Past event photos!

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Past event photos!

8th March 2019 - Bob Balderas Presentation and Instrument Review

Bob Balderas visited Westmead Cytometry and presented "Advancing the Boundaries of High Parameter Flow Cytometry". There were many different gating strategies and panels used worldwide presented as well as the latest in continue fluorochorme developments.  

7th March 2019 -  High Parameter Users Meeting

I was invite to present an update on using the Symphony to it maximum by utilising spectral unmixing at the BD - High Parameter users meeting in March.

26th February 2019 -  Paul Wallace visits Westmead Cytometry

We were honoured to have Paul Wallace visit the facility in February. Paul was here en-route to Nepal from New Zealand for an educational workshop, where we had fun trialling a multi-colour haematopoietic cocktail utilising the increased detectors on the BD Symphony. 

19th September 2018 -  NanoFCM trial

On September 19th Ling Ma and Jyhan arrived to setup and demonstrate the NanoFCM. We had a number of users try samples ranging from carbon nanoparticles to microvesicles with varying results. We have the instrument for about a month and hope to run some viral particles as well as more microvesicles through it. Thank you to NanoFCM for the instrument to trial!

6th June 2018 -  Roadshow in Shared Resource Laboratories

Great attendance. We had 30 registrants from 11 institutes including New Zealand. Thank you to Rob Salomon and Joanna Lannigan for their presentations. 

14th May 2018 - Intracellular Multi-colour Theory & Workshop 

Thanks to all those who attended making it a very useful and informative workshop. 

Thank you to Andrew Lim, Ali Kamene & Nikki Alling for all your efforts in putting this together!