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Enter a payment against a pledge and close the batch

Test Case Id


Test Case Description

Create a batch to Enter a payment against a pledge and close the batch





Reviewed by (business) & approved date


Automation (AccelQ)




Expected Result

Enter the URL

Login | Salesforce


Enter username



Enter Password



Click on Log in to Sandbox


Successful Login

If not in the Affinaquest app, go to app launcher and type in Affinaquest in the search bar



Once in Affinaquest app, go to Gear Icon



Click on Set up - Blue icon



Click on Users tab



Click on Users



Click on login against the user ( GA User) having all permissions

Monica Kluegel



choose current user


Click Batches Tab



New Batch => Record type = Open Batch => Next



On New Batch




search Monica Kluegel


Batch Type 



Batch Date

Select from Calendar => Today date 


Source of Data



Payment control Amount



Do not Feed

False Un-ticked


Review status

People validated Successfully


Default Entry Type



Default Method



Default Acknowledgement

Search and select "Email - Receipt"


Batch Item Pledge Payment

Manual Review


leave the rest as default then Save



the new batch screen shown



click on Batch item



On Batch item window




search for "Li Ka Shing Foundation"  (notes: the account which Pledge created on GA-0022)


Entry type

check (payment by cheque)





check Number



pop up screen select the pledge which created in GA-0022

Select the pledge of $105000 which created in GA-0022


Click "Post as Pledge Payment"



Amount (of  July transaction date)



Click on button "Pay Pledge"



batch item created



closed batch item screen



back to batch



Click "Closed Batch"



click "Confirm Close"



Click OK on " The batch close process has been started.  You will receive an email when the process is complete."


Successful create the batch with no error

Go to Li ka Shing account and check the gift

Check payment transaction created, and on the Gift?pledge record the total: show the amount pay

2 transaction records create and 1 update to the schedule july transaction record with balance of 0 and Gift/Pledge shown amount of payment on total.

Logout of the User



Close the Browser