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Object: AQB__Gift__c
Name | Label | Type | Description |
Id | Record ID | ID |
IsDeleted | Deleted | CHECKBOX |
Name | Gift/Pledge Number | AUTO NUMBER |
RecordTypeId | Record Type ID | LOOKUP |
CreatedDate | Created Date | DATETIME |
CreatedById | Created By ID | LOOKUP |
LastModifiedDate | Last Modified Date | DATETIME |
LastModifiedById | Last Modified By ID | LOOKUP |
SystemModstamp | System Modstamp | DATETIME |
LastActivityDate | Last Activity Date | DATE |
LastViewedDate | Last Viewed Date | DATETIME |
LastReferencedDate | Last Referenced Date | DATETIME |
AQB__Account__c | Account | MASTER-DETAIL | The name of the Account responsible for this Gift. |
AQB__AccountId__c | Account | LOOKUP | The account for this Gift/Pledge. |
AQB__Acknowledgement__c | Acknowledgement | LOOKUP |
AQB__Alert__c | Alert | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
AQB__AnonymityLevel__c | Anonymity Level | PICKLIST | Indicates the anonymity level of this batch item. |
AQB__Anonymous__c | Anonymous | CHECKBOX | If checked, the donor wishes this Gift to be treated as Anonymous. |
AQB__BypassGiftRecognitionLogic__c | Bypass Gift Recognition Logic | CHECKBOX | If checked, bypass the logic that creates the gift recognition credits based on the defualt percentages specified on the contact. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
AQB__CampaignDifferent__c | Campaign Different | CHECKBOX | This field is used for pledge processing as a part of batch entry. It is not for reporting, display, or any other purpose. |
AQB__CampaignFund__c | Fundraising Campaign | LOOKUP | The name of the Fund drive that generated this Gift. |
AQB__Category__c | Deprecated Category | PICKLIST | Indicated if the Planned gift is revocable or irrevocable. |
AQB__ConditionalPledge__c | Deprecated Conditional Pledge | CHECKBOX | If checked, it signifies that this Gift is a Pledge with a condition for fulfilment attached. This distinction is necessary for accurate accounting purposes. |
AQB__CreditedOpportunity__c | Credited Opportunity | LOOKUP | If this Gift is the fulfillment of an Opportunity, this field is used to create the link between the Gift and that Opportunity. |
AQB__Date__c | Gift Date | DATE | The date of the Gift. |
AQB__Doc_link__c | Doc link | URL |
AQB__DonorAccount__c | Deprecated Originating Donor Account | LOOKUP | If this Gift record is a Soft Credit, this field is a link to the Account of the donor who made the original gift. |
AQB__FundRaisingCampaignText__c | Fundraising Campaign Text | TEXT(100) |
AQB__GiftDescription__c | Description | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) | Any free text information you wish to associate with this Gift. |
AQB__GiftExternalID__c | External ID | TEXT(100) | A unique identifier, used during the import of Gifts. |
AQB__Gift_Count__c | Gift Count | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
AQB__Hard_Credit_Gift_Recogntion__c | Hard Credit Gift Recogntion | LOOKUP |
AQB__IncludeConditionalPledgeInTotal__c | Include Conditional Pledge In Total | CHECKBOX | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding conditional pledges when calculating certain giving totals. |
AQB__IncludeMatchDueInTotal__c | Include Match Due In Total | CHECKBOX | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding the amounts of matching gift pledges that have not yet been fulfilled, when calculating certain giving totals. |
AQB__IncludeMatchPaidInTotal__c | Include Match Paid In Total | CHECKBOX | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding the amounts of matching gift pledges that have been paid, when calculating certain giving totals. |
AQB__IncludeUnconditionalPledgeInTotal__c | Include Pledges In Total | CHECKBOX | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding pledges when calculating certain giving totals. |
AQB__InitialNetPresentValue__c | Initial Net Present Value | CURRENCY(10,2) |
AQB__InitialNetPresentValueofOpportunity__c | Deprecated Initial NPV of Opp | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
AQB__Instrument__c | Instrument | PICKLIST | Instrument of the Planned Gift. |
AQB__IsPaymentRolled__c | Deprecated IsPaymentRolled | CHECKBOX |
AQB__MatchLink__c | Matched Gift | LOOKUP | If this Gift is to be matched, this field provides the link to that Matching Gift. |
AQB__MatchedAccount__c | Matched Account | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__Matched__c | Matched? | CHECKBOX | If checked, this field indicates that the Gift will be matched by the donor's employer or other corporation. |
AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsDue__c | Deprecated Matching Gift Payments Due | CURRENCY(9,2) | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that are expected but have not yet been received as a result of this Gift. |
AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsMade__c | Deprecated Matching Gift Payments Made | CURRENCY(9,2) | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that have been received as a result of this Gift. |
AQB__MaturityDate__c | Maturity Date | DATE | The date the planned gift reaches maturity. |
AQB__NumberofPayments__c | Number of Payments | NUMBER(6,0) | An internal field, for system use only. |
AQB__OriginatingGiftStatus__c | Originating Gift Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
AQB__OriginatingGift__c | Deprecated Originating Gift Soft Credit | LOOKUP | If this Gift record is a Soft Credit, this field is a link to the original gift. |
AQB__OwnerUnit__c | Owner Unit | PICKLIST | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
AQB__Payments__c | Payments | CURRENCY(9,2) | For internal use only. Do not use in Data Entry or in Reports. |
AQB__PledgeBalanceConditional__c | Deprecated Pledge Balance - Conditional | CURRENCY(9,2) | A system-calculated sum of all as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift, which have a condition that must be met in order for the pledge to be fulfilled. |
AQB__PledgeBalanceTotal__c | Pledge Balance - Total | CURRENCY(9,2) | For internal use only. Do not use in Data Entry or in Reports. |
AQB__PledgeBalanceUnconditional__c | DeprecatedPledge Balance - Unconditional | CURRENCY(9,2) | A system-calculated sum of all unconditional but as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
AQB__PledgeEndDate__c | Pledge End Date | DATE | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the end date of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
AQB__PledgeFrequency__c | Pledge Frequency | NUMBER(3,0) | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the frequency of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
AQB__PledgeInterval__c | Pledge Interval | PICKLIST | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the interval of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
AQB__PledgeScheduleType__c | Pledge Schedule Type | PICKLIST | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the nature of the pledge payment schedule that is being created. |
AQB__PledgeStartDate__c | Pledge Start Date | DATE | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. This date will become the due date for the first installment payment. |
AQB__ProportionalGiftCredit__c | Proportional Gift Recognition Credit | CHECKBOX | If checked, this field indicates that the amount of any associated Gift Recognition Credits will be a proportional share of the original Gift, based on the number of such Gift Recognition Credits there are for this Gift. |
AQB__RecurringGiftLink__c | Recurring Gift Link | LOOKUP |
AQB__RestrictedTotal__c | Deprecated Restricted Total | CURRENCY(9,2) | The sum of the Transactions for the Gift that have a Restricted Designation, as indicated by a checkbox setting in the Chart of Accounts entry for the Designation specified for the Transactions. System-calculated. |
AQB__Revocable__c | Revocable | CHECKBOX |
AQB__RollUpPledgeBalanceTotal__c | Balance Due | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | A system-calculated sum of all unconditional and conditional but as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
AQB__SameCampaign__c | Campaign Same | CHECKBOX | This field is used for pledge processing as a part of batch entry. It is not for reporting, display, or any other purpose. |
AQB__Setup__c | Setup | LOOKUP |
AQB__SoftCredit__c | Soft Credit? | CHECKBOX | If checked, this field indicates that there are Soft Credits linked to this Gift. |
AQB__StatusAbbr__c | Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This field is used to indicate whether or not all Transactions that are part of of the Gift are in closed Batches. If not, the display will say, THIS GIFT HAS UNPOSTED TRANSACTIONS. |
AQB__Status__c | Status | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This field is used to indicate whether or not all Transactions that are part of of the Gift are in closed Batches. If so, the indicator will be green and the word 'Posted' will be shown. If not, the display will be yellow and say, THIS GIFT HAS UNPOSTED TRANSACTIONS. |
AQB__TaxAmount__c | Tax Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) | The amount of the Planned Gift that is taxable. |
AQB__Testamentary__c | Testamentary Gift? | CHECKBOX | If checked, this field indicates that this is a Testamentary Gift. |
AQB__TotalAssetAmount__c | Total Asset Amount | CURRENCY(10,2) | The total asset amount of the Planned Gift. |
AQB__TotalGift__c | Total | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | The total amount of this Gift. Your institutional standards and the corresponding Affinaquest setup will determine whether elements such as matching gifts and conditional pledges will or will not be included in this system-calculated amount. |
AQB__Type__c | Instrument Descriptor | PICKLIST | Indicates the category of Instrument for the Planned Gift. |
AQB__UnrestrictedTotal__c | Deprecated Unrestricted Total | CURRENCY(9,2) | The sum of the Transactions for the Gift that have an Unrestricted Designation, as indicated by a checkbox setting in the Chart of Accounts entry for the Designation specified for the Transactions. System-calculated. |
AQB__DateofLastPledgePayment__c | Date of Last Pledge Payment | ROLL-UP SUMMARY |
AQB__NextPledgeDueDate__c | Next Pledge Due Date | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | This system-calculated field examines the due dates of all outstanding pledges that are part of this Gift and displays the most imminent such date. |
AQB__NumberofOpenTransactions__c | Deprecated Number of Open Transactions | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | An internal field that is a count of the transactions that are part of this Gift, but which are part of an open batch. |
AQB__OriginalPledgedAmount__c | OLD Original Pledged Amount | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | This field is used internally and should no longer be used for the Original Amount Pledge, please use the Original Pledged Amount instead. |
AQB__RollUpMatchingGiftPaymentsDue__c | Matching Gift Payments Due | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that are expected but have not yet been received as a result of this Gift. |
AQB__RollUpMatchingGiftPaymentsMade__c | Matching Gift Payments Made | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that have been received as a result of this Gift. |
AQB__RollUpPayments__c | Payments | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A system-calculated sum of all Cash, Securities, Real Property, Personal Property or other tangible assets that are part of this Gift. |
AQB__RollUpPledgeBalanceConditional__c | Soft Credits | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A system-calculated sum of all soft credit Transactions. |
AQB__RollUpPledgeBalanceUnconditional__c | Pledge Balance | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | A system-calculated sum of all as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
AQB__RollUpRestrictedTotal__c | Pledged Amount | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | For a Pledge, the current amount of the pledge. The original amount entered is reduced if the Pledge or part of the Pledge is voided, written off, or paid by a third party. |
aqcv_conversionid__c | aqcv conversionid | TEXT(255) | Unique id |
AQB__AnnualReceipt__c | Annual Receipt | CHECKBOX | If checked, a consolidated receipt will be issued for the pledge payment Transactions that were made during the calendar year. |
AQB__ApproveReceipt__c | Receipt Needs Approval | CHECKBOX | If checked, approval is needed to issue the receipt for this Gift. |
AQB__NoReceipt__c | Do Not Receipt | CHECKBOX | If checked, do not issue a receipt for the Transactions that are linked to this Gift. |
AQB__ReceiptCount__c | Number of Receipts | NUMBER(3,0) | The number of non-voided Receipts that have been created for this Gift/Pledge. |
GRC_roll_up__c | GRC roll-up | TEXT(255) | Used to capture the contacts that were given recognition credit for this gift. |
Trans_DFN1__c | Trans DFN1 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_DFN2__c | Trans DFN2 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_DFN3__c | Trans DFN3 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_DFN4__c | Trans DFN4 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_DFN5__c | Trans DFN5 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_SU1__c | Trans SU1 | TEXT(255) | The COA school/Unit from the transaction on the gift. |
Trans_SU2__c | Trans SU2 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_SU3__c | Trans SU3 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_SU4__c | Trans SU4 | TEXT(255) |
Trans_SU5__c | Trans SU5 | TEXT(255) |
Transaction_Roll_up__c | Transaction roll-up School/Unit | TEXT(255) | Used to capture the values in the COA School/Unit field from the associated records |
Transaction_roll_up_COAcode__c | Transaction roll-up COAcode | TEXT(255) | Used to hold the account numbers from transactions for receipting purposes. |
Transaction_roll_up_DFN__c | Transaction roll-up DFN | TEXT(255) | This is used to capture the flavor text of related transactions |
Transaction_roll_up_Designations__c | Transaction roll-up Designations | TEXT(255) | Used to capture the Designations of related transactions for receipting |
USyd_Pledge_Status__c | Pledge Status | PICKLIST |
USyd_Funds_Raised_Amount__c | Funds Raised Amount | ROLL-UP SUMMARY |
USyd_Last_Payment_Date__c | Last Payment Date | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | To calculate the last Payment of a pledge or a recurring gift. This is useful to determine if a recurring gift should be charged on the next payment cycle. |
USyd_Payment_Count__c | Payment Count | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | This is just a test. For deletion |
Written_off_total__c | Written off total | ROLL-UP SUMMARY |
USYD_Credited_Contacts__c | Credited Contacts | TEXT(255) |
USYD_Gift_Receipt_Number__c | Gift Receipt Number | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
USYD_Gift_Recognition_Credit__c | Gift Recognition Credit | LOOKUP |
Usyd_BSB__c | BSB | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Usyd_Gift_Pledge_Total_Amount__c | Gift Pledge Total Amount | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | Custom formula Field for display on Account - Gift/Pledge related list view. Rules If record type is Pledge then Pledge amount else Total |
Usyd_Gift_Pledge_WO_Designation__c | Pledge WO Designation | TEXT AREA(255) | Write Off Designation which got updated from Transaction |
Usyd_Gift_Pledge_WO_Notation__c | Pledge WO Notation | TEXT(120) | Get Pledge Write Off Notation from Transaction |
Usyd_Gift_Type__c | Gift Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) | This Custom field will check if the Pledge amount greater than 0 then it is Pledge else Gift |
Usyd_Pledge_Write_Off_Total_Amount__c | Pledge Write Off Total Amount | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | Sum up the total amount write off |
AQC_Campaign_Partner_Fund__c | Campaign Partner Fund | CHECKBOX |
Usyd_Campaign_Appeal__c | Campaign Appeal | LOOKUP |
USYD_Special_Category_Transaction_Count__c | Special Category Transaction Count | ROLL-UP SUMMARY | Counts special category transactions |
Count_of_Transactions__c | Count of Transactions | ROLL-UP SUMMARY |
USyd_Pledge_Reminder_Owner__c | Pledge Reminder Owner | LOOKUP | This field should show the same pledge reminder owner as specified in Batch item of the related gift. |
USYD_Funds_Received__c | Funds Received | ROLL-UP SUMMARY |
AQB__OriginalAmountPledged__c | Original Amount Pledged | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) | For a Pledge, the original amount of the pledge. This amount is not reduced if the Pledge or part of the Pledge is voided, written off, or paid by a third party. It will include additional pledges added after the initial pledge is created. |
AQB__PledgeWriteOffTotal__c | Pledge Write Off Total | ROLL-UP SUMMARY |
Usyd_Actual_Donor_Type__c | Actual Donor Type | TEXT AREA(255) | Displays the concatenated contact types |
Usyd_Gift_Driver_Derivation__c | Gift Driver Derivation | CHECKBOX | Update this field when a GRC or SCT record created related to a gift |
Usyd_Gift_Driver__c | Gift Driver | TEXT(30) |
Usyd_Bank__c | Bank | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Usyd_Drawer__c | Drawer | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Usyd_Text_Area_Description__c | Text Area Description | TEXT AREA(255) |
AQB__AdditionalNewGift__c | Additional New Gift | LOOKUP | When a pledge is overpaid and the overpayment is saved as a gift, this links the pledge to the gift. |
AQB__DesignationText__c | Designation | TEXT(80) | This field is automatically populated by the system. If there is one designation for all Transactions on the Gift, the Name of the Designation displays. If there is more than one, then 'Multiple' displays. |
AQB__RelatedPledge__c | Related Pledge | LOOKUP | When a pledge is overpaid and the overpayment is saved as a gift, this links the gift to the originating pledge. |
AQB__ContactUtilityDate__c | Contact Utility Date | DATE | Date a gift was created/moved using Contact Utility |
AQB__EngagementScoreCategory__c | Engagement Score Category | PICKLIST | Identifies the category group the engagement score will be totaled in to. |
AQB__EngagementScoreOverride__c | Engagement Score Override | CHECKBOX | This field will be used to change the value of the score manually to a value that does not meet the criteria of the defined rule within the Engagement Score parameter. |
AQB__EngagementScore__c | Engagement Score | NUMBER(4,0) | This field holds the score value associated with an override. |
Validation rules
Name | Label |
Date_less_than_today | Date_less_than_today |
Name | Label |
GiftInsertAfter | AQB.GiftInsertAfter |
GiftInsertBefore | AQB.GiftInsertBefore |
GiftUpdateAfter | AQB.GiftUpdateAfter |
GiftUpdateBefore | AQB.GiftUpdateBefore |
GiftTrigger | AQB.GiftTrigger |
Fields Details
Name | Id |
Label | Record ID |
Type | ID |
Required | Yes |
Name | IsDeleted |
Label | Deleted |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Name |
Label | Gift/Pledge Number |
Required | Yes |
Name | RecordTypeId |
Label | Record Type ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | CreatedDate |
Label | Created Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | CreatedById |
Label | Created By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedDate |
Label | Last Modified Date |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastModifiedById |
Label | Last Modified By ID |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Name | SystemModstamp |
Label | System Modstamp |
Required | Yes |
Name | LastActivityDate |
Label | Last Activity Date |
Type | DATE |
Name | LastViewedDate |
Label | Last Viewed Date |
Name | LastReferencedDate |
Label | Last Referenced Date |
Name | AQB__Account__c |
Label | Account |
Foreign key | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | The name of the Account responsible for this Gift. |
Description | The name of the Account responsible for this Gift. |
Name | AQB__AccountId__c |
Label | Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The account for this Gift/Pledge. |
Description | The account for this Gift/Pledge. |
Name | AQB__Acknowledgement__c |
Label | Acknowledgement |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Acknowledgement type used to acknowledge this gift. |
Name | AQB__Alert__c |
Label | Alert |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(4000) |
Help Text | An alert that should display whenever the Gift is displayed. |
Name | AQB__AnonymityLevel__c |
Label | Anonymity Level |
Help Text | Indicates the anonymity level of this batch item. |
Picklist values | Totally Anonymous |
Description | Indicates the anonymity level of this batch item. |
Name | AQB__Anonymous__c |
Label | Anonymous |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, the donor wishes this Gift to be treated as Anonymous. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, the donor wishes this Gift to be treated as Anonymous. |
Name | AQB__BypassGiftRecognitionLogic__c |
Label | Bypass Gift Recognition Logic |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, bypass the logic that creates the gift recognition credits based on the defualt percentages specified on the contact. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, bypass the logic that creates the gift recognition credits based on the defualt percentages specified on the contact. This field should not be shown on user screens, it is used internally. |
Name | AQB__CampaignDifferent__c |
Label | Campaign Different |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | This field is used for pledge processing as a part of batch entry. It is not for reporting, display, or any other purpose. |
Default value | false |
Description | This field is used for pledge processing as a part of batch entry. It is not for reporting, display, or any other purpose. |
Name | AQB__CampaignFund__c |
Label | Fundraising Campaign |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | The name of the Fund drive that generated this Gift. |
Description | The name of the Fund drive that generated this Gift. |
Name | AQB__Category__c |
Label | Deprecated Category |
Help Text | Indicated if the Planned gift is revocable or irrevocable. |
Picklist values | Revocable |
Description | Indicated if the Planned gift is revocable or irrevocable. |
Name | AQB__ConditionalPledge__c |
Label | Deprecated Conditional Pledge |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, it signifies that this Gift is a Pledge with a condition for fulfilment attached. This distinction is necessary for accurate accounting purposes. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, it signifies that this Gift is a Pledge with a condition for fulfilment attached. This distinction is necessary for accurate accounting purposes. |
Name | AQB__CreditedOpportunity__c |
Label | Credited Opportunity |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | If this Gift is the fulfillment of an Opportunity, this field is used to create the link between the Gift and that Opportunity. |
Description | If this Gift is the fulfillment of an Opportunity, this field is used to create the link between the Gift and that Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__Date__c |
Label | Gift Date |
Type | DATE |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | The date of the Gift. |
Description | The date of the Gift. |
Name | AQB__Doc_link__c |
Label | Doc link |
Type | URL |
Name | AQB__DonorAccount__c |
Label | Deprecated Originating Donor Account |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | If this Gift record is a Soft Credit, this field is a link to the Account of the donor who made the original gift. |
Description | If this Gift record is a Soft Credit, this field is a link to the Account of the donor who made the original gift. |
Name | AQB__FundRaisingCampaignText__c |
Label | Fundraising Campaign Text |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Name | AQB__GiftDescription__c |
Label | Description |
Type | TEXT AREA (LONG)(2000) |
Help Text | Any free text information you wish to associate with this Gift. |
Description | Any free text information you wish to associate with this Gift. |
Name | AQB__GiftExternalID__c |
Label | External ID |
Type | TEXT(100) |
Unique | Yes |
Help Text | A unique identifier, used during the import of Gifts. |
Description | A unique identifier, used during the import of Gifts. |
Name | AQB__Gift_Count__c |
Label | Gift Count |
Type | FORMULA (NUMBER)(18,0) |
Name | AQB__Hard_Credit_Gift_Recogntion__c |
Label | Hard Credit Gift Recogntion |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__IncludeConditionalPledgeInTotal__c |
Label | Include Conditional Pledge In Total |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding conditional pledges when calculating certain giving totals. |
Default value | false |
Description | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding conditional pledges when calculating certain giving totals. |
Name | AQB__IncludeMatchDueInTotal__c |
Label | Include Match Due In Total |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding the amounts of matching gift pledges that have not yet been fulfilled, when calculating certain giving totals. |
Default value | true |
Description | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding the amounts of matching gift pledges that have not yet been fulfilled, when calculating certain giving totals. |
Name | AQB__IncludeMatchPaidInTotal__c |
Label | Include Match Paid In Total |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding the amounts of matching gift pledges that have been paid, when calculating certain giving totals. |
Default value | false |
Description | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding the amounts of matching gift pledges that have been paid, when calculating certain giving totals. |
Name | AQB__IncludeUnconditionalPledgeInTotal__c |
Label | Include Pledges In Total |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding pledges when calculating certain giving totals. |
Default value | false |
Description | An internal field that reflects the conditions of Giving Setup, regarding your institutional preference for including or excluding pledges when calculating certain giving totals. |
Name | AQB__InitialNetPresentValue__c |
Label | Initial Net Present Value |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The initial net present value of the linked opportunity at close. |
Name | AQB__InitialNetPresentValueofOpportunity__c |
Label | Deprecated Initial NPV of Opp |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | The Initial Net Present Value of the Opportunity as set in the Opportunity. |
Name | AQB__Instrument__c |
Label | Instrument |
Help Text | Instrument of the Planned Gift. |
Picklist values | Bequest |
Description | Instrument of the Planned Gift. |
Name | AQB__IsPaymentRolled__c |
Label | Deprecated IsPaymentRolled |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__MatchLink__c |
Label | Matched Gift |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | If this Gift is to be matched, this field provides the link to that Matching Gift. |
Description | If this Gift is to be matched, this field provides the link to that Matching Gift. |
Name | AQB__MatchedAccount__c |
Label | Matched Account |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | The name of the Account whose gift was matched. |
Name | AQB__Matched__c |
Label | Matched? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this field indicates that the Gift will be matched by the donor's employer or other corporation. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this field indicates that the Gift will be matched by the donor's employer or other corporation. |
Name | AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsDue__c |
Label | Deprecated Matching Gift Payments Due |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that are expected but have not yet been received as a result of this Gift. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that are expected but have not yet been received as a result of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__MatchingGiftPaymentsMade__c |
Label | Deprecated Matching Gift Payments Made |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that have been received as a result of this Gift. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that have been received as a result of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__MaturityDate__c |
Label | Maturity Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | The date the planned gift reaches maturity. |
Description | The date the planned gift reaches maturity. |
Name | AQB__NumberofPayments__c |
Label | Number of Payments |
Type | NUMBER(6,0) |
Help Text | An internal field, for system use only. |
Description | An internal field, for system use only. |
Name | AQB__OriginatingGiftStatus__c |
Label | Originating Gift Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | AQB__OriginatingGift__c |
Label | Deprecated Originating Gift Soft Credit |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | If this Gift record is a Soft Credit, this field is a link to the original gift. |
Description | If this Gift record is a Soft Credit, this field is a link to the original gift. |
Name | AQB__OwnerUnit__c |
Label | Owner Unit |
Help Text | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Picklist values | Advancement Services |
Description | Designates the Unit of the User that created this record. This field is intended for use in creating Sharing Rules for the purpose of controlling access to the record. |
Name | AQB__Payments__c |
Label | Payments |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | For internal use only. Do not use in Data Entry or in Reports. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | For internal use only. Do not use in Data Entry or in Reports. |
Name | AQB__PledgeBalanceConditional__c |
Label | Deprecated Pledge Balance - Conditional |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | A system-calculated sum of all as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift, which have a condition that must be met in order for the pledge to be fulfilled. |
Description | A system-calculated sum of all as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift, which have a condition that must be met in order for the pledge to be fulfilled. |
Name | AQB__PledgeBalanceTotal__c |
Label | Pledge Balance - Total |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | For internal use only. Do not use in Data Entry or in Reports. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | For internal use only. Do not use in Data Entry or in Reports. |
Name | AQB__PledgeBalanceUnconditional__c |
Label | DeprecatedPledge Balance - Unconditional |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | A system-calculated sum of all unconditional but as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | A system-calculated sum of all unconditional but as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__PledgeEndDate__c |
Label | Pledge End Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the end date of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
Description | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the end date of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
Name | AQB__PledgeFrequency__c |
Label | Pledge Frequency |
Type | NUMBER(3,0) |
Help Text | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the frequency of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
Default value | 1 |
Description | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the frequency of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
Name | AQB__PledgeInterval__c |
Label | Pledge Interval |
Help Text | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the interval of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
Picklist values | Week(s) |
Description | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the interval of the pledge payments in the schedule that is being created. |
Name | AQB__PledgeScheduleType__c |
Label | Pledge Schedule Type |
Help Text | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the nature of the pledge payment schedule that is being created. |
Picklist values | Fixed Total Amount, Fixed End Date |
Description | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. It determines the nature of the pledge payment schedule that is being created. |
Name | AQB__PledgeStartDate__c |
Label | Pledge Start Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. This date will become the due date for the first installment payment. |
Description | An internal field, used by the system during data entry only. This date will become the due date for the first installment payment. |
Name | AQB__ProportionalGiftCredit__c |
Label | Proportional Gift Recognition Credit |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this field indicates that the amount of any associated Gift Recognition Credits will be a proportional share of the original Gift, based on the number of such Gift Recognition Credits there are for this Gift. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this field indicates that the amount of any associated Gift Recognition Credits will be a proportional share of the original Gift, based on the number of such Gift Recognition Credits there are for this Gift. |
Name | AQB__RecurringGiftLink__c |
Label | Recurring Gift Link |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | Links to the recurring gift that is being used to automate pledge payments. |
Name | AQB__RestrictedTotal__c |
Label | Deprecated Restricted Total |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The sum of the Transactions for the Gift that have a Restricted Designation, as indicated by a checkbox setting in the Chart of Accounts entry for the Designation specified for the Transactions. System-calculated. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | The sum of the Transactions for the Gift that have a Restricted Designation, as indicated by a checkbox setting in the Chart of Accounts entry for the Designation specified for the Transactions. System-calculated. |
Name | AQB__Revocable__c |
Label | Revocable |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If Checked, indicates if this planned gift is revocable. |
Default value | false |
Name | AQB__RollUpPledgeBalanceTotal__c |
Label | Balance Due |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | A system-calculated sum of all unconditional and conditional but as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
Description | A system-calculated sum of all unconditional and conditional but as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__SameCampaign__c |
Label | Campaign Same |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | This field is used for pledge processing as a part of batch entry. It is not for reporting, display, or any other purpose. |
Default value | false |
Description | This field is used for pledge processing as a part of batch entry. It is not for reporting, display, or any other purpose. |
Name | AQB__Setup__c |
Label | Setup |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | AQB__SoftCredit__c |
Label | Soft Credit? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this field indicates that there Soft Credits linked to this Gift. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this field indicates that there are Soft Credits linked to this Gift. |
Name | AQB__StatusAbbr__c |
Label | Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | This field is used to indicate whether or not all Transactions that are part of of the Gift are in closed Batches. If not, the display will say, THIS GIFT HAS UNPOSTED TRANSACTIONS. |
Description | This field is used to indicate whether or not all Transactions that are part of of the Gift are in closed Batches. If not, the display will say, THIS GIFT HAS UNPOSTED TRANSACTIONS. |
Name | AQB__Status__c |
Label | Status |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Help Text | Indicates whether or not all Transactions that are part of of the Gift are in closed Batches. If so, the indicator will be green and the word 'Posted' will be shown. If not, the display will be yellow and say, This Gift has Unposted Transactions. |
Description | This field is used to indicate whether or not all Transactions that are part of of the Gift are in closed Batches. If so, the indicator will be green and the word 'Posted' will be shown. If not, the display will be yellow and say, THIS GIFT HAS UNPOSTED TRANSACTIONS. |
Name | AQB__TaxAmount__c |
Label | Tax Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The amount of the Planned Gift that is taxable. |
Description | The amount of the Planned Gift that is taxable. |
Name | AQB__Testamentary__c |
Label | Testamentary Gift? |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, this field indicates that this is a Testamentary Gift. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, this field indicates that this is a Testamentary Gift. |
Name | AQB__TotalAssetAmount__c |
Label | Total Asset Amount |
Type | CURRENCY(10,2) |
Help Text | The total asset amount of the Planned Gift. |
Description | The total asset amount of the Planned Gift. |
Name | AQB__TotalGift__c |
Label | Total |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | The total amount of this Gift. Your institutional standards and the corresponding Affinaquest setup will determine whether elements such as matching gifts and conditional pledges will or will not be included in this system-calculated amount. |
Description | The total amount of this Gift. Your institutional standards and the corresponding Affinaquest setup will determine whether elements such as matching gifts and conditional pledges will or will not be included in this system-calculated amount. |
Name | AQB__Type__c |
Label | Instrument Descriptor |
Help Text | Indicates the category of Instrument for the Planned Gift. |
Picklist values | Double Life |
Description | Indicates the category of Instrument for the Planned Gift. |
Name | AQB__UnrestrictedTotal__c |
Label | Deprecated Unrestricted Total |
Type | CURRENCY(9,2) |
Help Text | The sum of the Transactions for the Gift that have an Unrestricted Designation, as indicated by a checkbox setting in the Chart of Accounts entry for the Designation specified for the Transactions. System-calculated. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | The sum of the Transactions for the Gift that have an Unrestricted Designation, as indicated by a checkbox setting in the Chart of Accounts entry for the Designation specified for the Transactions. System-calculated. |
Name | AQB__DateofLastPledgePayment__c |
Label | Date of Last Pledge Payment |
Help Text | The last date on which a pledge payment was made. |
Name | AQB__NextPledgeDueDate__c |
Label | Next Pledge Due Date |
Help Text | This system-calculated field examines the due dates of all outstanding pledges that are part of this Gift and displays the most imminent such date. |
Description | This system-calculated field examines the due dates of all outstanding pledges that are part of this Gift and displays the most imminent such date. |
Name | AQB__NumberofOpenTransactions__c |
Label | Deprecated Number of Open Transactions |
Help Text | An internal field that is a count of the transactions that are part of this Gift, but which are part of an open batch. |
Description | An internal field that is a count of the transactions that are part of this Gift, but which are part of an open batch. |
Name | AQB__OriginalPledgedAmount__c |
Label | OLD Original Pledged Amount |
Help Text | For a Pledge, the original amount of the pledge. This amount is not reduced if the Pledge or part of the Pledge is voided, written off, or paid by a third party. It will include additional pledges added after the initial pledge is created. |
Description | This field is used internally and should no longer be used for the Original Amount Pledge, please use the Original Pledged Amount instead. |
Name | AQB__RollUpMatchingGiftPaymentsDue__c |
Label | Matching Gift Payments Due |
Help Text | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that are expected but have not yet been received as a result of this Gift. |
Description | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that are expected but have not yet been received as a result of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__RollUpMatchingGiftPaymentsMade__c |
Label | Matching Gift Payments Made |
Help Text | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that have been received as a result of this Gift. |
Description | This system-calculated field shows the total amount of all matching gifts that have been received as a result of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__RollUpPayments__c |
Label | Payments |
Help Text | A system-calculated sum of all Cash, Securities, Real Property, Personal Property or other tangible assets that are part of this Gift. |
Description | A system-calculated sum of all Cash, Securities, Real Property, Personal Property or other tangible assets that are part of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__RollUpPledgeBalanceConditional__c |
Label | Soft Credits |
Help Text | A system-calculated sum of all soft credit Transactions. |
Description | A system-calculated sum of all soft credit Transactions. |
Name | AQB__RollUpPledgeBalanceUnconditional__c |
Label | Pledge Balance |
Help Text | A system-calculated sum of all as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
Description | A system-calculated sum of all as yet unpaid pledges that are part of this Gift. |
Name | AQB__RollUpRestrictedTotal__c |
Label | Pledged Amount |
Help Text | For a Pledge, the current amount of the pledge. The original amount entered is reduced if the Pledge or part of the Pledge is voided, written off, or paid by a third party. |
Description | For a Pledge, the current amount of the pledge. The original amount entered is reduced if the Pledge or part of the Pledge is voided, written off, or paid by a third party. |
Name | aqcv_conversionid__c |
Label | aqcv conversionid |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Unique | Yes |
Description | Unique id |
Name | AQB__AnnualReceipt__c |
Label | Annual Receipt |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, a consolidated receipt will be issued for pledge payment Transactions that were made during the calendar year. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, a consolidated receipt will be issued for the pledge payment Transactions that were made during the calendar year. |
Name | AQB__ApproveReceipt__c |
Label | Receipt Needs Approval |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, approval is needed to issue the receipt for this Gift. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, approval is needed to issue the receipt for this Gift. |
Name | AQB__NoReceipt__c |
Label | Do Not Receipt |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If checked, do not issue a receipt for the Transactions that are linked to this Gift. |
Default value | false |
Description | If checked, do not issue a receipt for the Transactions that are linked to this Gift. |
Name | AQB__ReceiptCount__c |
Label | Number of Receipts |
Type | NUMBER(3,0) |
Help Text | The number of non-voided Receipts that have been created for this Gift/Pledge. |
Default value | 0 |
Description | The number of non-voided Receipts that have been created for this Gift/Pledge. |
Name | GRC_roll_up__c |
Label | GRC roll-up |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Description | Used to capture the contacts that were given recognition credit for this gift. |
Name | Trans_DFN1__c |
Label | Trans DFN1 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_DFN2__c |
Label | Trans DFN2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_DFN3__c |
Label | Trans DFN3 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_DFN4__c |
Label | Trans DFN4 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_DFN5__c |
Label | Trans DFN5 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_SU1__c |
Label | Trans SU1 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Used for receipting only. |
Description | The COA school/Unit from the transaction on the gift. |
Name | Trans_SU2__c |
Label | Trans SU2 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_SU3__c |
Label | Trans SU3 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_SU4__c |
Label | Trans SU4 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Trans_SU5__c |
Label | Trans SU5 |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | Transaction_Roll_up__c |
Label | Transaction roll-up School/Unit |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Summary field for receipting purposes. |
Description | Used to capture the values in the COA School/Unit field from the associated records |
Name | Transaction_roll_up_COAcode__c |
Label | Transaction roll-up COAcode |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Used for receipting only |
Description | Used to hold the account numbers from transactions for receipting purposes. |
Name | Transaction_roll_up_DFN__c |
Label | Transaction roll-up DFN |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | Used for receipting only. |
Description | This is used to capture the flavor text of related transactions |
Name | Transaction_roll_up_Designations__c |
Label | Transaction roll-up Designations |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Help Text | For receipting use only. |
Description | Used to capture the Designations of related transactions for receipting |
Name | USyd_Pledge_Status__c |
Label | Pledge Status |
Picklist values | Active |
Name | USyd_Funds_Raised_Amount__c |
Label | Funds Raised Amount |
Name | USyd_Last_Payment_Date__c |
Label | Last Payment Date |
Description | To calculate the last Payment of a pledge or a recurring gift. This is useful to determine if a recurring gift should be charged on the next payment cycle. |
Name | USyd_Payment_Count__c |
Label | Payment Count |
Description | This is just a test. For deletion |
Name | Written_off_total__c |
Label | Written off total |
Name | USYD_Credited_Contacts__c |
Label | Credited Contacts |
Type | TEXT(255) |
Name | USYD_Gift_Receipt_Number__c |
Label | Gift Receipt Number |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | USYD_Gift_Recognition_Credit__c |
Label | Gift Recognition Credit |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | Usyd_BSB__c |
Label | BSB |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Pledge_Total_Amount__c |
Label | Gift Pledge Total Amount |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Description | Custom formula Field for display on Account - Gift/Pledge related list view. Rules If record type is Pledge then Pledge amount else Total |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Pledge_WO_Designation__c |
Label | Pledge WO Designation |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Description | Write Off Designation which got updated from Transaction |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Pledge_WO_Notation__c |
Label | Pledge WO Notation |
Type | TEXT(120) |
Description | Get Pledge Write Off Notation from Transaction |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Type__c |
Label | Gift Type |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Description | This Custom field will check if the Pledge amount greater than 0 then it is Pledge else Gift |
Name | Usyd_Pledge_Write_Off_Total_Amount__c |
Label | Pledge Write Off Total Amount |
Description | Sum up the total amount write off |
Name | AQC_Campaign_Partner_Fund__c |
Label | Campaign Partner Fund |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Name | Usyd_Campaign_Appeal__c |
Label | Campaign Appeal |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Name | USYD_Special_Category_Transaction_Count__c |
Label | Special Category Transaction Count |
Help Text | Count of special category transactions |
Description | Counts special category transactions |
Name | Count_of_Transactions__c |
Label | Count of Transactions |
Name | USyd_Pledge_Reminder_Owner__c |
Label | Pledge Reminder Owner |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | This field should show the same pledge reminder owner as specified in Batch item of the related gift. |
Description | This field should show the same pledge reminder owner as specified in Batch item of the related gift. |
Name | USYD_Funds_Received__c |
Label | Funds Received |
Name | AQB__OriginalAmountPledged__c |
Label | Original Amount Pledged |
Type | FORMULA (CURRENCY)(16,2) |
Help Text | For a Pledge, the original amount of the pledge. This amount is not reduced if the Pledge or part of the Pledge is voided, written off, or paid by a third party. It will include additional pledges added after the initial pledge is created. |
Description | For a Pledge, the original amount of the pledge. This amount is not reduced if the Pledge or part of the Pledge is voided, written off, or paid by a third party. It will include additional pledges added after the initial pledge is created. |
Name | AQB__PledgeWriteOffTotal__c |
Label | Pledge Write Off Total |
Name | Usyd_Actual_Donor_Type__c |
Label | Actual Donor Type |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Description | Displays the concatenated contact types |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Driver_Derivation__c |
Label | Gift Driver Derivation |
Required | Yes |
Default value | false |
Description | Update this field when a GRC or SCT record created related to a gift |
Name | Usyd_Gift_Driver__c |
Label | Gift Driver |
Type | TEXT(30) |
Name | Usyd_Bank__c |
Label | Bank |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_Drawer__c |
Label | Drawer |
Type | FORMULA (TEXT)(1300) |
Name | Usyd_Text_Area_Description__c |
Label | Text Area Description |
Type | TEXT AREA(255) |
Name | AQB__AdditionalNewGift__c |
Label | Additional New Gift |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | When a pledge is overpaid and the overpayment is saved as a gift, this links the pledge to the gift. |
Description | When a pledge is overpaid and the overpayment is saved as a gift, this links the pledge to the gift. |
Name | AQB__DesignationText__c |
Label | Designation |
Type | TEXT(80) |
Help Text | This field is automatically populated by the system. If there is one designation for all Transactions on the Gift, the Name of the Designation displays. If there is more than one, then 'Multiple' displays. |
Description | This field is automatically populated by the system. If there is one designation for all Transactions on the Gift, the Name of the Designation displays. If there is more than one, then 'Multiple' displays. |
Name | AQB__RelatedPledge__c |
Label | Related Pledge |
Type | LOOKUP |
Foreign key | Yes |
Help Text | When a pledge is overpaid and the overpayment is saved as a gift, this links the gift to the originating pledge. |
Description | When a pledge is overpaid and the overpayment is saved as a gift, this links the gift to the originating pledge. |
Name | AQB__ContactUtilityDate__c |
Label | Contact Utility Date |
Type | DATE |
Help Text | Date a gift was created/moved using Contact Utility |
Description | Date a gift was created/moved using Contact Utility |
Name | AQB__EngagementScoreCategory__c |
Label | Engagement Score Category |
Help Text | If using the override option, the appropriate engagement score category will be stored in this field. |
Picklist values | Communications |
Description | Identifies the category group the engagement score will be totaled in to. |
Name | AQB__EngagementScoreOverride__c |
Label | Engagement Score Override |
Required | Yes |
Help Text | If a manual update is needed for the Engagement Score value that is outside the parameters of the rule defined, the Engagement Score Override can be used. Marking the override checkbox, selecting the corresponding category will allow the user to manually override the "Engagement Score" field. |
Default value | false |
Description | This field will be used to change the value of the score manually to a value that does not meet the criteria of the defined rule within the Engagement Score parameter. |
Name | AQB__EngagementScore__c |
Label | Engagement Score |
Type | NUMBER(4,0) |
Help Text | When completing an Engagement Score override users will select the category, check the override box, and fill the engagement score field value to the desired score value. All three fields will need to be placed on the desired object. |
Description | This field holds the score value associated with an override. |