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Latest News
- Emma Kettle (Deactivated)
- Suat Dervish
- Emma Kettle
EM Slack Group
The EM Slack group "EMofCellsTissuesOrganisms" is a great resource for advice on different EM topics. They have several channels including specimen-sample-preparation, clinical-and-diagnostic-em, interesting-papers, and many more. To join the group click on the following link EMofCellsTissuesOrganisms
TechEM Seminar Series
As the name suggests, the TechEM Seminar Series is focused on the technical side of a wide range of EM techniques. The seminars are very informal and are designed for the audience to ask questions during the talks. They are organised by Erin Tranfield from the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia in Portugal, and are generally held on the first Thursday of each month. Unfortunately for us, they are on around 9pm, but they are extremely informative, offering loads of tips and tricks for laboratory users. The calendar for the first few talks in 2022 is below, but if you would like to be added to the TechEM Seminar Series mailing list, please email Erin at
Date | Topic | Zoom Details |
January 13th, 9pm | Tips and tricks for successful ultramicrotomy with Helmut Gnaegi | Meeting ID: 828 7333 4913 Password: 256609 |
February 3rd, 9pm | Economy of serial-section scanning electron microscopy for 3D volume reconstruction with Reza Shahidi Three-dimensional (3D) volume reconstruction has become a popular medium in exploration of cellular ultrastructure over the past two decades, especially in neuronal circuit studies. However, the best modes of data acquisition still remains elusive and expensive. Many accounts on the technique of ssSEM have been published, for example, but stand as a challenging endeavour. Here, I will present and discuss some practical tips and tricks on using ssSEM technique to reduce the burden of achieving this goal. | Meeting ID: 871 9792 1957 Password: 139849 |
February 17th, 9pm | A new targeted trimming tool with Kimberly Meechan Targeting specific regions of interest with an ultramicrotome is a time consuming and challenging task. To tackle this, we have developed software and a modified ultramicrotome that allows targets to be precisely hit using x-ray scans of a sample. In this presentation, I will introduce the workflow and demo the user-friendly fiji plugin called Crosshair. | Meeting ID: 854 1391 1691 Password: 606000 |
Electron Microscopy at Westmead Video
Click on the link below to watch our new promotional video for our Electron Microscope Facility
Hitachi HT7800 120kV TEM
In February we completed our training on the new Hitachi Transmission Electron
Microscope. Jim Kilcrease, an applications engineer from America, gave us
advanced training in the MirrorCLEM software that is used for Correlative Light
and Electron Microscopy. This will allow us to characterise the same cellular
structure, by combining contextual information from the light microscope, with
the resolution of the electron microscope. If you would like to start a CLEM
project in 2019, please contact Emma
Carbon Coater
We are pleased to announce that we have a new bench top carbon coater
with a rotary stage to enable a more even coating of your sample. It also has
options for glow discharge and metal deposition. This coater is very easy
to use and more versatile than our previous coater so if you would liked to
be trained please contact Emma