IDS Terms of Use

Attention: Confluence is not suitable for the storage of highly confidential data. Please ensure that any data classified as Highly Protected is stored using a more secure platform.
If you have any questions, please refer to the University's data classification guide or contact ict.askcyber@sydney.edu.au

IDS Terms of Use


  • All users accessing IDS must agree to the Research Data Management Policy Declaration. More information can be found on the Research Data Management Guidelines website.
  • User access and project creation of IDS must be made through a IDS Site Manager.
  • Under no circumstances will IDS allow modification of original research data once uploaded. To preserve the integrity of the system, all modifications will create new data sets.
  • Data uploaded to IDS should follow the University policy on Research Integrity, including but not limited to, truthfulness in categorization of uploaded data
  • IDS is accessible through modern browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. Use of IE or Edge are not encouraged.
  • The IDS is for research data only. Non-research related data should not be stored in IDS. The XNAT software has been designed for research purposes only and has not been approved for clinical use.


  • IDS data is regularly backed each day by AWS.
  • In the event where you lose your research data, you can request that it be restored from a previous backup by contacting your Site Manager.


  • It is your responsibility as a Project Owner to specify who has access to your project data. Access to individual projects is controlled through the XNAT interface.
  • ICT system administrators and XNAT Site Managers will have access to data on IDS in order to perform administrative functions, such as creating projects and adding users.

Ethics & Privacy

  • It is the Researcher’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate ethics approval before project creation and subsequent uploading of data. Data must not be uploaded in anticipation of receiving a future ethics approval or a waiver of consent.
  • In the case of clinical research data, copies of consent must be obtained before upload of data to IDS and must be stored in an appropriate University system. Consents must be able to be matched with data in a way that is consistent with the HREC approval.
  • The level of patient consent should match the availability of the data to others.
  • BIDS only handles “Un-identifiable” and “Re-Identifiable” data as defined by the NSECR in compliance with the NSW State Records Act (1988) and Health Records and Information Privacy Act (2002). This includes both metadata and the medical images themselves.
  • Clinical research data where images are “Identifiable” due to the nature of the technique, such as cases where facial data may be reconstructed or where the specifics of the data are unique in such a way that individuals may be identified, may not be uploaded onto IDS.
  • Animal data that contains the owners information in the case of private pets must have said information removed
  • If “Identifiable” data is found on BIDS, the user must notify the Site Managers immediately so that the offending data may be quarantined.
  • Data uploaded to this service may be audited by Administrators or Site Managers for compliance with University policy and state and federal legislation.
  • Locational metadata of rare species is not allowed on IDS.


  • IDS acknowledges that “This product includes XNAT, developed by Randy Buckner at Harvard University and the Neuroinformatics Research Group at Washington University School of Medicine."
  • Users are requested to acknowledge the support of XNAT in publications that utilize IDS by citing “The extensible neuroimaging archive toolkit”, DOI: 10.1385/NI:5:1:11
  • Users are requested to acknowledge the support of IDS in publications that utilize IDS with the following text “The authors acknowledge the facilities and the scientific and technical assistance of the Core Research Facilities at the University of Sydney.”

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