rate - Premium. |
Name | AQB__PledgeDiscountRateOverride__c |
Label | Pledge Discount Rate - Override |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | If present, this discount rate will override the default base discount rate. |
Name | AQB__PledgeDiscountRateRiskPremium__c |
Label | Pledge Discount Rate - Risk Premium |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | Additional pledge discount rate expressed as a percent. |
Default value | 0.0 |
Name | AQB__PledgeNPVAmount__c |
Label | Pledge NPV Current Amount |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Name | AQB__PledgeNPVPrioQuarterAmount__c |
Label | Pledge NPV Prior Quarter Amount |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | The net present value of this transaction as of the last day of the prior calendar quarter. |
Name | AQB__PledgePaid__c |
Label | Pledge Paid |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Boolean Text indicating if pledge has been paid. |
Name | AQB__PledgePaymentLink__c |
Label | Pledge Payment Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Links the pledge debit Transaction and pledge payment Transaction back to the original pledge Transaction which is being paid. |
Name | AQB__PledgePaymentPointertoDebit__c |
Label | Pledge Payment Pointer to Debit |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | Randomly generated value pairing a pledge Payment transaction to the Pledge debit transaction that was created when the payment was made. This is used for restoring pledge balances in the event that either the payment or debit transactions are deleted. |
Name | AQB__PledgePaymentStatus__c |
Label | Pledge Payment Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Groups pledge payments based on when they were paid, if they were written off, if they are unpaid, or have no due date. |
Description | Groups pledge payments based on when they were paid, if they were written off, if they are unpaid, or have no due date. |
Name | AQB__PledgePayment__c |
Label | Prior Commitment Payment |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates whether payment is used to fulfill a pledge. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates whether payment is used to fulfill a pledge. |
Name | AQB__PledgeStatusAmount__c |
Label | Pledge Status Amount |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | Absolute value of pledge amount for use in building pledge fulfillment status. |
Name | AQB__PledgeStipulation__c |
Label | Pledge Type |
Help Text | Determines if the pledge is conditional, unconditional or a statement of intent. |
Picklist values | Conditional |
Description | Determines if the pledge is conditional, unconditional or a statement of intent. |
Name | AQB__PledgeWriteOffNotation__c |
Label | Pledge Write Off Notation |
Help Text | The reason that this pledge is being written off. |
Picklist values | Pledge dates changed |
Name | AQB__Pledge_Age__c |
Label | Pledge Age Currently |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__Posted__c |
Label | Posted? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this Transaction has been posted. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this box indicates that this Transaction has been posted. |
Name | AQB__ProcessSoftCredits__c |
Label | Process Soft Credits |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | Directs triggers to automatically create transactions and gifts for all accounts that have been flagged to automatically receive a soft credit in a relationship. |
Name | AQB__PropertyCategory__c |
Label | Property Category |
Help Text | The category of the property for this transaction. |
Picklist values | Art Work |
Name | AQB__ProportionalGiftCredit__c |
Label | Proportional Gift Credit |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Used during the insert of the transaction to indicate that gift recognition credits should be allocated proportionately based on the number of contacts receiving gift recognition credit. |
Default value | false |
Description | Used during the insert of the transaction to indicate that gift recognition credits should be allocated proportionately based on the number of contacts receiving gift recognition credit. |
Name | AQB__Rate__c |
Label | Rate |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | Rate to be charged for a service. |
Description | Rate to be charged for a service. |
Name | AQB__RecurringGift__c |
Label | Recurring Gift |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Links this transaction to the recurring gift that is being paid with this transaction. |
Name | AQB__Reference__c |
Label | Reference |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Reference number to external document or transaction. |
Name | AQB__Restricted__c |
Label | Restricted? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this Transaction is designated as a restricted gift. |
Default value | true |
Name | AQB__Restriction_Code_Override__c |
Label | Restriction Code Override |
Help Text | Overrides the default Restriction Code for this Designation. |
Picklist values | None |
Name | AQB__RiskPremiumNote__c |
Label | Risk Premium Note |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Note explaining the assignment of a risk premium to this transaction. |
Name | AQB__SendPledgeReminder__c |
Label | Send Pledge Reminder |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the Account making this pledge wishes to receive a reminder on the due date. |
Default value | true |
Name | AQB__Service_Type__c |
Label | Service Type |
Help Text | The service type specifies a reporting categorizition for transactions with a type of Servce. This is a client specific picklist intended for reporting and is not mandatory. |
Picklist values | Undefined |
Description | The service type specifies a reporting categorizition for transactions with a type of Servce. This is a client specific picklist intended for reporting and is not mandatory. |
Name | AQB__SoftCreditGiftLink__c |
Label | Soft Credit Gift Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Description | Links this soft credit transaction to the gift from which it was awarded. |
Name | AQB__SolicitationCreditContact__c |
Label | Solicitation Credit Contact |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__SolicitationCreditUser__c |
Label | Solicitation Credit User |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__Solicitation__c |
Label | Solicitation |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__Status__c |
Label | Deprecated Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | This field is used to indicate whether this Transaction is part of a closed Batch, signified by a green block and the word, 'Posted' or 'Unposted' if not. |
Description | This field is used to indicate whether this Transaction is part of a closed Batch, signified by a green block and the word, 'Posted' or a yellow block and the words 'THIS TRANSACTION HAS NOT BEEN POSTED' if not. |
Name | AQB__TestLink__c |
Label | Deprecated Test Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__ThirdPartyPayment__c |
Label | Third Party Payment |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates this hard credit payment pays off a pledge with a soft credit. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates this hard credit payment pays off a pledge with a soft credit. |
Name | AQB__ThirdPartyPayoff__c |
Label | Third Party Payoff |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicated this transaction was paid by a third party. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicated this transaction was paid by a third party. |
Name | AQB__TickerSymbol__c |
Label | Ticker Symbol |
Type | TEXT(10) |
Name | AQB__TransactionExternalID__c |
Label | Transaction External ID |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | An External ID used to uniquely identify a transaction. Used to link a pledge payment to the corresponding pledge debit transaction. |
Name | AQB__TransactionNumber__c |
Label | Deprecated Transaction Number |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | The system-assigned, unique identifier for this Transaction. |
Description | The system-assigned, unique identifier for this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__TypeOfPledge__c |
Label | Type of Pledge |
Required | Yes |
Name | AQB__Type__c |
Label | Transaction Type |
Help Text | The nature of the this Transaction, categorizing it as a Pledge, Pledge Payment, Payment, Matching Pledge, Matching Pledge Payment, Soft Credit, or Void. |
Picklist values | Payment |
Description | The nature of the this Transaction, categorizing it as a Pledge, Pledge Payment, Payment, Matching Pledge, Matching Pledge Payment, Soft Credit, or Void. |
Name | AQB__VID__c |
Label | VID |
Type | NUMBER(4,0) |
Name | AQB__VoidNote__c |
Label | Void Note |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(32000) |
Name | AQB__VoidOKFlag__c |
Label | Void OK Flag |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | This flag is set temporarily during data to control screen messages. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Voided__c |
Label | Related to Void |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this transaction has been voided. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__WriteOff__c |
Label | Write Off? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | indicates a pledge has been written off. |
Default value | false |
Description | indicates a pledge has been written off. |
Name | AQB__Year__c |
Label | Year |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | aqcv_conversionid__c |
Label | aqcv conversionid |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Unique | Yes |
Description | Unique id |
Name | AQB__AppraiserAddress__c |
Label | Appraiser's Address |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | The address of the appraiser who assigned the value for the real or personal property donation. |
Description | The address of the appraiser who assigned the value for the real or personal property donation. |
Name | AQB__AppraiserName__c |
Label | Appraiser's Name |
Type | TEXT(200) |
Help Text | The name of the appraiser who assigned the value for the real or personal property donation. |
Description | The name of the appraiser who assigned the value for the real or personal property donation. |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exception__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee1ExemptReason__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee1Exempt__c |
Label | Fee 1 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee1SourceAccount__c |
Label | Fee 1 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee1__c |
Label | Fee 1 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Description | The first fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exception__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exception |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | AQB__Fee2ExemptReason__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt Reason |
Picklist values | Department Paid |
Name | AQB__Fee2Exempt__c |
Label | Fee 2 Exempt |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__Fee2SourceAccount__c |
Label | Fee 2 Source Account |
Type | TEXT(45) |
Name | AQB__Fee2__c |
Label | Fee 2 |
Type | PERCENT(3,2) |
Help Text | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Description | The second fee as a percentage of the transaction amount based on the designation. |
Name | AQB__IRADistribution__c |
Label | IRA Distribution |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Identifies this transaction as an IRA distribution. |
Default value | false |
Description | Identifies this transaction as an IRA distribution. |
Name | AQB__InitialNetPresentValue__c |
Label | Initial Net Present Value |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The initial net present value of the linked opportunity at close. |
Description | The initial net present value of the linked opportunity at close. |
Name | AQB__Instrument__c |
Label | Instrument |
Help Text | Instrument of the Planned Gift. |
Picklist values | Bequest |
Description | Instrument of the Planned Gift. |
Name | AQB__MaturityDate__c |
Label | Maturity Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | he date the planned gift reaches maturity. |
Description | he date the planned gift reaches maturity. |
Name | AQB__Receipt__c |
Label | Receipt Number |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The receipt that was created for this Transaction. |
Description | The receipt that was created for this Transaction. |
Name | AQB__ReceiptingRejected__c |
Label | Rejected for Receipting |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the Transaction was selected for receipt processing, but rejected because the Transactions on the Gift have not yet covered the value of the Advantage. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates that the Transaction was selected for receipt processing, but rejected because the Transactions on the Gift have not yet covered the value of the Advantage. |
Name | AQB__Revocable__c |
Label | Revocable |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If Checked, indicates if this planned gift is revocable. |
Default value | false |
Description | If Checked, indicates if this planned gift is revocable. |
Name | AQB__Signator__c |
Label | Signator |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates the Contact on the Account who receives 100% legal credit for this Transaction for tax receipting purposes. |
Description | Indicates the Contact on the Account who receives 100% legal credit for this Transaction for tax receipting purposes. |
Name | AQB__TaxAmount__c |
Label | Tax Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The amount of the Planned Gift that is taxable. |
Description | The amount of the Planned Gift that is taxable. |
Name | AQB__TotalAssetAmount__c |
Label | Total Asset Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The total asset amount of the Planned Gift. |
Description | The total asset amount of the Planned Gift. |
Name | AQB__VSEDeferredGift__c |
Label | VSE Deferred Gift |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Formula to indicate that a gift qualifies as a deferred gift according to VSE standards. |
Description | Formula to indicate that a gift qualifies as a deferred gift according to VSE standards. |
Name | AQB__VSEUseCategory__c |
Label | VSE Use Category |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Retrieves the VSE Use value from the transaction if it exists there, otherwise, it is retrieved from the Chart of Accounts. |
Description | Retrieves the VSE Use Category value from the transaction if it exists there, otherwise, it is retrieved from the Chart of Accounts. |
Name | AQB__VSEUse__c |
Label | VSE Use |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Retrieves the VSE Use value from the transaction if it exists there, otherwise, it is retrieved from the Chart of Accounts. |
Description | Retrieves the VSE Use value from the transaction if it exists there, otherwise, it is retrieved from the Chart of Accounts. |
Name | AQB__VoidedTransaction__c |
Label | Voided Transaction |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | For a Void Transaction, this is the link to the Transaction that was voided. |
Description | For a Void Transaction, this is the link to the Transaction that was voided. |
Name | AQB__DesignationAccountEndowmentUse__c |
Label | Designation Account Endowment Use |
Type | TEXT(40) |
Help Text | Value for the VSE Endowment Use Restriction from the LL-Chart of Accounts at the time the gift was made. |
Name | AQB__DesignationAccountExtramuralAthletics__c |
Label | Designation Account Extramural Athletics |
Type | TEXT(3) |
Help Text | Prefilled value of the VSE Extramural Athletics field from the Chart of Accounts at the time the transaction was processed. |
Name | AQB__MatchingGiftFormula__c |
Label | Matching Gift Formula |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | This field is used to produce the VSE report. |
Description | This field is used to produce the VSE report |
Name | AQB__VSEExtramuralAthletics__c |
Label | VSE Extramural Athletics |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Displays if the transactions is allocated to a designation which is intended for Extramural Athletics. |
Description | Displays if the transactions is allocated to a designation which is intended for Extramural Athletics. |
Name | COA_DFN__c |
Label | COA DFN |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | COA_School_Unit__c |
Label | COA School/Unit |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Used for receipting purposes. |
Description | The value in the COA entry for this record that is stored in the School/Unit field. |
Name | COA_code__c |
Label | COA code |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | COA_designation__c |
Label | COA designation |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Custom_wording_on_campaign_del__c |
Label | Custom wording on campaign? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Flag of special wording from the campaign. |
Name | USYD_Third_Party_Pledge__c |
Label | Third Party Pledge |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates the pledge paid off by a soft credit. |
Description | Indicates the pledge paid off by a soft credit. |
Name | Special_campaign_school__c |
Label | Special campaign school |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | USyd_Gift_Category__c |
Label | Gift Category_DONOTUSE |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | This is still WIP. Rules are still being finalised. |
Name | USyd_Gift_Sub_Category__c |
Label | Gift Sub-Category_DONOTUSE |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | This is still WIP. Rules are still being finalised. |
Name | USyd_Giving_Program__c |
Label | Giving Program_DONOTUSE |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | This is still WIP. Rules are still being finalised. |
Name | Usyd_Funds_Raised_Flag__c |
Label | Funds Raised Flag |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Dynamic calculation of Funds Raised. |
Description | This formula will indicate if this record is calculated for the campaign. This is feed to Funds Raised Static flag for Campaign 2.0 |
Name | Usyd_Funds_Received_Flag__c |
Label | Funds Received Flag |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Dynamic calculation of funds received. |
Description | This is the input to Funds Received Flag Static. |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Pledge_ID__c |
Label | Gift Pledge ID |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | Copy of the Gift Pledge number for display |
Name | Usyd_batch_Do_Not_Feed__c |
Label | Do Not Feed |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked the transaction was not fed to the General Ledger |
Description | Do Not Feed value from Batch |
Name | USYD_Responsibility_Centre__c |
Label | Responsibility Centre |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | Splits the Responsibility centre from the Account string |
Name | USYD_Project_Code__c |
Label | Project Code |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | Splits the Project code from the Account String |
Name | USYD_Class_Code__c |
Label | Class Code |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Custom_wording_on_campaign__c |
Label | Custom wording on campaign? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Flag of special wording from the campaign. |
Name | USYD_Analysis_Code__c |
Label | Analysis Code |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | USYD_Historical_Do_Not_Feed__c |
Label | Historical Do Not Feed |
Picklist values | AIMS banking 1 (PeopleSoft) |
Name | AQB__VoidNotation__c |
Label | Void Notation |
Help Text | The reason for the void. |
Picklist values | Cheque dishonoured |
Description | The reason for the void. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_1_DFN__c |
Label | Transaction 1 DFN |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Funds_Raised_Flag_DONOTUSE__c |
Label | Funds Raised Flag DO NOT USE |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | DO NOT USE. This will be used to compare when changing calculations |
Description | DO NOT USE. This will be used to compare when changing calculations |
Name | USYD_Funds_Raised_Flag_Static__c |
Label | Funds Raised Flag Static |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | This indicates that this transaction is funds raised. |
Default value | false |
Description | This will hold the flag that is used in the Funds Raised Amount (roll-up summary) in the Gift/Pledge object. Roll-up Summary is not possible if there is cross-referencing in the formula, thus this static flag is created. This should have the same value as Funds Raised Flag. |
Name | USYD_Original_Class_Code__c |
Label | Original Class Code |
Type | TEXT(30) |
Description | This will hold the original value of the class code |
Name | Usyd_Designation_Department__c |
Label | Designation Department |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Designation Department |
Description | Designation Department |
Name | USYD_Funds_Received_Flag_Static__c |
Label | Funds Received Flag Static |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the transaction is an actual cash received. |
Default value | false |
Description | Stores the funds received flag from the formula. This is created since when referred to by other formulas, the number of characters in the formula is also counted against the 5000 character limit. |
Name | USYD_Special_Category_Flag__c |
Label | Special Category Flag |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates if the transaction is to a special category area. |
Default value | false |
Description | Indicates if the transaction is to a special category Area. This flag is used in Roll-up summaries. |
Name | USYD_Special_Category_Name__c |
Label | Special Category Name |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | USYD_Transaction_1_School__c |
Label | Transaction 1 School |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_2_DFN__c |
Label | Transaction 2 DFN |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_2_School__c |
Label | Transaction 2 School |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_3_DFN__c |
Label | Transaction 3 DFN |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_3_School__c |
Label | Transaction 3 School |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_4_DFN__c |
Label | Transaction 4 DFN |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_4_School__c |
Label | Transaction 4 School |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_5_DFN__c |
Label | Transaction 5 DFN |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_5_School__c |
Label | Transaction 5 School |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_COA_Acc_Num_Roll_Up__c |
Label | Transaction COA Acc Num Roll-Up |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_COA_Code_Roll_Up__c |
Label | Transaction COA Code Roll-Up |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | USYD_Transaction_School_Roll_Up__c |
Label | Transaction School Roll-Up |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | USYD_Custom. Used in receipting. |
Name | AQB__Owner_Unit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | Usyd_SCT_Contact_Type__c |
Label | SCT Contact Type |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | Formula to get the SCT transaction related account primary contact -> contact type |
Name | Amount1__c |
Label | Amount |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(16,2) |
Description | Amount as a number and not currency |
Name | USYD_Special_Category_Name_Override__c |
Label | Special Category Name Override |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Description | This will contain the special category name to cater to very specific special category criteria. This is useful on historical transactions. |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_BSB__c |
Label | BSB |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_Bank__c |
Label | Bank |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_Drawer__c |
Label | Drawer |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_Text_Area_Description__c |
Label | Text Area Description |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Name | USYD_CampaignAppeal_Consistent_with_Gift__c |
Label | Campaign Appeal Consistent with Gift |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates if the Campaign Appeal in Transaction is consistent with the Campaign Appeal in Gift/Pledges |
Description | Indicates if the Campaign Appeal in Transaction is consistent with the Campaign Appeal in Gift/Pledges |
Name | USYD_Historical_Debit_Account__c |
Label | Historical Debit Account |
Type | TEXT(30) |
Help Text | Gift Debit Account from Advance |
Description | This is the Gift Debit Account from Advance. This is deliberately not mapped to AQB__DebitAccount__c to avoid creating unnecessary COA records. |
Name | Usyd_TAP_Administered__c |
Label | TAP Administered |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | TAP Administered |
Description | When Gift/Pledge record type is a Grant and Pledge reminder flag = true |
Name | AQB__PartialWriteOff__c |
Label | Partial Write Off |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | System field not to be used for reporting. |
Name | USyd_Campaign_Record_Type_Name__c |
Label | USyd Campaign Record Type Name |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | USyd_Gift_Theme__c |
Label | USyd Gift Theme |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | Chart of Accounts Gift Theme |
Name | USYD_Pledge_Payment_Status__c |
Label | Pledge Payment Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | Groups pledge payments based on when they were paid, if they were written off, if they are unpaid, or have no due date, etc. |
Name | AQB__SourceofData__c |
Label | Source of Data |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | The method by which the gifts in this batch were taken in. |
Description | The method by which the gifts in this batch were taken in. |
Name | AQB__BypassCampaignMembersLogic__c |
Label | Bypass Campaign Members Logic |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, bypass the logic that updates/inserts Campaign Members when a Transaction is inserted or updated. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, bypass the logic that updates/inserts Campaign Members when a Transaction is inserted or updated. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
Name | USYD_OriginalDesignationAccountNumber__c |
Label | Original Designation Account Number |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | To capture the original designation account number during creation |
Description | To capture the original designation account number during creation |
Name | Usyd_Special_Category_Changed_Datetime__c |
Label | Special Category Changed Datetime |
Description | This will hold the date time value of when the special category name is changed |