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2020-12-31 Final Data conversion check-in
Dec 31, 2020
@Jules Levin
@Yeng Sembrano
@Griffin Homan (Deactivated)
@Lori Stirling (Deactivated)
Discussion topics
Data Conversion
Update from @Griffin Homan (Deactivated) - Things looking good, All except 2 small pieces not loaded. Going through finishing and validating Jira tickets. Gifts still loading. All pledges and gifts that were missed are in. Pieces on education being loaded. Havent set triggers on contact and accounts. @Griffin Homan (Deactivated) to advise what objects are stable and therefore testing can commence.
@AlainGasquet cant commence testing of Fund raised, fund received dashboards. @Yeng Sembrano needs to set flag. - USYD advancement portfolio dashboard
@AlainGasquet to check in with Joe on progress of Jira tickets. Those that still have a significant amount of work remaining will need to be handed back to Ekta next week. . Validate rule on Alumni giving will be done post MVP.
Action items