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TAPSS-1314 Opportunities - Mandatory Primary Contact
User Story
As a Development Manager/Officer, I need to ensure that the “Decision Maker” of Gifts in will (GIW) opportunities and Gift/pledge, are easily identifiable, throughout its life cycle.
Such that, I am aware at all times, who is driving the Opportunity interest.
Acceptance Criteria
Turn off the current automation to add contact roles to Opportunities when a Contact is created/updated/deleted (For all record types)
Amend the existing logic that adds the contact roles to Opportunity when created - To add only for Household Account Opportunities with only one contact and set the Primary true, Role Associated contact and copy phone and email
Throw and error when stage is changed and Contact Role with Primary contact blank throw an error
For existing opportunities when there is a stage change the users can see error if there is no contact role with Primary checkbox ticked
Add the Contact Roles tab next to Details tab (GIW opportunities)
Add the Contact Roles tab next to Details tab - Swap the Soft Credits Tab confirmed by Monica
Gift/Pledge Opportunities - Can’t move back the stages from Gift Handover to backwards (Check if existing?)
Add a logic to check if Opportunity linked Account has at least one linked contact - If not throw an error either at Opportunity creation or if existing at stage change
Create a condition at contact role level that Primary checkbox can be ticked only if the Role = Associated Contact
Note: The errors for stage changed will be ignored for Closed Lost (as contact utility function might cause issues)
Data Cleanup for existing Opportunities with Contact Roles - @jessica.wood @Monica Kluegel @AlainGasquet to discuss and agree
Technical Design:
Deactivated the flow - “Usyd move contacts related to Account to Contact Roles”
Created a new auto launched flow to throw error when a new Opportunity created “Create Opportunity Contact Role”
Check if no contact throw an error
Check if has only one contact with Household Account then automatically create the contact Primary Contact Role
“Create Opportunity Contact Role” - is called in the Opportunity After Save main flow
Updated the flow - “Opportunity Before Save”
To check when stage changed (except stage = closed lost)
If contact role exists with Primary - throw error at least one Primary contact role required
If contact not existing linked to Account - throw error at least one contact required
Test Scenario:
Create an Opportunity where Account Record Type = Household and Contact count > 1
The contact roles shouldn’t be created automatically
When we try to change the stage there should be an error asking us to create a contact role with Primary
TestTest Scenario 2:
Create a Contact Role without Primary check and change the stage.
Test Scenario 3:
Update the existing contact role created in scenario 2 Primary checkbox to “True” and try changing the stage
Test Scenario 4:
Choose an Account of record type = Household and Has only one contact
Create an Opportunity using the account
The Opportunity should has Contact Role created automatically with Primary = True
When we change the Stage it shouldn’t throw an error
Test Scenario 5:
For O2G opportunities changed the Contact Roles tab to be available after All Details as highlighted.
Test Scenario 6:
GIW Opportunities - Add Contact Roles tab after All details
Test Scenario 7:
Create an Opportunity where Account has no contact linked
Test Scenario 8:
Primary checkbox at Contact Role can be checked only if the Role = Associated Contact