TAP-1304: MS - Add validation rule

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TAP-1304: MS - Add validation rule

Persona + Need + Purpose

As a GA user

I want to ensure that all stages of the flow are done in order

So that business process is followed.

GA-Entry, GA-Approval, GI-Kickoff -

Acceptance Criteria

  • GI Kick off stage → If gift/pledge doesn’t exist at GIN level and stage updated to GI-Kickoff throw an error

    • Error message : “Please check that the gift pledge exists and credited opportunity updated at Gift level”

    • Make the Gift/Pledge record read only at page layout level so that only flow will update the field and set stage

  • GA entry and GA approval cannot be updated manually but should be updated by flow

    • Error message: “This stage is updated automatically and cannot be set manually. Please contact Gift Administration for more information”


Create 2 new Validation Rules on Gift Implementation Object:

Validation Rule Name


Condition Formula

Error Message


Check if the Stage is Updated to “5. GI - Kick Off” and if the Gift/Pledge field is empty and throw the error message below:

ISCHANGED(AQC_Stage__c) && ISPICKVAL(AQC_Stage__c, '5. GI - Kick Off') && ISBLANK(AQC_GiftPledge__c)

“Please check that the gift pledge exists and credited opportunity updated at Gift level”


Fire only the error message below once the User is manually updating the Stage to “3. GA-Entry” or “4. GA-Approval”


  • Create a new field (Usyd_VR_Bypass_Toggle__c) as a flag to only allow updating the Stage field via Flow.


  • Update the existing logic of the flow to use the toggle field


NOT(ISCHANGED(Usyd_VR_Bypass_Toggle__c)) && (ISCHANGED(AQC_Stage__c ) && (ISPICKVAL( AQC_Stage__c , '3. GA-Entry') || ISPICKVAL( AQC_Stage__c , '4. GA-Approval')))

“This stage is updated automatically and cannot be set manually. Please contact Gift Administration for more information”

  • Update Gift Implementation Layout to set the Gift/Pledge field to read-only

Unit Testing

#1 Update Gift Implementation Stage to GA - Kick Off when Gift/Pledge is blank


  1. Log in as a GA user

  2. Go to an opportunity with a Gift Implementation record

  3. Open the Gift Implementation record

  4. Update manually the Stage to “GA - Kick Off“ without a Gift/Pledge linked to it.

Expected Result: Validation Rule should fire with error message “Please check that the gift pledge exists and credited opportunity updated at Gift level

Actual Result: Error message thrown “Please check that the gift pledge exists and credited opportunity updated at Gift level

#2 Update Gift Implementation Stage manually to GA - Entry or GA - Approval


  1. Log in as a GA user

  2. Go to an opportunity with a Gift Implementation record

  3. Open the Gift Implementation record

  4. Update manually the Stage to “GA - Entry“ or “GA - Approval“.

Note: These stages can only be updated thru Flow from (Batch Item flow trigger)

Expected Result: Validation Rule should fire with error message “This stage is updated automatically and cannot be set manually. Please contact Gift Administration for more information

Actual Result: Error message thrown “This stage is updated automatically and cannot be set manually. Please contact Gift Administration for more information


Component Name

API Name


Parent Object

Operation (New/Update)

Component Name

API Name


Parent Object

Operation (New/Update)



Validation Rule





Validation Rule



Usyd VR Bypass Toggle


Custom Field



Gift Implementation Layout


Page Layout



System Administrator





Read Only





AQC Opportunity to Gift


Permission Set




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