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Object Usage
Standard Object Usage
Object Name | Records | Field usage |
Source Gift Account | 988/988 |
Recurring Gift Allocation | 0 |
Recurring Gift | 3,571/3,571 |
Opportunity | 12,166/12,166 |
Non Gift Fund | 0 |
Matching Gift Requirement | 0 |
Gift/Pledge | 376,895/376,895 |
Gift to Other Organizations | 0 |
Gift Recognition Credit | 302,960/302,960 |
Gift Implementation | 374/374 |
GMR Gifts | 4,093/4,093 |
Contact | 690,450/690,450 |
Account | 684,409/684,409 |
Alternate Channels | 3,054,624/3,054,624 |
APT Task | 0 |
AP Task | 0 |
Affinaquest Obejct Usage
Object Name | Records | Field usage |
Engagement Scoring Rule | 0 |
AQDeleteLog | 0 |
AQIDataProcessMaster | 0 |
AQI Object RT Count | 0 |
AQI Object Record Count | 0 |
Activity Report Contact Participant | 293,627/293,627 |
Accolade | 32,894/32,894 |
Alternate Account Name | 22/22 |
Account All Field Count | 0 |
Solicitation | 0 |
Acknowledgement Type | 30/30 |
Action Plan Template | 0 |
Action Plan | 0 |
Action Plans Settings | 0 |
Activities Access Period | 0 |
Activity Report User Participant | 360,960/360,960 |
Activity Report | 361,372/361,372 |
Relationship | 3,248/3,248 |
Affinaquest DonorQuest Settings | 0 |
Affinaquest Engagement Caps | 0 |
Affinaquest HEP Key | 0 |
Alert | 738,535/738,535 |
All PickList Values Count | 0 |
All Record Types | 0 |
Alternate ID | 1,177,453/1,177,453 |
Area of Study | 327,568/327,568 |
Award Recipient | 195,054/195,054 |
Award | 5,084/5,084 |
Batch Correction Item | 236/236 |
Batch Correction Transaction | 1,432/1,432 |
Batch Item Account Match | 0 |
Batch Item Automated Soft Credit | 1,306/1,306 |
Batch Item Extra | 181/181 |
Batch Item Match Potential | 466/466 |
Batch Item Membership | 16/16 |
Batch Item Recognition | 21,146/21,146 |
Deprecated Batch Item Recognition | 0 |
Batch Item Soft Credit Payment | 215/215 |
Batch Item Solicitation Credit | 15/15 |
Batch Item Transaction | 40,469/40,469 |
Batch Item Tribute Notification | 0 |
Batch Item Tribute | 0 |
Batch Overflow Queue | 0 |
Batch Pledge WriteOff | 0 |
Batch Item | 37,023/37,023 |
Batch | 41,196/41,196 |
Benefit | 0 |
Campaign Appeal Expense | 44/44 |
Fundraising Campaign Expense | 0 |
Fundraising Campaign | 38/38 |
Fundraising Campaign Participant | 0 |
Channel Option | 0 |
Class Note | 0 |
CurrencyRestrictedField | 0 |
Data Enrichment | 0 |
Date Max Min And Count | 0 |
Deposit | 0 |
Deprecated Dues Transaction | 0 |
Dues Transaction | 0 |
Dues | 3,290/3,290 |
Education | 746,317/746,317 |
Employment | 161,434/161,434 |
Engagement Scoring Archive | 0 |
Engagement Scoring Rule | 0 |
Event Guest | 886,977/886,977 |
Event | 1,849/1,849 |
Affinaquest Feature Settings | 7/7 |
Financial Asset | 100,249/100,249 |
Financials | 0 |
Gift Recognition Credit | 302,960/302,960 |
Gift/Pledge | 376,895/376,895 |
Gift to Other Organizations | 0 |
Goal Category | 0 |
Goal | 0 |
Institutional Suffix | 1/1 |
Interest (Accounts) | 71/71 |
Interest | 335,496/335,496 |
Inventory | 4/4 |
Key Contact | 210/210 |
LL - Deprecated Accolade Name | 0 |
LL- Account Role | 48/48 |
LL- Chart of Accounts | 13,589/13,589 |
LL- Contact Role | 23/23 |
LL - Currency | 0 |
LL- Institution | 7/7 |
LL- Interest Type | 127/127 |
LL - Postal Code | 98,597/98,597 |
LL - Salutation | 322/322 |
LL- Student Interest Type | 214/214 |
LL - Accolade Name | 1,253/1,253 |
LL - Area of Study | 1,286/1,286 |
LL - Membership Type Level | 8/8 |
LL - Membership Type | 2/2 |
Match Link | 0 |
Match Potential | 211/211 |
Deprecated Match Potential | 0 |
Matching Gift Requirement | 0 |
Media Reference | 0 |
Membership | 1,421/1,421 |
MerDelSync2Dialog | 0 |
Metric | 0 |
Name Definitions - Accounts | 2/2 |
Name Definitions - Contacts | 6/6 |
Name | 976,333/976,333 |
Notes and Comments | 450,651/450,651 |
Opportunity Component | 1,258/1,258 |
Order | 0 |
Relationship Management Team | 43,795/43,795 |
Patient Encounter | 0 |
Patient Overview | 0 |
Patient Provider Overview | 0 |
Pledge Discount and Allowance | 1/1 |
Pledge Terms | 0 |
Portfolio Alert | 0 |
Prospect Management Recommendation | 5,166/5,166 |
Prospect Queue | 932/932 |
Quid Pro Quo | 0 |
Activity Automation | 0 |
Rating | 1,087,056/1,087,056 |
Receipt Job | 2,679/2,679 |
Receipt Settings | 1/1 |
Receipt | 25,922/25,922 |
Recognition Option Offer | 0 |
Recognition Option | 0 |
Recurring Gift Allocation | 0 |
Recurring Gift | 3,571/3,571 |
Event Registration | 904,940/904,940 |
Relationship With Account | 9,830/9,830 |
Relationship with Contact | 75,458/75,458 |
Relationship With User and Contact | 0 |
Research Reference | 0 |
Deprecated Screener | 0 |
Screening | 0 |
Affinaquest Setup | 1/1 |
Soft Edit | 0 |
Solicitation Credit | 15/15 |
Stage Track | 31,151/31,151 |
Stewardship | 31/31 |
Student Interest | 0 |
Summaries Calculation Field | 36/36 |
Summaries Definition | 2/2 |
Summaries Giving Level | 1/1 |
Summary Account Id | 5/5 |
Summary | 1,040/1,040 |
Thank You Token | 118/118 |
Totals Currency and Count | 0 |
Transaction Load | 0 |
Transaction | 542,419/542,419 |
Tribute Notification | 0 |
Tribute | 456/456 |
Affinaquest Trigger Administration | 16/16 |
Unit Account Data | 0 |
User Goal | 648,707/648,707 |
User Option | 2,446/2,446 |
UtilityLog | 4,189/4,189 |
Volunteer Position | 70,053/70,053 |
Web Link | 0 |
Web Link | 0 |
Gift Implementation | 374/374 |
AQIDataProcessMaster | 269/269 |
AQI Object RT Count | 168/168 |
AQI Object Record Count | 123/123 |
Account All Field Count | 0 |
All PickList Values Count | 18,295/18,295 |
All Record Types | 423/423 |
CurrencyRestrictedField | 0 |
Date Max Min And Count | 862/862 |
TestAutoNumber | 0 |
Test Object | 0 |
Totals Currency and Count | 3,020/3,020 |
Schema Records | 0 |
Picklist Value | 0 |
Test Object | 0 |