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Main supporting documents

BD Cytometry AnalysersWIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-13.03 Flow Cytometer Analyser Operation Approved 15072024.pdf
Cytek AuroraWIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-62.01 Operating the Cytek Aurora Analyser Approved 12052023.pdfN9-20006 Rev. E_Cytek Aurora User Guide.pdf
CytoFLEX WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-65.01 Cytoflex.pdf 

CytoFLEX Platform Brochure [FLOW-3066SB10.17_201710-LOWRES].pdf

CytoFLEX-VBR-Series Technical Specifications_FLOW-379506.18_20180615.pdf

BC LS Online Training (Research Flow) [v1.1 05-SEPT-2018].pdf

CytExpert Standardisation Guide [v1.0 SEPT2018].pdf

CytoFLEX QC Target File Download [v1.0 05-SEPT-2018].pdf

CytoFLEX Quick Start Guide [B49008AC FEB 2015].pdf

CytoFLEX Series IFU [B49006AM] JULY 2018.pdf

CytoFLEX Setup Guide [B53767AC 2015].pdf

Adjusting Cytflex default scaling in FlowJo v10.pdf

App Note-Flow Cytometric Approach to Probiotic Cell Counting and Analysis_FLOW-2747APP06.17_201706_Smartworks (2).pdf

App Note-Flow Cytometric Approach to Probiotic Cell Counting and Analysis_FLOW-2747APP06.17_201706_Smartworks.pdf

CytoFLEX CytExpert and third party software [FLOW-896FLY04.15-A].pdfCytoFLEX Event Rate Settings [FLOW-957APP08.15-A] AUG 2015.pdf

CytoFLEX Extracellular Vesicles [FLOW-861APP03.15-A].pdf

CytoFLEX height and scaling for FlowJo v10.pdf

CytoFLEX Violet SSC Method [FLOW-990APP08.15-A] AUG 2015.pdf

BD FACSDiscover S8 Imaging cell sorterWIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-64.01 Using the BDS8 Cell Sorter.pdfBD_FACSDiscover_S8_usermanual

Cytometry Sorter - BD AriaIII

WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-57.01 Cell sorting on Aria III Approved 090222.pdf



Cytometry Sorter - BD InfluxWIMR-SWP-OP-WS-503.02 Influx Cell Sorter
AutoMACSWIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-64.01 AutoMACs.pdfautoMACS_Pro_Separartor_user_manual.pdf
GentleMACSWIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-66.01 GentleMACs.pdfgentleMACS manual.PDF
SpectraMax iD5 Plate reader