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Scenario | Enter a payment (cheque) and close batch |
Test Case Id | GA-0004 |
Test Case Description | Enter a payment (cheque) and close batch |
Notes | additional notes from Monica need to be added to the test: Enter a payment (cheque) and add a bequest Intention/confirmation and close batch. Ensure that cheques details for drawer, Bank and BSB are recorded in separate fields |
Dependency | Accounts and Contacts Exist |
Reviewed by (business) & approved date | Ana Simic 3/11/22 |
Automation (AccelQ) | automated |
Action | Data | Expected Result |
Enter the URL |
| |
Enter username |
Enter Password |
Click on Log in to Sandbox |
| Successful Login |
If not in the Affinaquest app, go to app launcher and type in Affinaquest in the search bar |
Once in Affinaquest app, go to Gear Icon |
Click on Set up - Blue icon |
Click on Users tab |
Click on Users |
Click on login against the user ( GA User) having all permissions | Ana Simic |
Click Batches Tab |
Click New Button |
Record Type = Open Batch, Click Next |
User | choose current user |
Batch Type | Gifts/Pledges |
Batch Date | Today's date |
Source of Data | Cheques |
Click Save |
Click "Batch Items" button |
Accounts | Choose an account with open pledge |
Entry Type | Check |
Description | St George;112879;Dr A Lees; | Format must be: Bank;BSB;Drawer name;any other comments |
Total Amount | 10,000 | Open Pledges for Rachelle Green screen pop up |
Tick "Action" box and click "Post as Pledge Payment" Button |
| Pledge payments list all pledges and allocates the payment accordingly |
Acknowledgement | Default |
Signator | Choose an contact |
Click "Pay Pledge" button |
| Batch Item created |
Click Edit on the batch Item |
| Verify fields Bank, BSB, Drawer are populated
click “view” on the batch item |
| batch item opens in another window |
On Side panel New Task, click on “Create new…” section |
Subject | Bequest Intention |
tick “Bequest Interest” tick box | Yes |
click save |
| task is created which is linked to the batch item |
close window (go back to SmartBatch) |
click Batch number to go back to the Batch |
click Edit button |
Payment Control Amount | 10,000 |
Click Save |
Click Close Batch Button |
Click "Confirm Close" Button |
Click "OK" Button. Refresh screen till record type is set to "Closed Batch" |
| Goes back to Batch record and Record Type is converted to "Closed Batch" |
Click "Account" name on the Batch Items in the right hand related list |
| goes to the Account record |
Click on "Giving" tab |
| Gift/Pledgte record is created |
Click on the Gift/Pledge that was just created |
| all 14 transactions are created |
On "Transactions" related list, click on view all |
| 2 new transactions created: The Original pledge transaction Updated, Balance = 0 |
Logout of the User |
Close the Browser |