Single cell multiomics using the BD Rhapsody HT System

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Single cell multiomics using the BD Rhapsody HT System

The BD Rhapsody system allows multiomic analysis at single cell resolution to characterise and identify cell populations and cell states within complex biological samples. Applications include:

  • Whole transcriptome analysis

  • CITE-seq: Single cell protein expression profiling

  • Single cell immune profiling: TCR/BCR (VDJ) sequencing

  • scATAC: Single cell epigenomic analysis by open chromatin profiling

Sample multiplexing capability by using Abseq antibodies is also available.


Our service includes:

  1. Initial consultation to discuss experimental aims, project design, sample and sequencing requirements

  2. Abseq/CITE-seq antibody staining (if required).

  3. Sample QC (viability check and cell counting)

  4. Sample processing and library preparation

  5. Final library QC

  6. Sequencing

  7. Bioinformatics support

Turnaround time

Libraries will usually be generated within 72 hrs upon sample receipt.

Sequencing data will generally be ready within 4 weeks upon sample receipt.