Research Data Store

Attention: Confluence is not suitable for the storage of highly confidential data. Please ensure that any data classified as Highly Protected is stored using a more secure platform.
If you have any questions, please refer to the University's data classification guide or contact ict.askcyber@sydney.edu.au

Research Data Store

The Research Data Store (RDS) provides a central location to securely store research data. For access, create a project with Research Data Storage in Researcher Dashboard (DashR).

To access RDS from off-campus locations, please connect to the University VPN before following the instructions below.

Refer to the following guides for information on mapping RDS as a network drive:

In the following instructions, please replace <Project Short Code> by the short code for your project and <unikey> with your unikey. Replace the angle brackets too. 


You can access the RDS by selecting "map network drive" and using the following network path:


or you can map an individual project by using

\\shared.sydney.edu.au\research-data\PRJ-<Project Short Code>

Please select 'Connect using different credentials' and when asked, enter shared\<unikey> for the user name.

Mac OS

On MacOS, you can access your research-data network drive by opening the Finder application, then clicking Go → Connect to Server and entering


or you can map an individual project by using

smb://shared\<unikey>@shared.sydney.edu.au/research-data/PRJ-<Project Short Code>

RDS quotas

RDS project directories are provisioned with a 2 TB quota. If a project needs more storage than this quota, please contact your Faculty Research Manager. Your Faculty Research Manager will review the project’s current data usage, the project’s data classification and discuss data management strategies. If appropriate, your Faculty Research Manager can approve an increase in quota for the project.

Refer to the Services Portal for more information about RDS quotas.


If your project has Artemis HPC access, you can access RDS project data on login nodes and data transfer nodes in the /rds directory. You may also access your data via a SFTP server. For information about SFTP access, refer to the SFTP access to the Research Data Store guide.

Troubleshooting connection issues

  • RDS can only be mapped as a network drive on-campus. If you are off-campus, connect to the University VPN before connecting to RDS.
  • Only one set of UniKey credentials can connect to RDS from one computer at one time. If you have connected to RDS using a different set of UniKey credentials (for example, if you are using a shared computer and someone else has left their RDS drive mapped), disconnect their network drive before mapping your RDS share.
  • MacOS users may need to disconnect and reconnect their network drives if their existing mapped network drive stops working.

SFTP access

Project data is accessible via SFTP in addition to the above access method. For information on this access method, refer to the SFTP access to the Research Data Store guide.

Other University supported research data platforms

RDS is one of many research data storage platforms offered by the University. For more information about other research data storage platforms, visit https://sydney.edu.au/research-data-platforms. For information about data security classification, visit the security classification of research data page of the Services Portal.

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