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Direct deposit batches must not feed to the general ledger so "Do Not Feed" should be ticked.
As a
GA user
I want to
have a validation in place so that we batch closure should not happen when a Batch has a direct deposit transaction and the Do Not Feed is NOT ticked.
So that
we do not feed direct deposit transactions to PeopleSoft
Acceptance Criteria
We want the system to have a validation rule that will prevent the batch from being closed if the Do Not Feed tick box is NOT ticked and there is a Direct Deposit transaction in the batch. This validation rule if violated will cause a batch closing error.
Crowdfunding (Scalefunder) - Feed
Online Giving (iModules) - Feed
Cheques, Bank cheques, Cash, Money order - Feed
Credit Cards - Feed
Direct Deposit - Do not Feed
Bequest Budget - Do not Feed
Pledges Pledges - Do not Feed
Recurring Payments - Feed
Campaign Partner - Do not Feed
Telephone Program - Program no longer exists - should not be an active data source
Legacy System - was only used for data migration - should not be an active data source
Modifications - Can be either Feed or do not feed no validation required user needs to decide based on the batch items being modified
Gifts in Kind - Do not Feed
Note: Exception to Monica(GA Manager role can be used) where Monica can update the source of data without the Do not feed ticked
Unit Testing:
Scenario 1: Login as Monica, who has role = Gift Administration Manager and try to change the Source of Data = Direct Deposit and Do not feed = false no error displayed as user can bypass validations
Scenario 2: Login as any user except the user who has role = Gift Administration Manager and try to update the Source of data = Direct Deposit and Do not feed = false. The system throws an error saying the Do not feed is required.
Check the Do not feed checkbox and the error message is not displayed and save the data
Scenario 3: Login as any user except the user who has role = Gift Administration Manager and try to update the Source of data = Credit Card and Do not feed = true. The system throws an error saying the Do not feed is not required as below:
Untick the checkbox and save to avoid error
Scenario 4: Source of data picklist values shouldn’t have options “Telephone “ and “Legacy Systems” available in the dropdown anymore.