Argus User Guide

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Argus User Guide

Increasingly, sophisticated research use cases have resulted in increased researcher demand for diverse computation platforms. Single dimension number crunching is no longer a sufficient enabler, and contemporary research has developed a strong digital footprint that breaks the traditional HPC mould. More dimensions are needed to be added to the University research computing landscape.

The Virtual Research Desktop project (VRD project) seeks to deliver a unique capability in the Australian research computing context. While the project team have considered similar services provided by other national and international bodies and institutions, it is apparent that each of the solutions seeks to address overlapping sets of use cases and requirements. It is also evident that the way the service is provided – including the user experience and level of end-user support – differs across similar services. Nearly all related services are focused on Linux use cases, whereas the intent of the VRD initiative is to support both Linux and Windows use-cases.

Argus is the University of Sydney’s VRD project designed to bring remote, on-demand, interactive, graphically intensive compute environments. VRD supports common, convenient software and environments for both traditional and non-traditional users of research computing, including HPC services.

Currently Argus is only available to the following list of Research Facilities:

  • Sydney Microscopy and Microanalysis (SMM), Core Research Facility
  • Sydney Imaging (Preclinical, Clinical and Hybrid Theater), Core Research Facility
  • Sydney Mass Spectrometry, Core Research Facility
  • Sydney Cytometry, Core Research Facility
  • Sydney Informatics Hub, Core Research Facility
  • Westmead Research Hub (Westmead Cytometry and SCHN-Kids Research)

For more information about Argus please read the Argus FAQ or visit the Argus Virtual Research Desktops Windows 10 GPU training.

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