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R is available on Artemis. You need to load an R "module" before you can run R scripts. See the loading modules guide for more information on software modules.

If you would like to use a newer version of R, submit a High Performance Computing request via the Services Portal.

Example R job

An example single core R job is shown below. Replace <Project> with your project name. Don't include the angle brackets:

#!/bin/bash #PBS -P <Project> #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb #PBS -l walltime=4:00:00 module load R/3.6.0 cd "${PBS_O_WORKDIR}" Rscript myscript.R

Installing R packages

To install additional Libraries

#Start an interactive job (so you have enough RAM/CPU to complete the install.) qsub -I -P <PROJECT> #Once it starts, load the version of R you want. module load R/4.1.1 #Launch an interactive R terminal R #Now install R packages, probably specifying a directory in /project to install to #(otherwise the default location in your /home/unkiey/.R will fill up quickly). install.packages('SoilR',lib='/project/<PROJECT>/myRLibs/')


After it installs you should be good to go. Keep in mind whenever you want to load the library you must specify the location of your library in your R scripts.

library(SoilR, lib="/project/<PROJECT>/myRLibs/")

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