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Update "Death" fields on contact to be editable by only GA & Sys Admin
Persona + Need + Purpose
As a GA & Sys Admin user
I want to restrict fields to be only editable by certain users
So that data is entered correctly via the Lightning Contact Utilities and only updated by the team who is responsible for this section
Fields only editable by GA and Sys Admin on the contact:
Location of Death
City of Death
State/Province of Death
Country of Death
Notified of Death by
Corroborated Death Date
Cause of Death
Date of Death
Date of Death Precision
Date of Death Notification
Date Obituary Attached
Obituary Link
Obituary Attached
Death Corroborated by
GA team members:
Monica Klugel
Ana Simic
Ali Macvean
Gemma Skinner
Acceptance Criteria
Ability to edit the listed fields as a GA & Sys Admin user
Inability to edit the listed fields as any other user
Inability to see “cause of death” for all users
Unit Testing:
Login as any user who doesn’t have the permission set “Usyd Lightning contact utilities” assigned and GA admin approval not assigned.
Check if at contact level, can users edit the list of fields above at contact record page
When logged in as a non-GA and user without Usyd Lighting contact utility permission they shouldn’t have edit options for below highlighted fields
Inability to see “cause of death” for all users - Still not done TBD with Monica and Yeng