Access files in a file explorer using SSHFS

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Access files in a file explorer using SSHFS

You can map Artemis’s file system and the RCOS version of the Research Data Store using SSHFS in MacOS and Linux. Once mapped, you can access your files as if they were stored on your own computer. Note that file transfer performance of file access in this manner is not optimal, but this setup can be useful for manipulating and transferring small files.


Firstly, install MacFUSE and SSHFS from here. Then download and install Macfusion. To open Macfusion, you will need to right-click it, then click open. If you just click open, it will say you’re not allowed to open apps from unknown developers.

Next, click the plus button in the lower-left corner of Macfusion and select SSHFS. In the blank box, to map your /scratch directory type scratch, then:

  • Host: hpc.sydney.edu.au
  • User Name: Your UniKey
  • Password: Your UniKey Password
  • Path: /scratch/PANDORA

Remembering to replace PANDORA with your project name. Now, click the SSH Advanced tab. In the Extra Options box type:

-o allow_other,defer_permissions

Next, click the Macfusion tab, then call the volume Scratch.

Then click OK, then click Mount. If successful, Macfusion should say scratch is mounted. You can then open the SSHFS mounted scratch folder by pressing command+R. As it is a volume, you can find the folder under “Your Macbook” in the devices section of the Mac Finder.

To mount RCOS, click the plus button in the lower-left corner of Macfusion again to add another drive. All instructions are identical as for scratch, except replace the Path with /rds/PRJ-PANDORA and the volume name with RCOS.

The performance of SSHFS is poor relative to the performance of other data transfer methods, so it is best to use SSHFS for editing files or performing small file transfers only.

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