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Westmead Imaging Facility (WIF) Home
Seeing is believing! The Westmead Imaging Facility, which is part of the Westmead Research Hub (WRH) Core Facilities, enables visualisation at the cellular and subcellular level of the fundamental mechanisms of human disease and informs innovations in diagnostics and therapy.The Westmead Imaging Facility, hosted at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR), serves members of the WRH and is also open to external researchers or industrial users on the basis of a User Contribution Scheme. Our users are undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate degrees or are established researchers working at the cutting edge of bio-medicine.We provide state-of-the-art light microscopy instrumentation and expertise through training, technical support, methodological advice, experimental design and project collaboration. | Our services
Our key technologiesThe Westmead Imaging Facility offers:
In addition, the staff can also assist you with scanning stage microscopes including: