Machine Management

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Machine Management

How to spin-up/create a new virtual machine

Select the project to manage your instances. Here I am part of “TECHPART” and “TRAINING”. This page also give you an overview of your project usage. Select one of your projects to continue.

Your new view shows you an overview of the project.

Create a new machine by selecting “Machines” → “Create New Machine” in the left hand column


From here follow the 4 steps and select the desired configuration of your new virtual machine.


1 Your base operating system on the machine → Ubuntu 18.04

2 Your machine address and name → pandora-box

3 The specs of the virtual machine → T2.SMALL

4 Add extra storage space → none

Finally click the green rocket icon on the right hand side to launch your machine.


Now you will need to generate an “ssh key” to connect to your machine. Save this somewhere secure as anyone with a copy of this key will be able to access to your virtual machine.


Finally click show me my new machine. It may take a moment for your machine to configure itself and turn-on. When the display says RUNNING you are good to connect to it


How to temporarily turn off or fully destroy my machine

There are a few simple housekeeping things you can do to save you money.

  • Turn off your machine when not in use.

  • Resize your machine if you do not need as much computational power.

  • Select different types of storage.

  • Don’t allocate excessive storage you don’t need.

To manage your machines head to your machine summary:


To make some changes click the configuration icon.

I have published my nature paper and am done with this machine so now I am going to TERMINATE MACHINE. This will remove all data attached (unless I tell it not to) and destroy the machine.

Feels good.


You can stand up another machine any time you need to.

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