When will my jobs start?

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When will my jobs start?

You can obtain an estimated job start time using the qstat -Tu <unikey> command:

These are estimated start times only and assume no further jobs will be submitted to Artemis and all currently running jobs will use all their requested walltime. These estimated start times change frequently based on when running jobs finish and when more jobs are submitted to Artemis.

[abcd1234@login1 ~]$ qstat -Tu abcd1234

                                                            Req'd  Req'd   Start
Job ID          Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
1703678.pbsserv abcd1234 gpu      cnnGreyIma    --    1   1    6gb 02:30 Q 17:08
1703682.pbsserv abcd1234 gpu      cnnGreyIma    --    1   1   16gb 25:00 Q 19:38
1702438.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   wn_112.5Hz    --    1   8   16gb 166:0 Q Sa 01
1702439.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   wn_122.5Hz    --    1   8   16gb 166:0 Q Sa 10
1702440.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   wn_132.5Hz    --    1   8   16gb 166:0 Q Sa 10
1699317.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   tunnel_wit    --    3  96   96gb 72:00 Q Sa 19
1704240.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   bilayer       --    1  24   96gb 96:00 Q Sa 19
1702442.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   wn_147.5Hz    --    1   8   16gb 166:0 Q Sa 23
1703795.pbsserv abcd1234 large    propeller_    --    1   4   12gb 500:0 Q Su 03
1704252.pbsserv abcd1234 highmem  XTEN2_568     --    1   4  200gb 250:0 Q Su 12
1703957.pbsserv abcd1234 highmem  XTEN7_572     --    1   8  200gb 160:0 Q Su 13
1704258.pbsserv abcd1234 highmem  XTEN8_566     --    1   4  200gb 250:0 Q Su 13
1700049.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   001           --    1  24  120gb 168:0 Q Mo 00
1700048.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   004           --    1  24  120gb 168:0 Q Mo 05
1700050.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   002           --    1  24  120gb 168:0 Q Mo 12
1700051.pbsserv abcd1234 normal   003           --    1  24  120gb 168:0 Q Tu 00
1701106.pbsserv abcd1234 large    2016VC_iss    --    1  12   80gb 400:0 Q   Nov
1601758.pbsserv abcd1234 large    QuadPrimw6    --    1   1    4gb 504:0 Q   Nov
1704569.pbsserv abcd1234 highmem  pbs.script    --    1   1   40gb 120:0 Q    --

The estimated start time is shown in the last column of the output. The way to interpret these start times is shown in the table below:

estimated start timeInterpretation
17:08Estimated to start today at 5:08pm
Sa 01Estimated to start on Saturday at 1am
Sa 19Estimated to start on Saturday at 7pm
Mo 05Estimated to start on Monday at 5am
NovEstimated to start in November. For a more accurate estimate, run qstat -f <jobid> | grep start_time
--The job scheduler has not yet scheduled your job.

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