Data Storage/Transfer

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If you have any questions, please refer to the University's data classification guide or contact ict.askcyber@sydney.edu.au

Data Storage/Transfer

Argus provides large, local, dedicated, performance-optimised, temporary storage for each VRD to store research data while it is being processed. As with Artemis’s equivalent scratch volume, this is considered a temporary holding space and is limited in size. Users are advised to move any data they have here to Research Data Store (RDS) once finished working with it. Data in temporary storage will be deleted after signing out of the VRD, or will be deleted by system administrators without notice (when desktop temporary storage is full). Users are advised to save their data to RDS, then delete data from temporary storage before signing out. Data on Argus VRD's is not backed up and ICT Research or Argus VRD participating units will not be responsible for loss of your data on Argus VRD. 

Argus VRD temporary storage is provisioned as M: in Windows and /temporary_storage in Linux systems

For more information on accessing your data on Classic RDS or RCOS please refer to Research Data Store guide.

Access Argus Temporary Storage

Access RDS Projects from Argus Linux desktops

Once your nominated RDS project folder is provisioned you can access your project folder from Argus-VRD via SFTP for RCOS or by mapping a network drive (SMB) for Classic RDS. Please refer to Research Data Store guide for more information.

Argus Windows desktops - Temporary Storage

Argus Windows desktop temporary storage is SAN attached block storage, fine tuned for performance.

Argus Windows desktops Temporary storage is mapped as M: to the desktops. This storage is local to the desktop and isn't available to any other Argus desktop.

Local client Pass-through storage

Local client drives (Linux, MAC and Windows) will be mapped to Argus VRD you are accessing, up on selecting "Read and Write" option from popup, when you access Argus-VRD for first time.

Note: File upload transfers from your local client pass-through drives to Argus-VRDs can be slow. This depends on your internet upload speeds from your local client to Argus VRD Desktop.

Data Transfer

You can copy data to and from your local computer, RDS, Artemis and Argus VRD temporary storage.

The data transfer ‘directions’ available to you are:

Your local computer to Argus temporary storage

  • To transfer your data to and from local computer or Argus VRD, you can connect to RCOS (or RCOS-INT) using Filezilla, CyberDuck or command-line SFTP. You can follow the steps in the Research Data Store guide.
  • Using Filezilla, once connected to RCOS servers you can navigate to your project folder in RCOS to copy files to temporary storage on Argus-VRD. 
  • To transfer data between Argus temporary storage and your local computer, drag and drop files between the left-hand side (local files) and the right-hand side (Argus temporary storage).
  • If you are using a Argus Linux desktop you can also use rsync to sync files between Argus temporary storage and RCOS. 

RCOS to Argus temporary storage

Copying files from RCOS to Argus temporary storage is similar to copying files from RCOS to your local computer. For more information on connecting to RCOS please refer to the SFTP access to the Research Data Store user guide.

Data transfer Classic RDS - Argus temporary storage (M:)

To transfer your data between Classic RDS and Argus temporary storage, map Classic RDS folder/s to Windows Argus VRD and drag-and-drop your files between the mapped drive and the local temporary storage M drive.

For more information about mapping Classic RDS please refer to /wiki/spaces/RC/pages/229146744 user guide. To map Classic RDS project folder you need to check the box Connect using different credentials and use SHARED\<Unikey> and your password.

If you are using a Mac or Linux computer, you can also mount both your Classic RDS and Argus temporary storage and copy between the mount point and local temporary storage. Please refer to /wiki/spaces/RC/pages/229146744.

We are working on providing procedures and contextual information on data transfer as we progress with the Argus rollout.

Note: Temporary storage is allocated based on feedback from participating units research use-cases and is not available to all VRD's.  

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