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Object: AQB__NameDefinitionsContacts__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Name Definitions - Contacts Name | TEXT(80) |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
AQB__EncloseMaidenName__c | Enclose Maiden Name | PICKLIST | Determines what if anything should surround the maiden name. |
AQB__EncloseNickname__c | Enclose Nickname | PICKLIST | Determines what if anything should surround the nickname. |
AQB__GreetingSalutation__c | Greeting Salutation | PICKLIST |
AQB__Notes__c | Notes | TEXT AREA(255) |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__UseFirst__c | Use First Name | PICKLIST |
AQB__UseForTheAlternateName__c | Use for the Automated Alternate Name | CHECKBOX | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Alternate Name. |
AQB__UseForTheCommunityName__c | Use for the Automated Community Name | CHECKBOX | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Community Name. |
AQB__UseForTheDefaultAddressSalutation__c | Use for the Automated Address Salutation | CHECKBOX | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Default Address Salutation. |
AQB__UseForTheDefaultGreetingSalutation__c | Use for the Automated Greeting | CHECKBOX | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Default Greeting Salutation. |
AQB__UseForTheFormalName__c | Use for the Automated Formal Name | CHECKBOX | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Formal Name. |
AQB__UseForThePreferredName__c | Use for the Automated Preferred Name | CHECKBOX | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Preferred Name. |
AQB__UseInstitutionalSuffix__c | Use Institutional Suffix | PICKLIST | Indicates if the Institutional Suffix should be included in this name. |
AQB__UseLast__c | Use Last Name | PICKLIST |
AQB__UseMaiden__c | Use Maiden Name | PICKLIST |
AQB__UseMiddle__c | Use Middle Name | PICKLIST |
AQB__UseNickname__c | Use Nickname | PICKLIST |
AQB__UseSalutation__c | Use Salutation | PICKLIST |
AQB__UseSuffix__c | Use Suffix | PICKLIST |
AQB__UseProfessionalSuffix__c | Use Professional Suffix | PICKLIST | Indicates if the Professional Suffix should be included in this name. |
Name | Label |
NameDefinitionsContactsTrigger | AQB.NameDefinitionsContactsTrigger |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Name Definitions - Contacts Name |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | AQB__EncloseMaidenName__c |
Label | Enclose Maiden Name |
Help Text | Determines what if anything should surround the maiden name. |
Picklist values | Quotes |
Description | Determines what if anything should surround the maiden name. |
Name | AQB__EncloseNickname__c |
Label | Enclose Nickname |
Help Text | Determines what if anything should surround the nickname. |
Picklist values | Quotes |
Description | Determines what if anything should surround the nickname. |
Name | AQB__GreetingSalutation__c |
Label | Greeting Salutation |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | The Salutation as formatted for the Greeting in a letter. |
Picklist values | UseLastName |
Name | AQB__Notes__c |
Label | Notes |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Additional information about this name definition. |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__UseFirst__c |
Label | Use First Name |
Help Text | Indicates if the First Name should be included in this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Name | AQB__UseForTheAlternateName__c |
Label | Use for the Automated Alternate Name |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Alternate Name. |
Default value | false |
Description | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Alternate Name. |
Name | AQB__UseForTheCommunityName__c |
Label | Use for the Automated Community Name |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Community Name. |
Default value | false |
Description | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Community Name. |
Name | AQB__UseForTheDefaultAddressSalutation__c |
Label | Use for the Automated Address Salutation |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Default Address Salutation. |
Default value | false |
Description | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Default Address Salutation. |
Name | AQB__UseForTheDefaultGreetingSalutation__c |
Label | Use for the Automated Greeting |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Default Greeting Salutation. |
Default value | false |
Description | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Default Greeting Salutation. |
Name | AQB__UseForTheFormalName__c |
Label | Use for the Automated Formal Name |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Formal Name. |
Default value | false |
Description | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Formal Name. |
Name | AQB__UseForThePreferredName__c |
Label | Use for the Automated Preferred Name |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Preferred Name. |
Default value | false |
Description | Use this name definition to format the Contact Automated Preferred Name. |
Name | AQB__UseInstitutionalSuffix__c |
Label | Use Institutional Suffix |
Help Text | Indicates if the Institutional Suffix should be included in this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Description | Indicates if the Institutional Suffix should be included in this name. |
Name | AQB__UseLast__c |
Label | Use Last Name |
Help Text | Indicates if the Last Name should be included in this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Name | AQB__UseMaiden__c |
Label | Use Maiden Name |
Help Text | Indicates if the Maiden Name should be included in this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Name | AQB__UseMiddle__c |
Label | Use Middle Name |
Help Text | Indicates if the Middle Name should be included in this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Name | AQB__UseNickname__c |
Label | Use Nickname |
Help Text | Indicates if the Nickname should be included in this name. If set to 'Yes' then the nickname is placed in quotes after the first name. If set to 'Use Nickname, else First' then the nickname, if it exists, is used instead of first name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Name | AQB__UseSalutation__c |
Label | Use Salutation |
Help Text | Use the Salutation when formatting this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Name | AQB__UseSuffix__c |
Label | Use Suffix |
Help Text | Indicates if the Suffix should be included in this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Name | AQB__UseProfessionalSuffix__c |
Label | Use Professional Suffix |
Help Text | Indicates if the Professional Suffix should be included in this name. |
Picklist values | Yes |
Description | Indicates if the Professional Suffix should be included in this name. |