Installation of XNAT Gateway

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Installation of XNAT Gateway

3.1 Pre-requisites

(1) Make sure the Incoming firewall for the querying devices (e.g Instrument) has been opened. For assisting in opening the firewall, please consult ICT service desk at 12000. Campus Network Team will be able to assist in opening the firewall on the querying devices side. 

(2) Make sure the DICOM Gateway Server has open the outbound firewall to the querying devices on 

3.2 Download XNAT-DICOM Gateway (All Versions)


Download XNAT DICOM Gateway for Linux — Mar 2019


3.3 Installation: Windows

Under Windows, Sun/Oracle Java 1.6+ is required. Alternatively , you can choose the install version with Java included.

Basic version, no Java included (~5MB): gatewaysetup.exe
Version with 32 bit Java included (~20MB): gatewaysetup-jre32.exe

Instructions: download and run the file, then follow the prompts.
Note: for now, please install to a location without spaces (i.e. not the default location), e.g. C:\Gateway. Gateway doesn't run properly from location that contains spaces; this is a bug in the current version.

Note: XNAT Gateway can run Java 1.8 on Windows. Tested in on my Win10 laptop.
A word of caution – do not install it in default (‘Program Files’) location as that is known to incur permission issues.z

3.3 Installation: Linux (Preferred in Production)

Linux comes with different Java flavors, but we recommend using Sun/Oracle Java 1.8+. Try bundled Java package if you encounter unexpected behavior with default Java VM.

In the Production XNAT Gateway, we will be using Linux Version to implement 

Download one of the following archives:
Basic version, no Java included (~5MB): Gateway.Linux.zip

Instructions: dowlnoad and unzip. In the command prompt, cd to the application directory and run the command:

"java -jar dist/gatewayE.jar"

Getting Started

After running for the first time, you will be presented with the initial configuration screen. For further information, please refer to the online manual.