CS&T troubleshooting table

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CS&T troubleshooting table


Potential cause



Potential cause


PMT voltage &/or %rCV increased for one detector

PMT faulty

check PMTV history. Replace PMT if necessary




PMT voltage &/or %rCV increased for detectors on the same laser

laser out of alignment

realign laser


laser delay setting is off

check laser delay history, check for air bubbles in waste line



clean with wire/syringe with decon


dirty flowcell, burnt spot on flowcell

clean flowcell by soaking with 50% decon/contrad ~15min


Laser starting to fail

check laser power and replace laser if necessary


Laser is off/blocked (if increase is massive)

Check if laser is on. Check if laser path is clear




PMT voltage &/or %rCV increased for detectors on multiple lasers

insufficient warmup time

allow at least 30min warmup time


Air bubbles in the system

Check for bubbles in sheath filter/line. If bubbles are present tap on filter to remove. Run ~1L of saline through after bubbles are removed.




PMT voltage &/or %rCV increased for detectors on latter lasers

 blockage or air bubble

Prime the system. Clean with wire/syringe




No events running


clean with wire/syringe


Instrument not pressurised properly

Check for crack on sample tube. Check tank pressurisation/tubing connections




Negative Qr value

faulty pre-amp port or board

change pre-amp port/board




High Br value

Dirty flow cell

Clean flow cell by soaking with 50% decon/contrad ~15min


PMT faulty

Replace PMT

Notes: Violet laser on LSRII is faulty. Ignore all errors.

On LSRII red and yellow green laser share the same mirror.

For BDFACSymphony, CV for vSSC and orange laser detectors are always high. Ignore errors on these parameters

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