How-to, Tips & Tricks

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How-to, Tips & Tricks

How-to, Tips & tricks 

  1. Zeiss live cell imaging: How to calibrate the stage and import new experiment templates

  2. Stellaris: How to use AFC for live cell imaging

  3. Stellaris: How to auto save images

  4. Stellaris: How to set up DIC

  5. Deltavision: Auxiliary magnification option for the Deltavision microscope.pdf

  6. Deltavision: CO2 and temperature settings for live cell imaging with the Deltavision microscope.pdf

  7. Deltavision: How to shut down Deltavision system

  8. Deltavision: How to save distance measurement results

  9. Deltavision: How to use the Deltavision analysis computer

  10. Olympus Confocal: How to set up the Olympus Confocal for polarization microscopy

  11. Olympus confocal: Important notes about oil objectives

  12. Olympus confocal: How to correctly operate stage and sample holder to avoid objective damage

  13. Olympus confocal: Line scanning using the Olympus FV 1000 confocal microscope

  14. Zeiss live cell imaging microscope: How to set up autofocus for live cell imaging 

  15. Zeiss live cell imaging microscope: How to automatically save your data in Zen 

  16. Zeiss live cell imaging microscope: How to set up Positions of a multi-well plate using Sample Carrier mode in Zen

  17. Olympus VS 120: How to change scale bar unit from pixel to calibrated resolution 

  18. Olympus VS 120: Tips and tricks on image acquisition with Olympus VS 120 & Handling large sized scanning images  

  19. Olympus VS 120: cellSense analysis tutorial by Olympus

  20. Olympus VS 120: Image analysis strategies with Cellsens by Olympus

  21. Olympus VS 120: how to save copied display images in Cellsens or VS desktop.pdf

  22. Olympus VS 120: How to directly save VSI images to high-res Tiff files using FijiImageJ only

  23. Olympus VS 120: How to psuedocolour channels on the VS desktop software

  24. General: How to transfer large sized data via CloudStor

  25. General: How to access your data remotely

  26. General: How to format a large USB drive

  27. General: How to format a USB drive to FAT32

  28. General:  Kohler Illumination Procedure

  29. General: Things you need to know about figure-making for publication

  30. General (video): How to make a figure of microscope images for publication using FijiImageJ and Illustrator

  31. General (video): How to insert a zoomed inset in to an image

  32. FIJI ImageJ: How to separate IHC images using color deconcovolution

  33. FIJI ImageJ: How to draw a ROI manually

  34. FIJI ImageJ: How to train FIJI ImageJ to select cells you are interested

  35. FIJI ImageJ: How to merge DIC channel image with fluorescence channels

  36. FIJI ImageJ: How to measure fluorescence staining in nuclear (inside cells)

  37. ImageScope: How to change scale bar unit

  38. Previous seminar: Immunofluorescence microscopy and considerations

  39. Previous seminar: Seeing is believing symposium 2017

  40. Previous seminar: Things you need to know about figure-making for final publishing

  41. Previous seminar: Colocalisation microscopy and experimental set-up
  42. Previous seminar: How to acquire reliable and quantitative image data?

  43. Confocal analysis PC: How to manually map to the SP data drive?

  44. General: How to clear Zebrafish?