Opp Optimisation Business Requirements

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Opp Optimisation Business Requirements


These requirements were collected from the initial list on the Opportunity Optimisation epic. They need to be further refined with the Feature Owner to assess whether they are strategically addressing the root cause.


User Story

Importance (MoSCoW)

Jira Issue



User Story

Importance (MoSCoW)

Jira Issue





 A Gift/Pledge opportunity shouldn’t be marked Closed Won without a Gift attached

 As a Gift Pledge opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I should not be able to close won an opportunity if an actual gift/pledge is NOT attached to the opportunity

So that I am able to ensure my win is actually linked to a proper gift for campaign counting

Acceptance Criteria:

GIVEN an opportunity is to be closed won from gift handover stage and there is no gift / pledge is attached to it

WHEN I try to close won

THEN I should NOT be able to save the opportunity as closed won

AND the opportunity stays at gift handover stage




Activity Reports to Activity

As a Development Officer

I want to easily log my interactions with prospects and donors in Salesforce in the fastest way possible,

So that I can focus on solicitation and building better prospect relationships




Gift Amount shouldn’t be editable until the Gift Handover Stage and Verbal Acceptance is ticked

As an G/P or GIW opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I want to NOT be able to input value in the Gift Amount field if Verbal Acceptance is not ticked and Gift Handover stage has not been reached

So that I am able to ensure the field is reliable




There should only be one user with the role ‘Opportunity Owner’ in opportunity teams

As an G/P or GIW opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I should not be able to have more than one opportunity owner in the Opportunity Team object

So that I am able to accurately have one opportunity owner per opportunity and it does not generate KPI’s/hard credit issues.




Alerts to opportunity owners and their manager when an opportunity close date is in the past

As an G/P or GIW opportunity owner / team manager user working on an opportunity

I want to be able to receive an alert once a week to update Close Date field if an open opportunity has Close Date before today()

So that I am able to maintain Close Date estimation up to date.




Instrument descriptor on GIW opps shouldn’t be mandatory

As an GIW opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I want to be able to NOT have to document the Instrument descriptor field as it is an unused field by the business

So that I am able to only document elements that are actually useful / relevant




The ‘Ask Made’ field shouldn’t be editable until the opportunity is in the Solicitation stage

As an opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I want to NOT be able to flag that an ask has been made before the solicitation stage has been reached

So that I am able to ensure the field is reliable




Handover meeting with GI task should be complete before an opp can move to the Closed Won stage

As an G/P opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I should not be able to close won an ongoing / new opportunity if the Task: "Schedule Handover Meeting with Gift Implementation" is not marked as "Completed".

So that I am able to ensure the Opportunity Owner / team follow the required instructions




Opportunity shouldn’t have a Close date before the Created date

As an (G/P or GIW) opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity
Close date should not be anterior to created date => error message

I should not be able to create an opportunity if the value in Close Date field is before Created Date value

So that I am able to ensure accuracy in report pipeline




Opportunity shouldn’t have a Close date before the Stage date

As an G/P or GIW opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I do not want to be able to update/create an opportunity if Close Date filed is before Stage Date

So that I am able to ensure accuracy in report pipeline




Solicitation stage date should not be before the Created date

As an G/P or GIW opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I want to be a

So that I am able to




Solicitation stage date should not be after the Close date

As an G/P or GIW opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I want to be a

So that I am able to




Total of Opportunity Components should be the same as the Gift Amount for Gift/Pledge Opportunities in the Closed Won stage

As an G/P opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I want to be sure that the gift amount is correctly represented for gift/pledge opportunities in opportunity components

So that I am sure that the reporting and processing is aligned




Gift Date field shouldn’t be available on the Gift/Pledge Opportunity page layout

As an G/P or GIW opportunity owner / team member user working on an opportunity

I want to archive/hide from all users Gift Date field in the Opportunity Object

So that I am able to only use Gift Date field from Gift/Pledge object as source of truth




GIN record reverting back to an earlier stage when associated with multiple gifts on an opportunity

As a

GA user

I want to

to enhance current feature GIN object stage automation when associating multiple gifts to an opportunity

So that

GIN stage does not revert back to GA entry stage when it should be at GI kick off




New picklist options on the Receipt Delivery field in Opportunity

Can we get these 2 options added to the receipt delivery picklist in Opportunities:
No receipt (Grant)
Grant payment letter

Please keep the original values - email and mail.

Reason: having the default value as email is causing confusing when gift processing grants. Some grants require a grant letter but most do not. The giving summary form is currently not indicating which is the correct option or the grantor’s expectations.




 User interaction and design

 Open Questions



Date Answered



Date Answered


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