Manuals & Protocols

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Manuals & Protocols

Main supporting documents
Leica Stellaris 5 Confocal DLS 

Stellaris 5 User Manual by Leica

DLS calibration instruction provided by Leica

DLS sample preparation guide provided by Leica

H201-LG-DLS user manual provided by Leica

Brief manual for Stellaris confocal imaging by WIMR Cell Imaging Facility

Brief manual for Stellaris DLS imaging by WIMR Cell Imaging Facility

Olympus VS 200 

Slide Scanner

WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser scanning microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-80.01 Cell Imaging SOP_Olympus VS 200 Slide Scanner

VS 200 ASW-Instruction by Olympus

How to use templates for slide properties 3.4

VS200 v4.1-Instrution for user-more about instrument and calibration

Olympus VS 120 

Slide Scanner

WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser scanning microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-10.01 Cell Imaging SOP_Olympus VS 120 Slide Scanner

VS 120 instruction manual

Instruction manual on polarisation imaging 


WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-08.01 Cell Imaging SOP_Nanozoomer.pdf

NDP.scan U10074-01 instruction manual

Brief Nanozoomer guide


WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-31.01 Cell Imaging SOP_Deltavision Elite Deconvolution Microscope.pdf

Deltavision imaging system user's manual

CO2 and temperature settings for live cell imaging with the Deltavision microscope  

Kolher Illumination procedure

Zeiss Live Cell Imaging System

WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-33.01 Cell Imaging SOP_Zeiss Live Cell Imaging System.pdf

Kolher Illumination procedure

How to set up Positions of a multi-well plate using Sample Carrier mode in Zen?

Olympus BX53/DP80 Fluorescence Microscope

WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-32.01 Cell Imaging SOP_Olympus BX53 DP80 Fluorencence Microscope.pdf

User manual_Cellsens

JuliBr Live Cell Movie 

WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-21.01 Cell Imaging SOP_JuliBr

JuliBr User manual 

JuliBr quick user manual


WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser microscopes.pdf

WIMR-SOP-SP-CI-22.01 Cell Imaging SOP_CytoFuge2

Instructions for use_CytoFuge 2
Leica SP5 Confocal 

WIMR-SWP-WHS-GEN-16.03 Use of fluorescence and laser microscopes.pdf

Leica TCS SP5 User Manual_ March 2019.pdf

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