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Object: AQB__CampaignFund__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
OwnerId | Owner ID | LOOKUP |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Fundraising Campaign | TEXT(80) |
RecordTypeId | Record Type ID | LOOKUP |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastActivityDate | Last Activity Date | DATE |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
AQB__Alert__c | Alert | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
AQB__All_Fundraising_Campaigns__c | All Fundraising Campaigns | TEXT(20) | Field used to group all fundraising campaigns into one group on reports so that a total ROI can be displayed. |
AQB__Business_Unit__c | Business Unit | PICKLIST |
AQB__CampaignFundExternalID__c | Fund External ID | TEXT(80) | An internal field used during the import of Fund data. |
AQB__Description__c | Description | TEXT AREA(255) | Any free text information you wish to associate with this Campaign Fund. |
AQB__DonorGoal__c | Donor Goal | NUMBER(9,0) |
AQB__EndDate__c | End Date | DATE | The closing date for this Campaign Fund. |
AQB__FundBudget__c | Fundraising Campaign Budget | CURRENCY(9,2) | The budgeted amount for this Fundraising Campaign, exclusive of the budgets for the individual Campaign Appeals within it. |
AQB__IncludeinAnnualFundDashboard__c | Include in Annual Fund Dashboard | CHECKBOX |
AQB__InstitutionalUnit__c | Institutional Unit | LOOKUP | The Institutional Unit associated with this Fundraising Campaign. |
AQB__IsActive__c | Active | CHECKBOX | An indicator that the Campaign Fund is or is not Active. May be manually set to 'Active' or it will be automatically set to 'Active' if any of the associated Campaigns are set to 'Active'. Giving transactions can only be posted to 'Active' Campaigns. |
AQB__KPIChart1__c | KPI Chart 1 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart2__c | KPI Chart 2 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart3__c | KPI Chart 3 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart4__c | KPI Chart 4 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart5__c | KPI Chart 5 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChart6__c | KPI Chart 6 | TEXT(50) |
AQB__KPIChartSize__c | KPI Chart Size | PICKLIST |
AQB__Master_Fundraising_Campaign__c | Master Fundraising Campaign | PICKLIST (MULTI-SELECT) |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__PercentComplete__c | Percent Complete | FORMULA (PERCENT)(16,2) | Based on the Start and Stop dates, the system calculates the percentage of completion for this Campaign Fund. This percentage is used in the calculation of the KPI's for this Campaign Fund. |
AQB__PercentofRevenueGoalAttained__c | Percent of Revenue Goal Attained | FORMULA (PERCENT)(18,0) | A calculation of the percentage of the Campaign Revenue Goal that has been received to date. |
AQB__ResponseRateGoal__c | Response Rate Goal | PERCENT(2,0) | The institution-defined target rate at which the Accounts which will be solicited for this Fund are hoped to respond with a donation, to one or more of the Campaigns in this Fund. |
AQB__RevenueCalculation__c | Revenue Calculation | PICKLIST | A picklist, allowing you to determine whether 'Revenue' for this Fund is to be defined as Payments (only), Payments and Unconditional Pledges, or Payments and All Pledges. |
AQB__RevenueGoal__c | Revenue Goal | CURRENCY(10,0) | The monetary target amount of all donations to all Campaigns that make up this Fund. |
AQB__StartDate__c | Start Date | DATE | The beginning date for this Campaign Fund. |
AQB__Status__c | Status | PICKLIST | The status of this Campaign Fund, such as Planned, Completed, In Progress, or Aborted. |
AQB__TotalCommitments__c | Total Commitments | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | The system-calculated sum of all donations made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund. (Payments and all Pledges.) |
AQB__TotalExpenses__c | Total Expenses | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | The system-calculated sum of all Expenses associated with any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund and with the Fund itself. |
AQB__TotalRevenue__c | Total Revenue | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | The system-calculated sum of all revenue donations made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund, based on your definition of 'revenue' in the Revenue Calculation field. |
AQB__CampaignBudgets__c | Campaign Appeal Budgets | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A sum of the Budget Amounts from all Campaign Appeals that are part of this Fund. |
AQB__CampaignExpenses__c | Campaign Appeal Expenses | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A sum of the Campaign Appeal Expenses from all Campaign Appeals that are part of this Fund. |
AQB__ConditionalPledgeBalance__c | Conditional Pledge Balance | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A sum of the Conditional Pledges posted to all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
AQB__FundExpenses__c | Fundraising Campaign Expenses | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | The sum of the expenditures for this Fund itself, exclusive of those for the individual Campaigns within it. |
AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsDue__c | Matching Gift Payments Due | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A sum of the amounts of all Matching Gift Payments that are due for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsMade__c | Matching Gift Payments Made | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A sum of the amounts of all Matching Gift Payments that have been received for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
AQB__Payments__c | Payments | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A sum of the amounts of all Payments that have been received for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
AQB__UnconditionalPledgeBalance__c | Unconditional Pledge Balance | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | The system-calculated sum of the balances for all Unconditional Pledges made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
aqcv_conversionid__c | AQCV ConversionId | TEXT(255) | Unique id |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Response_Rate_Goal | Response_Rate_Goal |
Response_Rate_Goal_Greater_than_0 | Response_Rate_Goal_Greater_than_0 |
Revenue_Goal | Revenue_Goal |
Revenue_Goal_Greater_than_zero | Revenue_Goal_Greater_than_zero |
Name | Label |
CampaignFundBeforeUpsert | AQB.CampaignFundBeforeUpsert |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | OwnerId |
Label | Owner ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Fundraising Campaign |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Name | RecordTypeId |
Label | Record Type ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastActivityDate |
Label | Last Activity Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | AQB__Alert__c |
Label | Alert |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
Help Text | An alert that should display whenever the Fundraising Campaign is displayed. |
Name | AQB__All_Fundraising_Campaigns__c |
Label | All Fundraising Campaigns |
Type | TEXT(20) |
Help Text | DO NOT DISPLAY |
Default value | "All Fund Campaigns" |
Description | Field used to group all fundraising campaigns into one group on reports so that a total ROI can be displayed. |
Name | AQB__Business_Unit__c |
Label | Business Unit |
Help Text | Help me figure this out. |
Picklist values | A&S Sciences |
Name | AQB__CampaignFundExternalID__c |
Label | Fund External ID |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | An internal field used during the import of Fund data. |
Description | An internal field used during the import of Fund data. |
Name | AQB__Description__c |
Label | Description |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Help Text | Any free text information you wish to associate with this Campaign Fund. |
Description | Any free text information you wish to associate with this Campaign Fund. |
Name | AQB__DonorGoal__c |
Label | Donor Goal |
Type | NUMBER(9,0) |
Help Text | The goal for the total number of donors to this Fundraising Campaign. |
Name | AQB__EndDate__c |
Label | End Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The closing date for this Campaign Fund. |
Description | The closing date for this Campaign Fund. |
Name | AQB__FundBudget__c |
Label | Fundraising Campaign Budget |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The budgeted amount for this Fundraising Campaign, exclusive of the budgets for the individual Campaign Appeals within it. |
Description | The budgeted amount for this Fundraising Campaign, exclusive of the budgets for the individual Campaign Appeals within it. |
Name | AQB__IncludeinAnnualFundDashboard__c |
Label | Include in Annual Fund Dashboard |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | Indicates that the results of this Fundraising Campaign should be included in the Annual Fund Dashboard. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__InstitutionalUnit__c |
Label | Institutional Unit |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The Institutional Unit associated with this Fundraising Campaign. |
Description | The Institutional Unit associated with this Fundraising Campaign. |
Name | AQB__IsActive__c |
Label | Active |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | An indicator that the Campaign Fund is or is not Active. May be manually set to 'Active' or it will be automatically set to 'Active' if any of the associated Campaigns are set to 'Active'. Giving transactions can only be posted to 'Active' Campaigns. |
Default value | false |
Description | An indicator that the Campaign Fund is or is not Active. May be manually set to 'Active' or it will be automatically set to 'Active' if any of the associated Campaigns are set to 'Active'. Giving transactions can only be posted to 'Active' Campaigns. |
Name | AQB__KPIChart1__c |
Label | KPI Chart 1 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart1 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | IF( $RecordType.Name ='Perennial','AQ FC Perennial Total by Designation','AQ FC Fixed Total by Designation') |
Name | AQB__KPIChart2__c |
Label | KPI Chart 2 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart2 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | IF( $RecordType.Name ='Perennial','AQ FC Perennial Donors','AQ FC Fixed Donors') |
Name | AQB__KPIChart3__c |
Label | KPI Chart 3 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart3 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | IF( $RecordType.Name ='Perennial','AQ FC Perennial Pledge Status','AQ FC Fixed Pledge Status') |
Name | AQB__KPIChart4__c |
Label | KPI Chart 4 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart4 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | IF( $RecordType.Name ='Perennial','AQ FC Perennial Average Gift','AQ FC Fixed Average Gift') |
Name | AQB__KPIChart5__c |
Label | KPI Chart 5 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart5 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | IF( $RecordType.Name ='Perennial','AQ FC Perennial Gifts by Campaign Appeal','AQ FC Fixed Gifts by Campaign Appeal') |
Name | AQB__KPIChart6__c |
Label | KPI Chart 6 |
Type | TEXT(50) |
Help Text | Name of report to display on Chart6 VisualForce page on page layout. |
Default value | IF( $RecordType.Name ='Perennial','AQ FC Perennial Donors by Campaign','AQ FC Fixed Donors by Campaign') |
Name | AQB__KPIChartSize__c |
Label | KPI Chart Size |
Help Text | The size in which KPI charts should be rendered. |
Picklist values | Small |
Name | AQB__Master_Fundraising_Campaign__c |
Label | Master Fundraising Campaign |
Help Text | This field is used to roll up Fundraising Campaigns on reports so that totals can be produced easily for multiple Fundraising Campaigns over various periods. |
Picklist values | Campaign for a New Hospital |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__PercentComplete__c |
Label | Percent Complete |
Type | FORMULA (PERCENT)(16,2) |
Help Text | Based on the Start and Stop dates, the system calculates the percentage of completion for this Campaign Fund. This percentage is used in the calculation of the KPI's for this Campaign Fund. |
Description | Based on the Start and Stop dates, the system calculates the percentage of completion for this Campaign Fund. This percentage is used in the calculation of the KPI's for this Campaign Fund. |
Name | AQB__PercentofRevenueGoalAttained__c |
Label | Percent of Revenue Goal Attained |
Type | FORMULA (PERCENT)(18,0) |
Help Text | A calculation of the percentage of the Campaign Revenue Goal that has been received to date. |
Description | A calculation of the percentage of the Campaign Revenue Goal that has been received to date. |
Name | AQB__ResponseRateGoal__c |
Label | Response Rate Goal |
Type | PERCENT(2,0) |
Help Text | The institution-defined target rate at which the Accounts which will be solicited for this Fund are hoped to respond with a donation, to one or more of the Campaigns in this Fund. |
Default value | 0.5 |
Description | The institution-defined target rate at which the Accounts which will be solicited for this Fund are hoped to respond with a donation, to one or more of the Campaigns in this Fund. |
Name | AQB__RevenueCalculation__c |
Label | Revenue Calculation |
Help Text | A picklist, allowing you to determine whether 'Revenue' for this Fund is to be defined as Payments (only), Payments and Unconditional Pledges, or Payments and All Pledges. |
Picklist values | Payments Only |
Description | A picklist, allowing you to determine whether 'Revenue' for this Fund is to be defined as Payments (only), Payments and Unconditional Pledges, or Payments and All Pledges. |
Name | AQB__RevenueGoal__c |
Label | Revenue Goal |
Type | CURRENCY(10,0) |
Help Text | The monetary target amount of all donations to all Campaigns that make up this Fund. |
Default value | 1 |
Description | The monetary target amount of all donations to all Campaigns that make up this Fund. |
Name | AQB__StartDate__c |
Label | Start Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The beginning date for this Campaign Fund. |
Description | The beginning date for this Campaign Fund. |
Name | AQB__Status__c |
Label | Status |
Help Text | The status of this Campaign Fund, such as Planned, Completed, In Progress, or Aborted. |
Picklist values | Planned |
Description | The status of this Campaign Fund, such as Planned, Completed, In Progress, or Aborted. |
Name | AQB__TotalCommitments__c |
Label | Total Commitments |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | The system-calculated sum of all donations made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund. (Payments and all Pledges.) |
Description | The system-calculated sum of all donations made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund. (Payments and all Pledges.) |
Name | AQB__TotalExpenses__c |
Label | Total Expenses |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | The system-calculated sum of all Expenses associated with any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund and with the Fund itself. |
Description | The system-calculated sum of all Expenses associated with any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund and with the Fund itself. |
Name | AQB__TotalRevenue__c |
Label | Total Revenue |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | The system-calculated sum of all revenue donations made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund, based on your definition of 'revenue' in the Revenue Calculation field. |
Description | The system-calculated sum of all revenue donations made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund, based on your definition of 'revenue' in the Revenue Calculation field. |
Name | AQB__CampaignBudgets__c |
Label | Campaign Appeal Budgets |
Help Text | A sum of the Budget Amounts from all Campaign Appeals that are part of this Fund. |
Description | A sum of the Budget Amounts from all Campaign Appeals that are part of this Fund. |
Name | AQB__CampaignExpenses__c |
Label | Campaign Appeal Expenses |
Help Text | A sum of the Campaign Appeal Expenses from all Campaign Appeals that are part of this Fund. |
Description | A sum of the Campaign Appeal Expenses from all Campaign Appeals that are part of this Fund. |
Name | AQB__ConditionalPledgeBalance__c |
Label | Conditional Pledge Balance |
Help Text | A sum of the Conditional Pledges posted to all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Description | A sum of the Conditional Pledges posted to all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Name | AQB__FundExpenses__c |
Label | Fundraising Campaign Expenses |
Help Text | The sum of the expenditures for this Fund itself, exclusive of those for the individual Campaigns within it. |
Description | The sum of the expenditures for this Fund itself, exclusive of those for the individual Campaigns within it. |
Name | AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsDue__c |
Label | Matching Gift Payments Due |
Help Text | A sum of the amounts of all Matching Gift Payments that are due for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund.. |
Description | A sum of the amounts of all Matching Gift Payments that are due for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Name | AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsMade__c |
Label | Matching Gift Payments Made |
Help Text | A sum of the amounts of all Matching Gift Payments that have been received for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Description | A sum of the amounts of all Matching Gift Payments that have been received for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Name | AQB__Payments__c |
Label | Payments |
Help Text | A sum of the amounts of all Payments that have been received for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Description | A sum of the amounts of all Payments that have been received for all Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Name | AQB__UnconditionalPledgeBalance__c |
Label | Unconditional Pledge Balance |
Help Text | The system-calculated sum of the balances for all Unconditional Pledges made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Description | The system-calculated sum of the balances for all Unconditional Pledges made to any of the Campaigns that are part of this Fund. |
Name | aqcv_conversionid__c |
Label | AQCV ConversionId |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Unique | Yes |
Description | Unique id |