Connecting to your machine

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Connecting to your machine

You can connect to your machine through ssh, either directly or using the simplified RONIN Link software.

Simplified instructions for these two processes are below:

Otherwise for details see the Ronin blog pages:




Using your favourite ssh client you can connect to your RONIN machine.

Assuming you have downloaded your key (called yourkey.pem) and save it to ~/.ssh/ folder you may have to change permissions on the key first with:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/yourkey.pem

Then login with:

ssh -i "~/.ssh/yourkey.pem" USERNAME@MACHINENAME.sydneyuni.cloud


MACHINENAME is the name you gave your machine in step 2. Address part of the creation process.

USERNAME is usually related to the type of machine you have created (centos for Centos, ubuntu for Ubuntu) and is chosen when you click the launch button for your machine the first time you build it. You username for the machine is also visible in Machine Summary page:

The first time connect to the machine you get a message about the “authenticity of the host”, type “yes” to add the connection to a list of known hosts.

Finally you will be connected to your machine, start hacking.





You can connect using any ssh client, however the simplest way us to use the Ronin Link software.

For details and to download the RONIN Link client: https://blog.ronin.cloud/ronin-link/


After you have installed RONIN Link. Then in the side-bar Machines menu, select the Machine Summary tab. When your machine is running click the red “OPEN WITH RONIN LINK” button.


Your browser should attempt to launch RONIN Link, click the Open ronin-link button.


Your new machine will be visible in RoninLink. Link the ssh key you save earlier, then you are ready to connect to the machine.

Click the terminal icon

and this will connect you to your machine via an ssh session.

You now have full control over your machine!

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