Protocols and Manuals

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Protocols and Manuals






Competency Quiz


Training Record






Competency Quiz


Training Record

Tecnai 200kV TEM



Tecnai T20 Competency Quiz



Hitachi HT7800 TEM



Hitachi HT7800 Competency Quiz



JEOL 1400+ 120kV TEM



Jeol 1400 Competency Quiz



JEOL 1400+ EDS

NA - Hard Copy available in the EM suite


Jeol 1400 EDS Competency Quiz



Leica UC6 and UC7 Ultramicrotome




UC6 and UC7 Ultramicrotome Competency Quiz



Leica UC7 FC7 Cryo-ultramicrotome



UC7 FC7 Cryo-ultramicrotome Competency Quiz



Leica IGL Immunogold Labeller



IGL Competency Quiz



FEI Vitrobot Mark IV



Vitrobot Competency Quiz



Leica EMPACT High Pressure Freezer



EMPACT HPF Competency Quiz



Leica AFS



AFS Competency Quiz



Leica AFS 2



AFS2 Competency Quiz



HHV 150 Carbon Coater

NA - Hard copy available in the EM suite


Carbon Coater Competency Quiz



PELCO EasiGlow Glow Discharge



PELCO EasiGlow Discharge Competency Quiz



Block Embedding Procedure

( Resin block making using Hospital machine)