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TAP-1434: Activate Chatter on Task
Persona + Need + Purpose
As a
GA User
I want to
activate chatter on task
So that
we have a single point of communication instead of having disparate information from different platforms (teams chat, email, etc.)
Business Area
Business Value
Enable communication within Jarvis
Acceptance Criteria
Ability to post messages on Task.
The following Task object page layouts were modified to include the “Post” button
Gift Implementation
Usyd - Task Layout
Unit Testing Guide
Login as user with “USyd Standard User” profile.
Open an existing or create a new task in any of the following record type: Gift Implementation, Pledge Reminder, Standard.
In the Task window/page, check if “Chatter” is available, click on it.
In the “Chatter” tab, check if “Post” tab is available, with “Share” button.
Click on the “Share update” area, and try to type anything.
Click “Share” button.